
Session 2A: Personal & Professional Development

You as a Brand: Online and In-Person

Time and Date: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Saturday May 6th
Session Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Robyn Quinn, APR, MA, Fellow CPRS

Branding isn’t just for companies anymore, and learning to leverage your personal brand is more important than ever. A review of your online and social media history is almost a mandatory check for employment now. Employers are not only looking to see if you have the skills to do the job, but how you will fit within the organization’s culture or add to it. People like to do business with people they know, and your social media is a peek into who you are. You already have an extensive digital footprint, so the question becomes, will you guide and cultivate your own brand or will it become a default profile? To help polish your professional online image, we will offer free LinkedIn headshots during this session.


Robyn Quinn is President of and a dynamic corporate communications professional. Her experience over 20 years includes military, technology, government, not-for-profit, higher education, infrastructure and transportation sectors.  She currently teaches media relations, content strategy and writing and is a frequent speaker on digital communications and social media for Chambers, associations, universities and business groups. Recently Robyn developed and launched a leadership conference for women in STEM, Leading the Way, which generated media coverage and positive profile for the organizing group, iWIST.

A graduate of Royal Roads University (Masters Professional Communications) She is a long-time accredited member of the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) and serves as Presiding Officer for CPRS National Major Awards.  As a passionate communicator and content strategist – Robyn works with clients to create powerful connections with target audiences.

Robyn currently chairs Island Women in Science and Technology (iWIST) and serves on the Broadmead Care Society Board of Directors.

Connect with Robyn on Twitter at or on .