Frantzich, K. & Fels, L. (2024). Embodied theater ecology: illuminating the gap through bridging depth psychologys encounter with performative inquiry. In R. Lengelle, D. Hughs & L. Hambly (Eds.). Art that tells the truth: creative methods in guidance and counselling. 8-17. First published in British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 46 (3) 272-281.
Fels, L. (2023) Embodying Imagination: Creative Leadership In Action. In Gillian Judson & M. Dougherty (Ed.). Cultivating imagination in leadership: Transforming schools and communities. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Meyer, K. & Fels, L. (2023). Light, sound, moving around! What monsters are made of? In Christine Tippett & Tod Miller (Eds.). Seeing Science through the Eyes of Canadian Teachers and Learnings, Secondary and Beyond. Springer.
Korchinsky, M., Martin Elwood, R. & Fels, L. (2023). Kaleidoscope: Violence/Hope/ Action. In Katherine Rossiter & Jennifer Rinaldi (Eds.) Institutional violence. McGill-Queens Press.
Fels, L. (2022). Melting ICE. Imaginative Creative Education chapter. In Blaine Hatt (Ed.). Crushing Ice: Short on theory, long on practical approaches to Imagination Creativity Education. Victoria, BC: Friesen.
Taylor, S. & Fels, L. (2022). Beyond popular scholarship: SExT youth engaging in the worlds renewal In Patricia Leavey (Ed.). Popularizing Scholarly Research: The Academic Landscape, Representation, and Professional Identity in the 21st Century (provisional title). Oxford Press.
Mulder, D. & Fels, L. (2022). Perpetual Bloom. In Diane Conrad & Sean Wiebe (Eds.). Educational fabulations: Teaching and learning for a world yet to come. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrove.
Fels, L. (2020). Contact!Unload Revisited: Degrees of Separation. In G. Belliveau & M. Westwood (Eds.). Soldiers performing self in CONTACT!UNLOAD: Innovations in theatre and counselling psychology. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Fels, L. (2020). Performing Action Research: Stepping Forth into Leadership. In K. Clausen & G. Black (Eds.). The future of action research in education. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queens University Press.
Fels, L. (2019). The Empty Chair: Remembering Home through Performative Inquiry. In S. Farquhar & E. Fitzpatrick (Eds.). Innovations in narrative and metaphor methodologies and practices. Springer.
Fels, L. & Ortiz, B., (2019).Pedagogy of Social Circus: Launching the Ball. In J.B. Spiegel & B. Ortiz (Eds.). The art of collectivity: Social transformation, Buen Vivir and Ecuador's social circus in global perspective. McGill-Queens University Press.
Marcuse, J., Fels, L., Boydell, B. & Spiegel, JB. (2019).Through their Bodies, Eyes and Voices: Social Circus, social inquiry, and the politics of facilitating collectivity. In J.B. Spiegel & B. Ortiz (Eds.). The art of collectivity: Social transformation, Buen Vivir and Ecuadors social circus in global perspective. McGill-Queens University Press.
Norris, J., Fels, L. & Kandil, Y. (2019). Surrender, Pedagogy, Ambiguity, Research and Impossibility: Cats @ Play. In P. Duffy, C. Hatton & R. Sallis (Eds.). Drama research methods: Provocations of practice. Rotterdam: Sense.
Fels, L. (2016). Contact!Unload Revisited: Degrees of Separation. (99112). Soldiers Performing Self in CONTACT!UNLOAD: Innovations in Theatre and Counselling Psychology. G. Belliveau & M. Westwood (Eds.). Vancouver, BC: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. (Funded by Movember Foundation).
Fels, L. (2015). Performative Inquiry: Releasing Regret. (pp. 510-514). In International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education: The Wisdom of the ManyKey Issues in Arts Education. Vol 3. New York: Waxmann.
Wardrop, A. & Fels, L. (2015). Stepping through the looking glass: Embodying hospitality through transitions. In Carter, M., Prendergast, M., Belliveau, G. (Eds.) Drama and Theatre Education: Canadian Perspectives. Polygraph Book Series, Canadian Association of Teacher Education.
Fels, L. (2015). Performative Inquiry: Reflection as a Scholarly Pedagogical Act. In Warren Linds & Elinor Vettraino (Eds.). Playing in a house of mirrors: Applied theatre as reflective pedagogical practice. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Fels, L. (2015). Woman Overboard: Pedagogical Moments of Performative Inquiry. In Susan Walsh, Barbara Bickel, and Carl Leggo, (Eds.) Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presences. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
Wiebe, S., Fels, L., Guiney Yallop, J., Snowber, C., & Margolin, I. (2015). A poetic inquiry on passive reflection. In D. Conrad & A. Sinner [Eds].Creating together: Participatory, community-based and collaborative arts practices and scholarship across Canada. Montreal, Quebec: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Ricketts, K., Fels, L., & Pritchard, R. (2014) Icarus and the Extension Cord. In Robyn Ewing, Ardra Cole, & J. Gary Knowles (Eds). Performing Scholartistry. (pp. 169209) Halifax, NS: Backalong Books and the Centre for Arts-informed Inquiry Series.
Fels, L. (2013). The Upside Down Picnic Table: The Wonder of Learning though Improvisational Play. In Kieran Egan, Ed. Wonder-Full education: The centrality of wonder in teaching and learning across the curriculum. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Fels, L. (2013). Waiting for my Sons Call. In W. Hurren & Erica Hasbe-Ludt (Eds.). Contemplating Curriculum: Genealogies/Times/Places. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Fels, L. & Ricketts, K. (2012). The Poetics of Technology: Performing technology in poetic spaces of surveillance, encounter, and intimacy. In S. Thomas, A. Cole & S. Stewart (Eds.). The art of poetic inquiry. Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.
Fels, L., (2012). Each Moment, a Child of Duration. In C. Chambers, E. Hasebe-Ludt, C. Leggo, & A. Sinner, (Eds.). A heart of wisdom: Life writing as empathetic inquiry. New York: Peter Lang.
Fels, L., Myer, K. & Martin, R. (2011). Angel Words Inside Prison Gates: Participatory Action Research As An Action Of Restorative Justice. In J. Charlton, S. Pavelka, & PJ Verrecchia (Eds.), International perspectives on restorative justice in education (pp. 6988). Kanata, ON: JCharlton Publishing.
Fels, L. (2011). A Dead Mans Sweater: Performative Inquiry Embodied and Recognized. Shifra Schonmann (Ed.). Key Concepts in Theatre Drama Education (pp. 339-343). Netherlands: Sense.
Ann, Danita, Devon, Julie, Lynn and Shelley (2009). "Can you imagine名hat if Women Were Sentenced to Education? Women Speaking Out Inside the Gate. In C. Leggo, P. Sameshima, M. Prendergast (Eds.). Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences (pp. 301306). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. *Last names withheld due to confidentiality.
Fels, L., Linds, W., & Purru, K. (2008). Performing Impossibility: Decolonizing Representation in Arts-Informed Dissertations. In J. Gary Knowles, Ardra L. Cole, Lorri Neilsen and Sara Promislow (Eds.). Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-informed Thesis or Dissertation (pp. 3953). University of Toronto, Toronto.
Fels, L. (2003). Performance, Place & Possibility: Curricular Landscapes, Curricular Songs. In W. Hurren & E. Hasebe-Ludt (Eds.). Curriculum Intertext: Place/Language/Pedagogy (pp. 173188). Toronto, ON: Peter Lang.
Fels, L. & McGivern, L. (2002). Intertextual Play through Performative Inquiry: Intercultural Recognitions. In G. Brauer (Ed.). Body and Language: Intercultural Learning Through Drama (pp. 1935). Greenwood Academic.
Fels, L. & Stothers, S. (1996). Academic Performance: Between Theory and Praxis. In J. OToole & K. Donelan (Eds.). Drama, culture and empowerment (pp. 255261). Australia: IDEAS.