Student Note-Takers
The great thing about being a student note-taker is that you really don't have to do much more than you already do: go to class and take good notes. These must be complete, clear and accurately capture the information given in the lecture and written on boards or overheads. Notes can either be legibly hand-written or typed. We do ask that you commit to attend all your lectures.
Once you have applied to CAL and have signed up to be a note-taker, we ask that you upload the notes directly to our secure server, within 24 hours of each class. Alternatively, you can come to CAL during regular office hours and scan your notes for free with our photo copier.
Sometimes your notes will be used to supplement your client's own notes or the professor's notes. Other times, your notes may be used to replace course notes or the professor's notes, or to replace course notes for a student who would be able to listen better if they did not have to take notes at the same time.
What's in it for You
Aside from the fact that you're doing something great in helping a fellow student access needed course material:
- As long as your notes were timely and complete, we will provide you at the end of the term with a $100 honourarium (or a prorated amount for contracts of a lesser period). Not bad, just for going to class and taking notes! You can also ask CAL to provide a letter of recommendation regarding the services that you provided.
- Your own note-taking will likely improve. Note-takers often report that their own notes and, in turn, their grades, improve in those courses in which they take notes for another student