By the end of a history degree, students will have developed:
1. Historical mindedness: Attain a deep, discerning appreciation of the complexities 
of human experience around the world, from past to present. 

2. Experience in information management: Find, filter, contextualize, and 
independently engage with a large number of print, digital, visual and specialized 
data pertinent to the examination of change over time. 

3. Effective analytical abilities and practices: Engage with and critique complex 
historical evidence as well as diverse theoretical and ideological perspectives. 

4. Skills and habits of mind valued beyond the classroom: Acquire disciplined 
reading, writing, research, and oral communication skills essential to 
the independent and collaborative tasks required in varied professional settings. 

5. Active and empathetic citizenship: Practice historical thinking and awareness of 
different times, cultures, and polities as instruments of responsible engagement with the world today.