

Academics Without Borders: Capacity Building for establishing the Institutional Data, Analytics & Reporting (IDAR) office at the Aga Khan University (AKU)


, Pakistan


AWB is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support capacity development in higher education in developing countries so that these countries can educate the experts and professionals that are necessary for their development. It does this by sending volunteers from Canada and other countries to support local initiatives. AWB projects focus on several areas, including health, teaching and learning methodology, various academic disciplines, student services and back office operations.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s VP Academic has secured funding to provide technical support and guidance for launching the Institutional Data, Analytics & Reporting (IDAR) office at the Aga Khan University. The project activities include discussions; information sharing; reviewing and commenting on reports; templates and data visualization; help in preparing proposals for creating a data warehouse, guidance in setting up data security; and help in data dissemination and outreach with the community of users. The main focus of the project will be to set up the infrastructure, good systems and processes for IDAR to operate successfully.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The project must align with the .
  • The project must be submitted by one or more working or retired faculty, staff, or administrators from an AWB Network university or college.
  • The initiative will build on and strengthen a relationship between the person submitting the proposal and their counterparts in the partner institution in the developing world.
  • Central to the project must be capacity building at the partner institution in the developing world and there must be a clear indication of how the project’s activities and outcomes will be sustained and evaluated.


Email: Zareen Naqvi at znaqvi@sfu.ca

Email: International_development@sfu.ca