
Theft prevention

Help prevent theft on campus

Personal item theft is the most reported crime on campuses across Canada. Learn what you can to protect yourself and others.

Don't leave your valuables unnattended

Your laptop, cell phone and bag are easy targets if left alone in a public space. Bring them with you if you leave, even if just for a few minutes.

Report suspicious activities

Report any suspicious persons or activities to Campus Public Safety's emergency line immediately: 778.782.4500. For non-criminal concerns that do not require urgent response, you can opt to file an .

Be aware of your surroundings

Firmly close doors when entering or exiting a secure ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV space such as a lap or work space (offices, work station etc.) Think of it as the same way you would if entering or exiting an your home or apartment building.

Protect electronic devices

Mark your personal electronic devices. This allows you to personalize items and make them less attractive to thieves by lowering the resell value.

  • Add stickers, designs or other personalizations
  • Engrave them with an identifying number like a Driver's License #. Sign out an engraver free of charge from Campus Public Safety
  • Keep a record of your devices and their markings


  • Lock your bike in a well-lit area where other bikes are located
  • Only lock your bike to a properly installed bike rack

Use two kinds of locks:

  1. U style flat key lock â€“ These locks are the most recommended.  You can use it to lock the front or rear tire and part of the frame to a bike rack.  If you have expensive gears, lock the back tire to the frame.
  2. Cable lock â€“ To secure tires, a cable lock should be intertwined through the frame and the tires and to the bike rack.
  • Take any accessories with you. Secure your seat if you leave it behind
  • Personalize with stickers and engrave your license number on your bike


  • Close and lock your office even if it is expected to be a short duration away from the office
  • Keep window coverings closed at night so that nothing is visible from outside
  • Turn off lights, computers and other electronics so their lights do not attract thieves
  • Keep personal valuables either on your person, or locked within the desk or cabinet
  • Never leave keys to desks or cabinet drawers in the office

Would you like Campus Security to conduct an office audit to provide you with safety recommendations for your work space? Call 778-782-7991 and ask for the on-duty Security Supervisor.

Personal items

High value portable electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops and tablets are the most sought after for theft.

  • Do not leave your items unattended.  This includes leaving your laptop on a desk to search for a library book, use the washroom or take a call in the stairwell.  If you must leave the area, take your property with you.
  • Do not leave your property out of your view.  Some items have gone missing with the owner present and not paying attention.  Leave your items out of the view of others and where you can see them.


  • Do not keep your spare vehicle key in or on your car
  • Use an anti-theft device, such as a steering wheel lock or an ignition lock
  • Install an alarm system
  • Ensure that no items are visible that may attract a thief
  • Avoid parking in dark or concealed areas
  • Install and use wheel locks for higher end wheels and tires