
External Reviews

All academic units at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are reviewed on a periodic basis, normally once every seven years.

These reviews enable units to:

  • Conduct their own assessments of their strengths and weaknesses
  • Obtain the view of external experts in the field
  • Support academic planning

The Purpose of an External Review

The review process is intended to ensure that:

(a) The quality of the unit's programs is high and there are measures in place to ensure the evaluation and revision of the teaching programs.

(b) The quality of faculty research is high and faculty collaboration and interaction provides a stimulating academic environment.

(c) Unit members participate in the administration of the unit and take an active role in the dissemination of knowledge.

(d) The unit's environment is conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the department.

Recent Reviews

The following units will be reviewed in the 2024 – 25 academic year:

  • School of Engineering Science
  • School of Environmental Science (Deferred from 2022-23 and 2023-24 cycle)
  • Department of Indigenous Studies
  • Department of Philosophy
  • School of Public Policy (Deferred from 2023-24 cycle)
  • School of Sustainable Energy Engineering (Deferred from 2023-24 cycle)
  • Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

The external reviews of the following units have been deferred for one year and will be conducted in the 2025 - 26 academic year:

  • Department of History
  • School of Resource and Environmental Management
  • Department of World Languages and Literatures (Deferred from 2023-24 cycle)

The mid-cycle reports, including assessment of educational goals, from the Department of Physics is due in the 2024-25 academic year.

Educational Goals

Educational goals are the set of attributes that you want graduates in your programs to possess. The process of developing, assessing and acting on educational goals is faculty-led and part of the external review cycle.

Learn more about leading an educational goals process, including timelines and templates, on our Educational Goals for Units page.


Bal Basi
Quality Assurance Manager
Email: bbasi@sfu.ca
Telephone :  778-782-7676