


Become familiar with the new culture. There are many ways to find information on social issues, customs, geography and history, such as searching the Internet for articles about Canada or reading Canadian travel books.

Tips for dealing with culture shock

  • Talk to other international students who can give you practical advice.
  • Decorate your room with objects that remind you of home.
  • Make a list of things you want to accomplish while you are here and follow through with them. As you are settling in to life in Canada, remind yourself to be patient. Don’t expect perfection. Keep an open mind and try not to be judgmental!
  • Stay in touch with family and friends.
  • Establish simple goals and celebrate each success.
  • Give yourself time to adapt, and allow yourself to feel sad about the things you have left behind.
  • Get out there! Make friends and try to meet locals.
  • Take up a hobby that will help you learn more about Canada. 
  • Volunteer in community activities that will allow you get involved and perhaps practise your English.
  • If there's something you did at home to help relieve stress, keep doing it!
  • Find ways to live with the things that don’t satisfy you 100%.
  • Try not to be too hard on yourself and stay confident—most of all, keep your sense of humour!

(Reference: Marx, Elisabeth. Breaking Through Culture Shock.)