


Campus Security encourages ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community members to take advantage of the various personal security options available to the community, such as Safe Walk and programs, as well as the emergency phones which are located across campus.


Warning signs of criminal harassment may include some of the following behaviours:

  • Someone is repeatedly threatening you
  • Someone is following, waiting and/or watching you
  • Someone is damaging your property
  • Someone is repeatedly contacting or communicating with or about you, your friends or family in an unwelcome or inappropriate way
  • You are receiving unwanted or inapropriate items
  • You have changed how you engage with life and others in response to the repeated behaviour of another
  • You are avoiding certain places and activities due to fear of an individual or individuals, or their behaviour


Urgent assistance

Trust your instincts. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you require immediate assistance from Campus Security, call 778.782.4500. 

Campus Security is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ongoing assistance

For non-urgent assistance, no matter when or where the harassment and/or stalking is taking place, contact Campus Public Safety.

The Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Program provides consultation, faciliates supports, and can assist you in contacting the police and navigating the court processes, if necessary.

Related Resources: