

How it works

Register and assemble your team.

Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024

Teams can have from 1 to 5 students (for exact team requirements, see the Rules). 

Everyone on your team must register for the competition by Friday, November 22, 2024.

When your team is ready, your team captain will complete Step 2 and submit your teams idea.

Now its time to dream! What will you do? Which organization in your community do you want to work with? Write things down and dont worry how crazy they sound (the more you write, the more you can sift the good from the bad). You might want to look at step 2 to get some ideas for what youll have to submit.

Submit your idea.

Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024

Work with your team to craft your answers to the questions on the idea submission form. When youre ready, your team captain will complete and submit the idea submission form online.

These are the questions on the form:

  1. Briefly describe your idea, outline its goals, and describe how it will enable you to work together with community partners towards innovative and meaningful impact.
  2. If successful, what outcomes and/or impacts will your target community realize by doing this project with you?
  3. What motivated your team to enter the 間眅埶AV Student-Community Engagement Competition?
  4. Where will your project take place, and how is your project specifically suited to that community?
  5. Are you competing for the Connect Fest Award?
  6. (If you answer yes to question 5.) Please describe the event/experience youd host for the 2025 Connect Fest.

Make sure your team captain submits your idea before the deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024 (the same as the deadline to register for the competition).

Note: if your team submits more than one version of the same idea, we reserve the right to choose which one we will evaluate. And rememberyour ability to stay organized will say something about how viable your project is, so please attend to your idea submission with the care it deserves!

Has everyone registered? This is a good time to double check that everyone on your project team has registered individually using the registration form. You can submit your idea before everyone registers, but everyone on your team must be registered by Friday, November 22, 2024 in order to be eligible to participate.

Once the Step 2 deadline has passed, all idea submissions will be reviewed by an internal team of jurors. If your idea is among the most promising and in the best spirit of this competition, you will be contacted in mid-December and invited to submit a detailed proposal (Step 3).

We will try to provide feedback to those teams who are not invited to continue in the competition. If your team does not advance, please dont let that discourage youafter all, we cant accept every proposal (even if we might want to). Consider how you might move forward outside the competition, if you are inspired to. And you can always submit again next year.

Submit a detailed proposal.

Deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025

Now its time to get into the details. Teams will be notified of their results by early-to-mid-December. Successful teams will be invited to submit a 3-page detailed proposal. Specific requirements for the detailed proposal will be provided in the invitation.

Detailed proposals are due by midnight, Pacific Time, Friday, January 24, 2025. That will give your team about 5-6 weeks to prepare it.

Detailed proposals should convey your ideas clearly and demonstrate that your plans and ideas have been thought through well. Above all, your detailed proposal must reflect the intention and spirit of this competition and should clearly demonstrate that you have initiated a collaborative relationship with a partner in the community (hint: reach out to prospective partners early).

You may want to start preparing this material with your team well before your initial idea submission is evaluated. Consider the evaluation criteria for project selection, consider past finalists, and think about the kinds of things youll need (and what you'll need to know) to both implement your project and evaluate its impact.

We try to notify teams about their results within two weeks of the detailed proposal deadline.

Present your idea to a panel of judges.

Deadline: Mid-to-late February 2025

Teams that advance to Step 4 are considered finalist teams. Finalists will be invited to select a time to present their project to a panel of judges in mid-to-late February 2025. This panel may include 間眅埶AV faculty, 間眅埶AV students, competition sponsors, or community partners. Winners will be determined after all teams have presented.

Winners will be determined as quickly as possible after all teams have presented, and all teams will be notified about their result.

Whether you win an award or not, every 間眅埶AV student on a finalist team who is enrolled in a for-credit program will qualify for credit on the 間眅埶AV Co-Curricular Record. Taking an idea from dream to presentation takes a lot of work, and you deserve recognition for it.

And remember, whether you win funding or not, you will have made connections with community partners and others who could help you develop your ideas even further.

Heres where the magic happens

Working with your community partners, you engage in the wonderful, messy, magical process of co-creating projects that strive for meaningful impact.


This might take a month. This might take a year. Building strong, reciprocal relationships with your teammates and partners will help you respond to any challenges.

Dont take our word for it read about it here, and here.

Share your story and reflect on the process.

Timing: September 2025

Part of good community engagement is closing the loop with your funders (and your partners!), so a condition of accepting an award is the creation of a Project End Report. Not only does a report help us understand what you did and how it worked, but your reflections might also help future teams.

To support you in thinking about your project, we will reach out to you periodically with opportunities to reflect on how your projects and partnerships are progressing. If youre willing, we may be able to publish your reflections on our website. Check out what other finalists have reflected on  you might pick up some valuable wisdom!

We look forward to reading through your creative and inspiring ideas for community impact! Good luck to all participants!




Up to $30,000* is available to fund 間眅埶AV students who want to work with community partners to drive meaningful, lasting impact.

Maybe youre working on an existing idea for a class youre taking, through a student club or another organization, or maybe you just have an amazing idea that keeps you up at night.... Whatever it is, we want to hear from you!

Start the process now by registering today and then submitting your idea before November 22  all you need is your passion and an idea. 

* Award amounts subject to change.