
Contact us

Our office hours are 9 am to 4 pm,
Monday to Friday

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
1250 Maggie Benston Centre
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
Email: caladmin@sfu.ca
Phone: 778.782.3112
Secure Fax: 778.782.4384

Visit our Accessibility Information Page to find detailed information about our office and its accessibility considerations.

Academic Planning

Course materials in alternate formats may be accessed in a number of ways, depending on where the information is available. For instance, it may be on reserve in the Bennett Library, or the CAL may have to order it from the publisher or send off the text for  production. Contact us if you require course readings in an alternate format, such as sound recordings, large print or e-text. 

Process for Securing Alternate Format Materials

Step 1: Notify the CAL Immediately if You Require Alternate Format Materials

Notify us as soon as possible when you know what courses you will be taking.  Some texts may already be available in your format, in which case the CAL will borrow them from the library for the duration of the semester. However, if we need to send your texts to production, it can sometimes take a number of weeks to get them to you - the sooner you ask, the more likely you are to get them on time.

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment with a Learning Specialist

Meet with a Disability Access Advisor to discuss which textbooks are required for your courses and determine the preferred alternate format. Please note that the library needs to have a request for alternate format materials from the Centre on file for each semester you use this service, and this request will be generated by the Disability Access Advisor.  At your appointment, be sure to bring a list of required texts for each course you will be taking in the upcoming semester, including the complete bibliographic statement on your course outline (this may include title, author, publisher, edition statement, year of publication and ISBN).

Interlibrary Loan

Although the library does not collect material in alternate formats, supplementary research material may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.  If the item you require is already available in the format you need, we will borrow it for your use as a regular interlibrary loan request.

You can search the online catalogue of the by clicking on the link Search the Library as a Guest.

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You may also want to make use of the university's  service.  Selected courses on campus have their lectures recorded and those lectures are available online.