

Reducing HIV Stigma by Education — Ghana (2004-2010)


, Legon-Accra
, Cape Coast
, Winneba, Winneba


 [executing agency]


This university partnership project provided public school teachers and youth workers the knowledge and skills to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS. Confronting the spread of HIV/AIDS through education changed behaviours and reduced the risks associated.


Teachers and youth workers obtained new knowledge, skills, materials and methods to teach the subject of HIV/AIDS in classrooms and communities. As a result, future generations of children will benefit from HIV/AIDS relevant information incorporated into the school curriculum, which will help diminish the stigma associated with the disease.


  • HIV/AIDS stigma curriculum and materials designed and produced for the 120 lecturers/trainers involved in the project, of whom 90 trained 15,000 teachers through teacher education programmes, and 30 worked directly with 1,800 community youth workers
  • Sustained institutional capacity by increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS among teachers and youth workers to reduce the incidence of the disease
  • 1.2 million school children benefitted from fundamental HIV/AIDS education
  • A minimum of 72,000 out-of-school girls and boys developed knowledge and skills in HIV/AIDS awareness, recognition and prevention


Project Communications


Email: international_development@sfu.ca