

Upcoming Activities

FHS Undergraduate Intro to Research Seminar
Tuesday, October 1st

RSVP here: 


Are you an undergraduate curious about the research field? Do you have questions such as:

  • Is research right for me?
  • How do I get into research in FHS? What does it look like in FHS?
  • What are the jobs I can get in the research field?

The Faculty of Health Sciences is hosting a free information seminar on October 1st from 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm in the FHS Student Commons Clamshell (BLU 10810).
In this information session, we will go over:

  • An overview of the research work in FHS
  • How to start looking into research for yourself
  • USRA's and Honour's
  • What research jobs look like (via Co-op)
  • Student stories and examples

Attendees will also be treated to free pizza and refreshments.


Tuesday, October 1st


FHS Student Commons - Clam Shell
Access into the Student Commons is available to FHS students by code