

Garbage and Recycling

As a member of our community you are responsible for transporting your garbage and recycling to the appropriate community disposal bins. We are asking everyone to do their part in helping to keep ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and Residences a sustainable community. It does not take a lot of energy to sort your garbage and recyclables but the impact that these small steps can have on the environment are big.  Please take the time to sort and separate it into the appropriate bin. This will also reduce the risk of animals and other creatures from entering and destroying the garbage.

Using the four stream stations

Putting your waste into the wrong-colored bin can contaminate the bin/area, turning recyclables and organics into garbage. Do your part and make sure you are separating and disposing of your waste into the appropriate bins.


Green Bin

Yellow Bin

Blue Bin

Grey Bin

Residence Specific Information

  • Grey electronics recycling bins can be found in the Townhouse Garbage/Recycling enclosure
  • Landfill – in some residence locations, trash compactors replace the grey landfill bins.  Follow instructions on the side for use.  Compactors can be found in the Townhouse Garbage/Recycling enclosure, McTaggart-Cowan Hall and Hamilton Hall

If you don't sort garbage prior to throwing it away

When you put your waste or garbage in the wrong-coloured bin, it may result in the bin and all of its contents being contaminated. So make sure to throw away your waste in the right bin.

What if a bin is over flowing? Who can I contact?

Additional bins can be found throughout residence. Send us an email to: resfixit@sfu.ca to let us know, indicating the building, and location of the bin.