
Graduate Student Supervision

Vinden, Sally (2020) An Exploration of British Columbias TVET Instructors' Perceptions that Shape their Curriculum Choices (w/ Dr. Natalia Gajdamaschko, co-supervisor)

Pastrana, Sergio (2020) Experiences of Latin Americans seeking professional jobs in Greater Vancouver. (Committee member: SS Dr. Kumari Beck)

Clarke, Angie (2019) Why do they stay? A descriptive study of the factors associated with the first to second year retention at a technical campus. (Committee Member: University of Calgary)

Shandler, Judy (2019) Exploring the culture and complexity of three British Columbia Post-Secondary Institutions in their support of instructors using educational technologies. (w/ co-supervisor Dr. Larry Sackney)

Morgan-Fiere, Ciara (2019) Weaving with Trickster: Indigenous students making our place in Science.

Arora, Anisha (2019) The experiences of first-generation Punjabi students at 間眅埶AV.  

Neigel, Christine (2018) Loveless Frumps, Old Maids, and Diabolical Deviants: Representations of Women Librarians in Popular Culture. (Committee member: SS Dr. Beth Marshall) 

Kanji, Zul (2018) A national study of the use of Behaviour Intervention Teams in addressing problematic student behaviour at Canadian institutions of higher education.

Rogerson, Chris (2018) A national study of the use of Behaviour Intervention Teams in addressing problematic student behaviour at Canadian institutions of higher education.

Thalheimer, Agatha (2017) An exploration of academic department chairs in Britih Columbia public colleges. (senior co-supervisor; co-supervisor: Dr. Tom Romer, BCIT). Nominated for CSSHE George L. Geis Dissertation of Year 2017

DeJong, Marian (2015) Parent roles in mediating behavior problems of school-aged students: A case study set in a small BC coastal community. EdD Dissertation. (Senior co-supervisor; co-supervisor: Dr. Byron Robbie)

Point, Gwen (2015) Intergenerational experiences in Aboriginal education: My family. EdD Dissertation (committee member)

Garson, Kyra (2013) Are we graduating global citizens? A mixed methods study investingating students' interculteral development and perceptions of intercultural and global learning in academic settings. EdD Dissertation. (senior co-supervisor; co-supervisor Dr. Christine Wihak, TRU). Winner of the CSSHE George L. Geis Dissertation of the Year 2013

Theroux, Sandy (2013) Handheld Computers and Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Supporting or Hindering Development of Caring Relationships with Receivers of Care. EdD Dissertation. (senior co-supervisor; co-supervisor: Dr. June Anonson)

Radford, William (2013) Post-Secondary Internationalization and Hyper-Diverse City Contexts. PhD Dissertation. (committee member)

Bothello, Tony (2012) Career Education in the Age of Engagement: An Analysis of Initiatives at 間眅埶AV. MA thesis. (committee member) 

Tamburro, Andrea (2010) A Framework and a Tool for Assessing Indigenous content in Social Work Curricula. EdD Dissertation. (senior co-supervisor; co-supervisor: Dr. Heesoon Bai)

Internal/External Examiner

Ho, Candy (2019). Professionals in post-secondary education: Conceptions of career influence. 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Mann, Melinda (2019). Speaking up and speaking back to high school and post-school transition experiences: An Indigenised narratology exploring education for the life success of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living on Darumbal Country. Central Queensland University. External Examiner.

Coble, James (2019). Exploring Aboriginal student experiences with post-secondary education through photography. Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, External Examiner. 

Sjolander, Christine (2018) Describing the Canadian Post-Secondary Career Centre Landscape An exploratory survey. 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner 

Smith, Dawn Marie (2018) hii k妢iii si (bringing something good from way back): A Journey to Humanize Post-Secondary Education. University of British Columbia, External Examiner 

Condappa, Charmaine (2018) A phenomenographic study on on-reserve Aboriginal students experiences in a one-year college transition programme. University of Liverpool, External Examiner

Chenoweth, John (2017) Finding Qwamqwmt: Re-imagining post-secondary education for Aboriginal people. Univeristy of British Columbia, Okanagan, External Examiner

Guinan, Dan (2016) The social enviornment and Indigenous student success in a Canadian post-secondary institution. Royal Roads University, External Examiner

Giovannetti, Mary (2015). Faculty and administrator perceptions of a faculty evaluation process and its ability to advise faculty enrichment. Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Buddel, Neil (2014), Stories matter: Exploring first-generation university student persistence. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, External Examiner

Britten, Lianne (2014), The colour of youthful footprints along the career journey: Voice of Indigenous and migrant youth on the transition from school to career, Macquaire University, Sydney, Australia, External Examiner

Brazzoni, Christine (2013), Mental Health and Healing with the Carrier First Nation: Views of Seven Traditional Healers and Knowledge Holders, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Gervan, Ted (2013), How students develop a  sense of belonging to their academic community: A qualitative study of students experiences in for-簫profit entertainment Arts College, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Hansen, Heidi (2012), An Urban Organizations Approach to Aboriginal Child Welfare Practice, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Holyk, Travis (2011), U'H Nook Noh Khunuk (In our Own Words): Lake Babine Nation Parents' Understanding of School Assessment, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Lenarduzzi, Grant (2010), The Effect of School Closure on Principal Leadership, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Ross, Kate (2010), The Effect of Institutional Merit-簫Based Aid on Student Aspirations, Choice and Participation: A  Mixed Methods Approach, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Johansen, Shona (2010), Aboriginal Nursing Student Success: A Phenomenological Exploration of Elements of Success within Post-簫Secondary Nursing Education, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV, Internal Examiner

Ruawai-簫Hamilton, Ngahiraka Joyce (2009), Te Whare Waananga o Ngaa Raura: Iwi Places and Pattern of Learning, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland, External Examiner

Defense Chair

Dhaliwal, Supinder (Sue) (2020).  Classroom teachers' perspectives of school-based teaching (SBT) practices in British Columbia. (EdD) PASS. 

Jung, Kathryn (2020). Why mentoring of female educational leadership with an ethic of care matters. (EdD) PASS. 

Murray, Joel (2018). From the inside out: A hermeneutic phenomenological exploration of the ethical dilemmas and lived experience of an associate dean. (EdD) PASS

van der Putten, Sonja (2017). The Impact of One School Community on Female Refugee Adolescents and their Sense of Belonging. (MA) PASS

Chute, Carey (2017). Principal beliefs, experiences, and barriers to involvement with student teachers during practicum component of initial teacher education programmes. (EdD) PASS

Ma, Mengxin (Vickie) (2017). Older adult gamers: Digital game genres and the perceived benefits of gameplay. (MA), PASS

To, Daniel (2017). Parental support for students who participate in high school athletics: An exploration of the perceived influence of parents and its effect on student self-efficacy and academic success. (EdD). PASS

Glasgow, Keith (2015). An Analysis of the managerial and instructional leadership practices of secondary school principals under Universal Secondary Education Reforms in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. (EdD) PASS 

Jafari, Helia (2015). Children of War: An ECIT study of resiliency in young Canadian refugees. (MA) PASS

Begalk, Bart (2013). A Transnational Collaboration in the Establishment of a Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. (EdD) PASS

Oliver, Richard (2010). What Helps and What Hinders Student Transition from Middle School to Senior Secondary School. ( (EdD) PASS

Bullard, Glen (2010). How CanWest Newspapers Covered the BCTF in October 2005. (EdD) PASS
