
CyberCrime Courses Offered at 間眅埶AV

CRIM 380 - Introduction to CyberCrime

This course explores how a "networked" world has bred new crimes and new responses. Students will explore the history, nature and extend of computer-related crime as well as different types of computer criminals, their motivation and their methods of attack.

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CRIM 416 - International Perspectives on CyberCrime

From August 20 to August 31, 2017, as part of the 3-credit course CRIM 416, approximately 15 students from 間眅埶AV will travel to the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, to participate in a CyberCrime Field School. The course will expose students to the international challenges that are associated with interdicting this type of crime.

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CRIM 480 - Computer Forensics and CyberCrime

Advanced exploration of high-tech crime and exploration of the tools and techiques used by cyber-criminals. Examines the techniques used by law enforcement to investigate and prosecute offenders, as well as the probable future development of cybercrime.

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CRIM 481 - Advanced Issues in CyberCrime

This course covers advanced cybercrime issues. Students will examine the challenges faced by law enforcement agents working in this field, including the lack of resources and reporting, as well as difficulties associated with technical knowledge and expertise.

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