Department of History Academic Policies
All history essays should follow the citation guidelines outlined in the
Grade Distribution
The following chart shows grade distribution in the History department and their numerical equivalents:
A+ 90 - 100 C+ 67 - 69
A 85 - 89 C 64 - 66
A- 80 – 84 C- 60 - 63
B+ 77 - 79 D 50 - 59
B 74 - 76 F 49 and below
B- 70 - 73
University Policies on Academic Integrity
Intellectual rigour and academic honesty are the cornerstones of universities as centres of learning and research. Consequently, academic dishonesty -- even when committed out of ignorance -- is a serious offence carrying potentially severe penalties. According to the university calendar, academic dishonesty is "misrepresentation with intent to deceive or without regard to the source of the accuracy of statements or findings" and includes such examples as cheating on exams or aiding and abetting cheating by others, plagiarism, and submission of false information. Students are expected to inform themselves about what constitutes academic dishonesty and how to avoid it.
Please also see the .
Grade Appeals
Before launching an appeal, students are strongly advised to speak to the course instructor – many disagreements can be resolved before having to resort to the appeal process.
Students may appeal an assignment or course grade if they feel that there has been an error in arriving at or recording a grade. Application for reconsideration is made in writing and forms for this are available from the Advisor and/or Manager, Academic & Administrative Services. Submit the appeal with any relevant exams, papers ,and assignments that have been marked for the course and returned to the student (final exams are retained by the department for one year and will be added to the appeal package if necessary).
Appeals may result in the assignment or course grade being maintained, increased, or decreased.
The process is as follows:
Assignment grades:
1) Student submits appeal request with the assignment in question, which then goes to the instructor of the course for an initial reconsideration.
2) If the instructor chooses not to change the grade and the student wishes to pursue the appeal process, the request goes to the History Undergraduate Chair who will find a suitable second reader in the department who can evaluate the academic work. Their response then goes back to the Undergraduate Chair who recommends based on this whether a change of grade is warranted.
Course grades:
1) Student submits appeal request with all written assignments for the course, which then go to the instructor of the course for an initial reconsideration.
2) If a change to a course grade is recommended, it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office. If the instructor maintains the grade and the student wishes to pursue the appeal process, the request goes to the History Undergraduate Chair who will find a suitable second reader in the department who can evaluate the academic work. Their response then goes back to the Undergraduate Chair who recommends based on this whether a change of grade is warranted. The student is then informed in writing as to the decision and if a change of grade is granted it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
In cases when students wish to appeal the grade for the entire course, such appeals will be considered only after a final grade has been given for the course and must be launched in a timely fashion following the end of the semester.