
Small Number and the Old Canoe-Huu-Ay-Aht

Small Number and the Old Canoe Huu-ay-aht

In Small Number and the Old Canoe, mathematics is present throughout the story with the hope that this experience will make at least some members of our young audience, with the moderators help, recognize more mathematics around them in their everyday lives. Using terms like smooth, shape, oval, and surface, and mathematical phraseology like It must be at least a hundred years old, the artist skillfully presents reflection (symmetry) of trees in water, and so on. The idea behind this approach is to give the moderator a few openings to introduce or emphasize various mathematical objects, concepts and terminology. The short film is a little math suspense story and our question is related only to one part of it. The aim of the question is to lead to an introduction at an intuitive level of the concept of a function and the essence of the principle of inclusion-exclusion as a counting technique. The authors would also like to give their audience an opportunity to appreciate that in order to understand a math question, one often needs to read (or in this case, watch) a problem more than once.

ana廎瓜is Huksyuu u廎瓜i禳 qiick妢iiai apac
(Nuu-Chah-Nulth / Huu-ay-aht Translation)

Written by Veselin Jungic & Mark MacLean 
Illustrated by Simon Roy 
Huu-ay-aht Translation by Benson Nookemis from the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Nation

Story Transcript: English and Huu-ay-aht

Benson Nookemis recorded the Nuuchahnulth Version of the story himself on a dictaphone cassette recorder and submitted the tape to the Mathcatcher Team. The story was transcribed by Henry Kammler with the assistance of students of the Nuuchahnulth language at U of Munich: Merlin Detschey, Julia Haslinger, Susanne Mors, Lara Stephan, and Filip Wissert from Institut f羹r Ethnologie, M羹nchen, Germany. 


ana廎瓜is Huksyuu u廎瓜i禳 qiick妢iiai apac.

Small Number and the Old Canoe

ukaa ana廎瓜is Huksyuu suaqi廎瓜a meiqac. Wiwipaca saaink. ukiqas natnaniqsak. Wiiyaa uu禳waa ani wiwipaca saaink meiqaci. Naniiqsu usima 廎仟siik uuk妢ii ax怗aas inksyiq廎另in. "usimaeic", waaa naniiqsu, "pisatukquuk hitaas廎 uupaa廎 uksainmin廎只kitqak. uuuuqukma upaa. upii廎汀【a. Kamitq禳iaa meiqacmin廎瓜i. Hitinqsa awaa aaki hinas. Tapat禳iaa q妢aaapaaquusia pisatuk. ii廎瓜ii Mitxyuu ukaa meiqac: "unaa廎卉uumin muksyi aaskaai禳tuuapqun tuuxtuux妢ap hicpiii廎汁ikap yaqaaquusin sayeeiyaak." Tapat禳iaa meiqacmin廎瓜i ani usimaaq uii uaa muksyii. unaa廎汀【aa. 


ana廎瓜isi Huksyuu yaac禳ia yee sayeeii unaa廎 askaaquu muksyii. Hisiiik妢aqstinua aqmapti yaaq. Wa廎句aasawein caqyaqasa apac uuk妢i hiyaaqstei huptaas. aniia ani yaaqqaa aqmapti. akis禳ia, u廎叫aatanua ani uusuqta. Nanaani禳ia yaaii apaci. Qiiisck妢a hi huptis uusaa廎可 yaaqii aqmapt. akis禳ia taastaasa yaa ani uusuqta tu廎卉iti. Nanaani禳ia apaci atquu yaaakaat tu廎卉iti. Nik妢aaqstua, haainia yaaqsainitq. Kamitquk妢aa hinin meiqacmin廎瓜i. 


Nauaa yaqii q妢ayiipitq. ikaasia apaci ani uaa uaa. "Qiick妢iama a廎右uu hi," waaaa. ii廎叮aa apaci. "Qumistayakituusi a廎右uui?" Waaaa ii廎瓜ii Mitxyuu ukeei: "Qumaaqi廎仟uusi q妢iyimtiia a廎右uu uuk妢ii?" Tapat禳iaa. Hayaapa禳iaa ani pipisatuk妢ita. Qiii禳iaa uumacuk yaa apaci, yaqck妢iiwuusi uu廎叱a. 


ii廎瓜ii Nuutxyuu ukaa 廎可iq禳iaatuk uaqstua, taaa u廎瓜auk 廎可iq禳ia. "Hawiiqa廎," waaa. "usimain hawaasqun," waaa yuuq妢aa 廎仟awii廎仟i, meiqacmin廎瓜i. Yuuq妢aaa hawiiqstumin廎瓜a. Kamitq禳iaa huacaia hihiyat廎瓜itq. 


ana廎瓜isi Huksyuu wa禳ia kamitquk妢a hiukitq naniiqsu uuk妢ii 廎只miis廎另in ax怗aas. Haainapa yaa meiqaci "nee neeni," naniiqsaki uuk妢ia. Na禳ia naniiqsu, naaapua yaa. "aqisa廎仟ka," waaa. "Yanuuq妢ia a廎叩ii hisaatakitqak." "aqisk妢aia廎仟ka," waaaat aaaatuu. Hayaapa禳ia ani caqaasit yaa. iiq廎汀【a naniiqsaki ani uuyip apac. "Qiiisck妢ama hiis yee hitinqisi. Suiiqqi廎叮atakck妢a hi," waaa tapat禳i. 


iix禳ia yaa naniiqsu. "廎兀matama廎 a廎叩iii apaci," waaa. "uupimtma a廎叩ii caaxuk apaci a廎右uu hiyat廎司in. u廎可tma uuk妢ii yaquk妢itiis nuwiiqsu a廎瓜aaa aa qaaatik qaaatikuki," waaa yaa naniiqsui. "廎兀atakuk妢itma yaquk妢itiis naniiqsu hu廎另akmin廎 uuk妢ii apac, iinu uuk妢ii. Naacsa廎仟k yaa qaccei iinu hi ii廎瓜ii maas hiisatuas? u廎可tmaa uuk妢ii yaquk妢itiis neiiqsumin廎只ksi." 


Tuup禳iaitq meiqaci wikyuuitq weiu taataapat禳ia. "Yuuq妢aami廎叫ama廎 usiikquus apac a廎瓜aaa iinu q妢aa q妢ack妢iiitq yaqwiimit. aaatuuaaqa廎 naniiqsakqas amiiik qumaaakituusi yuk妢iiqsumin廎 nuwiiqsakiti. aa qacca muu sua qumaaakituusi," waaa a廎瓜aa tapat禳ia. 


aaaatuua ana廎瓜isi Huksyuu: unaakii waa qumaamituk妢ituusi naniiqsu qaaatikmin廎? Taataapat禳ia: aa qacca muu sua. Hawiiia taataapata.

Credits and Acknowledgements

  • Written by: Veselin Jungic, 間眅埶AV and Mark MacLean, UBC
  • Illustrator: Simon Roy, Victoria, B.C.
  • Director: Andy Gavel, 間眅埶AV

Special thanks to:

  • Tom Archibald, 間眅埶AV
  • Peter Jacobs, Squamish Nation
  • Ozren Jungic, University of Oxford
  • Kwosel, Seabird Island First Nation
  • Kwelaxtelot, Seabird Island First Nation
  • Susan Russell, 間眅埶AV
  • Erin Tait, Nisga'a Nation
  • Department of Mathematics, 間眅埶AV
  • Faculty of Science, 間眅埶AV
  • The IRMACS Centre, 間眅埶AV
  • Office for Aboriginal Peoples, 間眅埶AV
  • Pacific Institute For Mathematical Sciences

This story is part of the NSERC PromoScience project "Math Catcher: Mathematics Through Aboriginal Storytelling"

Financial support provided by NSERC, PIMS, UBC, the IRMACS Centre, and 間眅埶AV