

Evan Adams

Chief Medical Officer

First Nations Health Authority

Evan Adams

Chief Medical Officer

First Nations Health Authority


Dr. Evan Adams is of Sliammon First Nation ancestry and serves as the Chief Medical Officer for the First Nations Health Authority. In his role as CMO, Dr. Adams provides invaluable leadership representing the FNHA. He works closely with government partners on population and public health matters that affect First Nations and all British Columbians.
Prior to working with the FNHA, Dr. Adams was appointed as Deputy Provincial Health Officer and worked alongside Provincial Health Officer (PHO) Dr. Perry Kendall and Deputy PHO Dr. Eric Young. In this role, he provided independent direction on First Nations and Aboriginal health issues to the Ministry of Health. He also reported to citizens on health issues affecting the general population and set out a path for the improvement of First Nations and Aboriginal health and wellness.
Dr. Adams leads a team of FNHA physicianshealth and wellness partners to BC First Nationswho focus on First Nations health and wellness with the aim of creating a unique health care model that will be the first of its kind in Canada. He contributes to the continued transformation of health care and responds to the wellness directives provided by First Nations communities.
Dr. Adams completed his Doctor of Medicine (MD) at the University of Calgary, his Aboriginal Family Practice residency at St Pauls Hospital/UBC (as Chief Resident), a Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, and served as the Director of UBCs Division of Aboriginal Peoples Health.
Dr. Adams likes to keep his family close, including his five sons and step-daughter, and honours his family. He is a marathon runner and is beginning to add swimming to his wellness plans. Dr. Adams is notable for his acting role in the movie Smoke Signals; he truly enjoys the arts.