

Projects 2023

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  • Featuring a co-created selection of artwork that includes paintings, poetry, and personal narratives, The Boat People Art Installation is a response to the lack of widespread understanding of the Vietnamese Boat People’s history. The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked the beginning of a mass exodus of Vietnamese people, leading to a diaspora whose stories of hardship and bravery remain largely untold. It is not just about revisiting the past - it’s about recognizing the strength and resilience that have shaped the lives of these individuals and their families.

  • With this project, we plan to utilize the transformative power of artistic expression by providing accessible and inclusive arts and crafts workshops within the DTES community. Beyond the therapeutic benefits, our initiative is dedicated to restoring a sense of community that has been eroded by the challenges faced by residents. Through collaborative creative activities, we aim to strengthen social bonds, reduce feelings of isolation, and create a platform for positive interpersonal interactions.

  • The homelessness crisis happening in our communities is a powerful lesson about the gaps in our society and who ends up falling through those gaps. It is important that everyone, regardless of their background, is educated on the realities and myths surrounding the homelessness crisis. Alongside this awareness, everyone deserves to learn how they themselves can help to make meaningful change in their communities. Working with our knowledge partners at the Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby, we will be teaching elementary and high school students about the homelessness crisis through a day-long crash course on how to make aid kits for the homeless population.

  • Healthy and nutritional food is critical for the development of children and youth. Unfortunately, many families face barriers in trying to access fresh fruits and vegetables. Our goal is to support marginalized youth in learning to grow their own plants and food. Over the course of a growing season, we will teach children how to plant, tend, and finally harvest the fruits of their labour. Our hope is that by helping children become more knowledgeable and engaged in the food-making process, they will develop lifelong healthy habits and an appreciation for sustainability.

  • GenConnect intends to have a beneficial impact on the daily lives of isolated seniors. The purpose of our project is to create intergenerational connections between Punjabi youth and seniors in Surrey through shared cultural heritage. We focus on Punjabi seniors who live in isolation with limited opportunities for connections, leisure, or a sense of community. Through workshops, events, and trips, we focus on the importance of cultural knowledge, language, and wisdom, etc. among youth and seniors living in our Punjabi-speaking community.

  • Inside Out is a project that aims to promote healthy communication and relationship building through introducing social and emotional learning (SEL) practices. In collaboration with South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, the project offers interesting and interactive SEL workshops to the racially, linguistically, and culturally diverse population in South Vancouver, living on the unceded, ancestral territories of the xÊ·mÉ™θkÊ·É™yÌ“É™m (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and sÉ™lilwÉ™taɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.

  • As South Asian female international students ourselves, we have first-hand experience of the pleasures and challenges associated with shifting to a new country. Mitti means soil (earth) in many South Asian languages, connecting us back to our roots and identities while emphasizing the concept of brown beauty. We organize and host instructional, conversational, and festive meetups, collaborating with different community partners to provide diverse activities. Mitti’s long-term ambitions include introducing a volunteer initiative, launching an empowerment podcast, expanding to more cities, as well as launching campaigns to educate underprivileged South Asian females, contributing to breaking cycles of poverty in their families, among others.

  • It takes a community to tackle public health emergencies. Our team has planned a free community panel event to raise the voices of those represented in and affected by BC's overdose crisis. Speakers representing a range of direct expertise and lived experience will anchor this important conversation, providing a unique opportunity for audience members to ask questions and hear from them. The goal of this event is to deepen our community’s collective knowledge of BC's multi-faceted overdose crisis, and to build trust that people who use drugs are not bad people. This event will be held in Coquitlam in Summer 2024.

  • One Tap Away is a social innovation project that harnesses chatbot technology to enhance access to gender-based violence services, particularly for young undergraduate students. The project aims to bridge the service gap caused primarily by the discrepancy between social services’ traditional service provision modes (e.g. phone calls, emails) and young individuals’ preferences for digital contact methods (e.g. instant messages through social media).

  • As an immigrant from Ethiopia, I know that the level of awareness about Indigenous Peoples in Canada is very low among my community. But we are great runners. In Ethiopia, running is not only a sport—it’s also intertwined with community practice and resilience. Annual mass runs or road runs are a common practice in Ethiopia, where people express their emotions, run, dance, and sing together. Running heals our pain by bringing us together. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV BC Run combines a road run with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Shirt Day to bring my community and others together to play our part in the Truth and Reconciliation process.

  • Read For Our Lives is a community study group project on the topic of global solidarity and border abolition. We aim to reduce barriers to accessing challenging texts by providing resources and time to engage playfully with our confusions, connections, curiosity. Twenty community members will meet for ten sessions bi-weekly for in-person discussion, artmaking, and to share a meal. Our hope is to bring together those with different yet connected struggles to look carefully at the spaces between us. By cultivating a culture of engaged and social reading, we hope to deepen our communities' intellectual and spiritual resources to engage in interwoven struggle towards kinder and more loving worlds.

  • The goal of Rooted In is to explore our own personal medicine through interconnectedness with nature and self-reflection through art, while being guided by the lessons of local plants. Weekly sessions will feature a different local plant to support the exploration of resilience, interdependence, unlearning perfectionism, and radical self-love. By working with local Indigenous knowledge keepers of plant medicine and land stewardship, we will cultivate a deeper sense of belonging to land and place.

  • Solastalgia is a youth-led community initiative that addresses climate anxiety among youth using creative art mediums. Facing uncertain futures from the climate crisis, youth today need ways to manage their eco-emotions in productive ways. We have found that the creative arts are a powerful tool for young people to engage in the topic of climate change, see themselves as agents of change, and act. We host intergenerational events, including eco-poetry and eco-arts workshops and a local nature walk. We will be deepening our relationship with Suzuki Elders and Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre and collaborating on more events that feature art as the medium for exploring climate emotion and processing them into action.