

  • 2019-2024
    Thinking Historically for Canada's Future
    SSHRC Partnership Grant, $2,500,000
    PIs: Carla Peck, U Alberta and Lindsay Gibson, UBC
  • 20212023
    Beyond Lip-service: Investigating teacher educators pursuit of inclusive practice during COVID19
    Co-Investigators: L. D'Amico, R. Williamson, M. Hatala
    SSHRC RDI Grant, $75,000
  • 20212023
    Understanding students' choice of course modality in changing times
    Co-Investigator: L. D'Amico
    SSHRC Small Grant, $7,000
  • 20142015
    Secondary school field trial of HistoryConcepts: A web-based tool for the assessment of students epistemological beliefs in the domain of history
    Co-Investigator; Collaborator: zlem Sensoy
    SSHRC Small Grant, $9,880
  • 20142015
    Exploratory use of HistoryConcepts a web-based assessment of students epistemological beliefs in the domain of history
    Co-investigator; Collaborators: Ross Jamieson, Mark Leier
    間眅埶AV Teaching and Learning Grant, $4,990
  • 20102013
    Validating and disseminating a measure of metahistorical conceptions
    Principal Investigator; Collaborators: Mark Leier, Peter Seixas, Kadriye Ercikan
    Spencer Foundation Small Grant, $39,853
  • 20092010
    A Design Theory of Metahistorical Understanding in the Social Studies Classroom
    Principal Investigator; Collaborator: zlem Sensoy
    SSHRC Small, $13,632
  • 20072008
    Develop and test new curriculum materials designed to teach metahistorical ideas (ideas about the nature of historical knowledge) to Grade 11 Social Studies students
    Principal Investigator; Collaborator: zlem Sensoy
    Canadian Council on Learning, $61,000
  • 20052006
    Bridging school and practice by wire: Design research into the potential of telementoring
    Discovery Parks, $10,000
  • 20022006
    Beyond Best Practice: Research-based innovation in learning and knowledge work
    Co-investigator; Collaborators: 7 others from OISE/UT
    SSHRC INE, $3,000,000
  • 20022003
    Tracking Canada's Past
    Join Investigator; Collaborators: Marlene Scardamalia
    SSHRC, $120,000
  • 20002002
    The Telementoring Orchestrator
    Develop and disseminate a next-generation web-based application to support research and practice in telementoring.
    Office of Learning Technologies Grant, Human Resources Development Canada, $110,000
  • 2000
    The Telementoring Orchestrator
    Presidents Research Grant, 間眅埶AV, $9,700
  • 19992002
    Construct an informal network of children and adults to study the Canadian Pacific Railway. Participants in Vancouver and Toronto will exploit unique resources in their communities (museums, archives, historic sites, and local experts) to construct and refine historical narratives about this period and its events. Through the use of the Knowledge Forum software, participants will share and refine their narratives collaboratively, learning about the nature of historical evidence and accounts by confronting and negotiating differences in perspective.
    With Marlene Scardamalia
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canad, $120,000
  • 19982000
    Explore the potential of telementoring as a mode of continuous staff development and educational outreach for business. The project also developed an empiricallybased Telementor Guidebook for prospective volunteers and their work organizations.
    With Marlene Scardamalia
    Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources Development Canada, $77,000

