
Publications by ICCRC Members

Academic Publications:

Other Publications:



  • Barry Cartwright (with Richard Frank). Keynote Speaker. May 2020. Cyber-Attacks on Canadian Businesses: The Sum of All Fears, or Much Ado About Nothing? Meeting of the Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association.  
  • Barry Cartwright. August 2019. Keynote speaker, International Perspectives on Cybercrime Symposium, University, of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Title of speech: Disinformation Warfare and the Weaponization of Social Media.
  • Barry Cartwright. May 2019. Title of presentation: Fake News and the Weaponization of Cloud-based Social Media: Prospects for Legislation and Regulation. Tenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDS, and Virtualization, Venice, Italy.
  • Barry Cartwright. May 2019. Title of presentation: Fighting disinformation warfare with artificial intelligence: Identifying and combating disinformation attacks. Tenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDS, and Virtualization, Venice, Italy.
  • Barry Cartwright. August 2017. Keynote speaker, International Perspectives on Cybercrime Symposium, University, of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Title of speech: Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Warfare: A Clear and Present Danger, the Sum of All Fears, or Much To Do About Nothing?
  • Barry Cartwright. May 2017. Keynote speaker, Third Annual Symposium on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond, B.C. Title of speech: Cyberbullying and The Law of the Horse: A Canadian Perspective.
  • Barry Cartwright. June 2016. Cyberbullying and cyber law: A Canadian perspective. International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Barry Cartwright. June 2014. Keynote speaker, conference on Cybercrime, Security and Digital Forensics, University, of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Title of speech: The Battle-Line between Cyber Libertarians and Cyber Cops: The Changing Face of Canadian Cyber Law.
  • Barry Cartwright. August 2013. International Conference on CyberCrime and Computer Forensics, Hong Kong. Title of presentation: Ethical, Legal and Methodological Considerations in Cyber Research: Conducting a Cyberethnography of www.bullying.org.
  • Barry Cartwright. October, 2011. Keynote Speaker, Tri-City Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee learning series, at Coquitlam Campus of Douglas College. Title of speech: Cyber-bullying: Not Just a School Problem.
  • Barry Cartwright. February, 2011. Western Society of Criminology conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. Title of presentation: Conducting Cyber-Research on Bullying: A Qualitative, Textual Analysis of www.bullying.org.
  • Barry Cartwright. February 2007. Western Society of Criminology conference, Scottsdale, Arizona. Title of presentation: Internet Research and Canadian Copyright Law: Privacy, Publicity, Private Property and Power.
  • Cartwright, B. E. (2011, February). Conducting Cyber-Research on Bullying: A Qualitative, Textual Analysis of www.bullying.org. Presented at the 2011 Western Society of Criminology Conference.
  • Frank, R., & Westlake, B. (2011, May). Determining Key Players in Online Child Exploitation Networks. Presented at 間眅埶AV Surrey Open House, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (Criminology).
  • Frank, R., Westlake, B., & Bouchard, M. (2011, February). Extracting Dark Cyber Networks. Presented at the 2011 Western Society of Criminology Conference.