
Links & Resources


Please visit the new Research Employees site and update any previously saved bookmarks.


PAF - for use when appointing, re-appointing, extending, ending an appointment or changing the funding source for Research Assistants > If your department uses a customized system for processing PAFs, please use that version!

Explanation of actions listed at the top of the PAF - overview of when to check which radio button at the top of the PAF, and things to know when you submit

Glossary of terms in the Employment Type at the top of the PAF

Fact sheet for determining whether an appointment is to be Research or Research Support (pdf)

Duties checklist "shortcut" for completing the PAF - submit with the PAF or paste content into the "Duties" box

Fact Sheet for Supervisors - highlights of things to consider

Guidelines for discussing offers of employment with prospective employees - notes about risks, compliance requirements and tips for success

Planning Tools, Calculators and Queries

Log into myINFO to run the following queries:

  • Valid work Visa for temporary foreign workers:
  • Work assignments/ Other employment at 間眅埶AV: 
  • RAs that have been transitioned to employees of 間眅埶AV:  


Human Resources & Payroll 

Employment Standards & 間眅埶AV Guidelines

間眅埶AV Policies

  •       Human Rights Policy
  •       Conflict of Interest
  •       Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support
  •     Access to Information and Protection of Privacy
  •    Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants
  •     Intellectual Property Policy
  •    Integrity in Research and Misconduct in Research


Orientation for new employees

Labour Relations

Immigration Services