
Business Cards for Grad Students

Most ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate students can order business cards through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Document Solutions.

Process for ordering business cards:

  1. Place your order, following the instructions below. Please read them carefully. Requests for business cards may be rejected if you deviate from these instructions.
  2. After you submit your order, Graduate Studies will verify your status as a graduate student and either approve or reject your order.
  3. If your order has been approved, Document Solutions will contact you for payment in order to proceed with your order.
  4. After your payment has been received by Document Solutions, your business card order will be processed and you will be contacted by Document Solutions when they are ready.
  5. If your order has been rejected, please re-read the instructions below and follow them carefully to place a new order.

Ordering Exceptions

If you are a graduate student in the following academic units, you must place your order with your Graduate Program Assistant:

Orders using the online form below will be rejected.

Instructions for Completing the Online Ordering Form

A. Enter your First Name and Last Name

B. Optional: You can enter the degree credentials you've already completed or leave this blank

Reasons for rejection:

Only degree credential may be entered. Degrees written out instead of using the credential designation will be rejected (e.g. writing "Bachelor of Arts" instead of "BA").

Your order will be rejected if you include anything else but the degree credentials you've already earned.

C. Enter the credential of the degree (without periods) you're currently pursuing and Student (e.g. MSc Student or MPub Student) OR enter degree type (i.e Master's or Doctoral) followed by either Student (Master's or Doctoral) or Candidate (Doctoral students only) (e.g. "Doctoral Student" would be acceptable).

Note: in many departments, the title "Candidate" is reserved for doctoral students who have completed all course work, comps, and have only their dissertation to complete; please check with your graduate program assistant prior to placing order.

We will only verify that you are a current student and that your card conforms to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV styling policy before approving the card.

If your department objects to the title you have chosen for your cards, you will be responsible for the cost of printing new cards.

See credentials offered by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to verify the credential and how it should appear.

Reasons for rejection:

Your current degree credential and your status as a Student or Candidate are the only acceptable titles. Secondary titles, such as job positions or award titles as well as degrees pursued in the past will result in a rejected order.

Any of the following (or similar entries) will be rejected: Graduate Student; Research Assistant; Sessional Instructor; TA; TM; etc.

At ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, degree credentials do not include periods. For example, if you write Ph.D.; M.Sc. (or similar), your order will be rejected.

D. Leave the field with "Optional Title" blank

E. Enter the Faculty you are enrolled in. Options include: Faculty of Applied Sciences; Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences; Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology; Faculty of the Environment; Faculty of Health Sciences; Faculty of Science; Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies

F. Optional: Enter the school or department name, if applicable. Graduate Students in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Education or in the Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies program will leave this blank.

Reasons for rejection:

Your order will be rejected if you enter any information in the "Optional Title" field.

Entering anything beyond the approved Faculties (or the Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies program) will be a reason your order is rejected.

G. Building, room number and campus are all required. If you do not have an office or lab on campus, please put the building, room and campus of your graduate program office.

H. Enter in your email address

I. A website is required. If you do not have your own website, you can include the link to your graduate program.

J. Include a main telephone number where you can be reached.

Reasons for rejection:

Your order will be rejected if you only enter "sfu.ca" in the website field. If you don't have a personal website, you can enter the website for your academic unit/program/faculty.

K. Including pronouns is optional 

To Place Your Business Card Order

  1. Click on the "Place Your Order with Document Solutions" button
  2. On the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Document Solutions website, click on the "Start Your Order" button.
  3. Log in as User ID: gradstudents | Password: gs-2022
  4. Select "¶¡ÏãÔ°AV-BUSINESS-CARDS"
  5. Click on the "Configure" button on the right side of the page
  6. Enter your information as described in the instructions (above).
  7. Click the "Update Preview" button under the bottom left corner of the sample card to populate it with your information.
  8. If you are satisfied with the layout of your card, you may click the "Proof" button under the bottom right corner of the sample card to save it to your computer.
  9. When finished, click the "Continue with Order" button
  10. On the next page, click the "Place Order" button. The Standard minimum order is 250 cards.
    If you'd like fewer cards:
    You can ask for 100 cards. However, you still must select 250 cards now, but when you are contacted by Document Solutions about payment, you can inform them then that you'd like 100 cards.
    If you'd like more cards:
    If you would like to increase the quantity of your card order, please do so prior to clicking the "Place Order" button.
  11. As a final step before logging out, return to the form and click the "Cancel" button to clear your information from the fields. This will ensure the form is clear for the next graduate student.

Business Card Costs

Standard minimum order (250 cards)
$68.75 + taxes

Orders for 100 cards
$35.00 + taxes