

Safety is a shared responsibility. Always be aware of your surroundings, follow safety tips, and report suspicious activity.

Residence safety

In an emergency, call 911.

Campus Security and Residence & Housing also provide 24/7 urgent assistance.

  • Campus Security Emergency Line: 778.782.4500
  • Residence & Housing Front Desk: 778.782.4201

Report suspicious activity

  • Immediately report suspicious incidents to Campus Security at 778.782.4500 and Residence and Housing at 772.782.4201
  • If you see people who don’t look like they belong in residence, ask them who they’re looking for.  Be polite but assertive

Personal security

  • If you are concerned about a student resident’s safety for any reason, contact Campus Security or  Residence & Housing for assistance at any time
  • Know the location of the emergency phones in your area
  • Be a proactive bystander, if you are attending a party and you see someone leading an intoxicated person into their room, step in and ensure the intoxicated person is safe

Building & room security

  • Don’t hold open doors for strangers or allow them to tailgate you into residence buildings. People authorized to be in residence will have their own key
  • Use the door peephole to verify who’s at your door. Don’t open it for strangers
  • Do not prop doors open. If you find one propped open, close it
  • Do not lend your keys out to friends
  • Lock your door when you sleep and each time you step out of the room

Safe travel on campus

  • Use the Safe Walk program to support safe travel on campus 24/7
  • Develop a buddy system to go grocery shopping, to walk to and from class, the library, etc.
  • Walk in well-lit areas. Don’t cut through – the shortest route is not necessarily the safest route

Theft prevention

  • Report any lost or stolen keys immediately to the residence office. Missing keys make your property vulnerable to theft
  • Do not keep valuables in plain sight
  • Don’t leave your room unlocked even to go to the washroom.  It only takes a few seconds for someone to enter your room and steal your valuables