
" My field is contemporary women's fiction but through an intersectional feminist lens, because I believe it is important to critically analyze these romances from perspectives that are non white, non cis, non heterosexual, etc. There is much discussion about women's contemporary fiction but the current literature doesn't explore these "othered" perspectives in as much detail as they deserve to be."

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Yelani Peiris

June 11, 2024

English master's student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Tell us a little about yourself, including what inspires you to learn and continue in your chosen field

I am a graduate from the University of Manitoba, where I received an Honours BA in English. My field is contemporary women's fiction but through an intersectional feminist lens, because I believe it is important to critically analyze these romances from perspectives that are non white, non cis, non heterosexual, etc. There is much discussion about women's contemporary fiction but the current literature doesn't explore these "othered" perspectives in as much detail as they deserve to be.

Why did you choose to come to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV?

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV boasts an impressive English program and Writers Studio, and is also renown for it's publication degree.

How would you describe your research or your program to a family member?

Intersectional feminist perspective of women's contemporary romance fiction

What three (3) keywords would you use to describe your research?

Intersectionality, popular fiction, romances

How have your courses, RA-ships, TA-ships, or non-academic school experiences contributed to your academic and/or professional development?

In my BA I received an education in critical race theory and indigenous literature, amongst other valuable courses. These gave me a foundation for reading writers of colour and prepped me to finding interesting subjects to discuss that I have a personal interest in (you see, I am also a queer woman of colour). Since graduation, my personal reading interests have been in "chick lit," or, women's romantic fiction. These lighthearted novels with feel-good endings still provided a valuable platform for non academic readers to discuss important socio-political topics. This intrigued me and I wanted to delved further into it from an academic perspective. Finally, I am also on the board of directors for Contemporary Verse 2 magazine - the oldest poetry magazine in Canada that was originally established as a "feminist magazine to promote feminist poetry." Currently, CV2's mission is to promote a diverse array of voices, but highlighting voices of colour, 2SLGBTQIA* voices, and other minority groups. To conclude, all of these experiences have shaped my approach and intent behind the work I am doing for my MA.

Have you been the recipient of any major or donor-funded awards? If so, please tell us which ones and a little about how the awards have impacted your studies and/or research

I'm just starting so I'm not totally sure about this one! I'm honoured to received the SSHRC.

What have been the most valuable lessons you've learned along your graduate student journey (or in becoming a graduate student)?

Don't take publication rejections super seriously, never be afraid or embarassed to ask your profs/superiors for help. Everyone is very kind and always willing to see you succeed.

How do you approach networking and building connections in and outside of your academic community?

Attend events! Reach out to your cohort and make friends, so you have a buddy to attend stuff with. Strike up conversations with those who speak at seminars, ask them about their research. Volunteer somewhere you enjoy, and the opportunity for connections will come.

What are some tips for balancing your academic and personal life?

Eat 3 square meals, sleep 8 hours a day. Having those on track will improve your energy levels dramatically. Make time to socialise with your loved ones.

If you could dedicate your research to anyone (past, present and/or future), who would that be and why?

To rom com lovers everywhere, and especially those that finally see themselves in the shoes of the main character.