
APSA Basic Agreement


While every effort is made to ensure consistency and accuracy of the documents presented here, readers should remember that these are not the official documents.


1. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of the Basic Agreement:

  • "Agreement" means the Basic Agreement;

  • "A.P.S.A." means the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Administrative and Professional Staff Association;

  • "Association Group" means all administrative and professional staff employed by the University except those excluded by Article 3.

  • "Association Group Member" means those persons in positions, which, by agreement between the Association and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are represented by the Association with respect to all matters relating to conditions of employment including salaries and benefits;

  • "J.U.A.C." means Joint University Association Committee;

  • "Parties" means ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Administrative and Professional Staff Association; and

  • "University" means ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Board of Governors and its authorized officers.

Wherever the singular or masculine is used throughout this Agreement, it shall be deemed to include the plural or feminine or body politic or corporate wherever the context and the parties so require.


2.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Basic Agreement is to establish, for the administrative and professional staff employed by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, formal procedures for the determination of compensation matters and administrative/professional personnel policies.

2.2 Intent

Both parties recognize that this relationship is intended to improve and maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the University. In recognition of the need for the effective operation of the University, both parties to the Basic Agreement shall cooperate within the spirit and scope of the said Agreement to promote harmonious relations and settled conditions of employment.

2.3 A.P.S.A. as a Society

The University hereby recognizes the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Administrative and Professional Staff Association as a Society incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia.

2.4 Sole Representative

The University hereby enters into agreement with and recognizes the Association as the sole representative for all members of the Association Group.

2.5 No Other Agreement

The University shall not, after the date of accepting the Basic Agreement, enter into agreement with any individual member or group of members of the Association Group which supersedes, amends, or contravenes the terms of the Basic Agreement.

2.6 Recognition Cease

Recognition of the Association and maintenance of this Basic Agreement shall cease if the Association obtains certification under the provisions of the Labour Code of British Columbia.


3.1 Definition

The Association Group shall consist of all administrative/professional employees except those employees represented by other employee groups formally recognized by the University, those employees who have contracts of employment with the University, and those employees who hold the positions listed in Appendix A and who shall be available to represent the University in consultations and negotiations with A.P.S.A.

3.2 Excluded Positions

The University may add to or delete from the excluded positions listed in Appendix A, after consultation with A.P.S.A., but in no case will the number of positions listed in Appendix A exceed 14.8% of the total number of employees in the Association Group.

3.3 Association Membership and Payment of Dues or Equivalent

All employees who are now, or hereafter become members of the Association Group have the option of becoming members of the Association. Membership in the Association is not a condition of employment.

No member of the Association Group as of December 9, 1982, shall be required to pay dues or the equivalent as a condition of employment. However, it shall be a condition of employment that each member of the Association Group appointed subsequently shall pay dues or the equivalent sum to the Association. An exception shall be made to this latter provision for a person who affirms a conscientious objection to representation by the Association in which case that employee shall pay to a charitable recipient mutually agreed upon by the University, the Association and the employee involved, an amount equivalent to membership dues.

The University shall honour an Association Group member's written assignment of salary to this effect:

"To ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV: Until this assignment is revoked by me in writing, I hereby authorize you to deduct from my salary a sum equal to the membership dues in the Administrative and Professional Staff Association, and pay that sum to the Association or to a charitable recipient as provided."

3.4 Income Tax Slips

The University shall include on the T4 Income Tax slips the amount of dues paid by each member of the Association Group in the previous calendar year.

3.5 Association Group List

The University will provide the Association with a list when requested, showing positions in the Association Group. These lists shall indicate the name of the incumbent, the incumbent's position title and the department in which the incumbent is employed.

3.6 List of Association Members

The Association will provide the University with a list of Association members, when requested.


The University and the Association agree that decisions concerning the terms and conditions of employment of a bargaining unit member shall be made on the basis of performance and/or performance-related criteria. The University shall not discriminate against any member of the Association because of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, creed, marital status and/or family relationship (except to avoid supervision of one family member by another), political or religious affiliation or belief, age (except where mandatory retirement is permitted by law) or membership or non-membership in, or activities on behalf of, the Association or other factors unrelated to the performance of duties.


5.1 Governance

The parties believe that University policies and this Agreement are essentially compatible. However, should conflicts arise between University policies and the express provisions of the Agreement, the latter shall prevail. Nevertheless, nothing in this Agreement shall be taken to limit the powers of Senate, the Board of Governors, the President or other administrative officers as those powers are established in statute, except to the extent required to implement the impasse resolution provision.


All correspondence passing between the University and the Association out of the Basic Agreement, or incidental thereto, shall be addressed to the Director, Labour and Employee Relations and the Executive Director of the Association, except for matters for which the Director, Labour and Employee Relations or the Executive Director of the Association have made written delegation.


7.1 Office Space

The University in recognizing A.P.S.A. will provide A.P.S.A. with office space and other generally available services at cost.

7.2 APSA Advocacy and Committee Duties

Association Group Members who have roles in advocacy for APSA, or on ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV/APSA committees or APSA negotiations support may request time off from their regular duties and shall not incur loss of pay while engaged in meetings in those roles. The request shall not be unreasonably denied.


8.1 Items for Negotiation and Statement of Intent

Annual general salary increases, pensions and other generally available economic benefits for administrative and professional employees in the Association Group shall be determined in accordance with the procedures outlined in this Article. The provisions of this Agreement reflect the mutual commitment of the parties to:

(a) maintain a harmonious working relationship and to achieve a mutually acceptable negotiated settlement of total compensation, including annual salaries, pensions and economic benefits; and

(b) seek a negotiated settlement consistent with the need to maintain the quality of the administrative and professional staff, the need to provide fair compensation for members of the bargaining unit, and the need to maintain and to develop the quality of education.

8.2 Negotiators

Not later than October 15 of the salary year (July 1 - June 30) in which an agreement on salaries and economic benefits for the bargaining unit is to expire, each of the parties shall select not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) negotiators to bargain a new agreement on salaries and economic benefits and shall forward to the other party the names of its negotiators. Negotiators for each party may utilize the services of such consultants and resource persons as they see fit. Negotiators shall not suffer loss of salary while in attendance at negotiation sessions.

8.3 Mediators/Arbitrators

The parties agree to the following process for the selection of a mediator or arbitrator, as may be required in accordance with Article 8.7, as follows:

  1. The person on the list at Appendix B having the earliest availability of at least 2 consecutive business days, provided those 2 days are no later than 60 calendar days from the commencement of negotiations;
  2. If none of the listed persons at Appendix B is available under #1 above, then the parties will select by mutual agreement a meditator or arbitrator not on the list and who is available for 2 business days no later than 60 calendar days from the commencement of negotiations; and
  3. Failing agreement under #2 above, the parties shall make a joint request of the Chair of the Mediation Division of the Labour Relations Board who shall make the appointment.

The parties agree to use the same person for both mediation and arbitration.

8.4 Exchange of Agendas and Proposals

If either party wishes to negotiate major items such as discontinuation or major revision of a salary scale or substantial restructuring of one or more economic benefits it will provide the other party with their negotiating agenda containing the details of those major items by October 1 so that the implications can be more fully studied before negotiations commence.

Within twenty-one working days of the receipt of the provincial government allocation letter, the parties shall commence negotiations. Comprehensive proposals shall be exchanged on the first day of negotiations.  Additional items may be introduced subsequently by mutual agreement. All existing compensation provisions, including but not limited to existing salary scales, pension plans, leave provisions and other economic benefits, shall remain in force until such time as they are amended in accordance with a negotiated renewal agreement or the award of an arbitrator.

8.5 Period of Negotiation

During the thirty calendar days following the exchange of proposals, the parties shall bargain in good faith and make every reasonable effort to reach an agreement. Negotiations on salaries and economic benefits may not commence until agreement on the previous year's salaries and economic benefits has been concluded.

8.6 Ratification and Approval

When a tentative agreement has been reached between the parties’ Negotiators, the tentative agreement shall be referred to the Association Group for ratification and to the Board of Governors for approval. The approval procedures for both parties shall be concluded within thirty (30) days of the day of completion of negotiations. In the event that the Association Group fails to ratify the tentative agreement, or the Board fails to approve it, the negotiations may, by agreement of the parties, be resumed for a further period up to two-weeks before proceeding to impasse resolution in accordance with Article 8.7.

8.7 Impasse Resolution

The parties desire to reach a negotiated settlement and will make every effort to do so.

(a) During the period of negotiation, should the parties determine that they cannot reach agreement without assistance, they may agree to call on a mediator in accordance with Article 8.3

(b) In the event that the negotiators do not reach a settlement on all of the items for negotiation during thirty calendar days, or if the negotiators fail to reach a revised settlement after reconvening under 8.6, the following procedure shall apply:

i) within seven calendar days the parties shall meet and each shall deliver to the other a written statement of its Position of Record with respect to all unresolved items in negotiations. The statement shall also list any of the items for negotiation which the negotiators had resolved prior to the cessation of negotiations and these items shall form part of the Position of Record of each party. Thereafter, neither party may alter its Position of Record except by mutual agreement;

ii) the negotiators shall move immediately to appoint an arbitrator in accordance with Article 8.3;

iii) within seven calendar days of the date on which an arbitrator has been determined, each party shall deliver to the arbitrator the written statement of its Position of Record referred to in 8.7(b) i);

iv) within twenty-one calendar days of the submission of the Positions of Record to the arbitrator, the arbitrator shall hold one or more hearings with the negotiators, giving each party opportunity to make presentations using a format determined by the arbitrator in consultation with the parties;

v) within twenty-eight calendar days of the submission of the Positions of Record to the arbitrator, the arbitrator shall select either the position of APSA or the University;

vi) the award of the arbitrator shall be binding on the Board of Governors and the Association;

vii) the arbitrator is not required to state reasons for the award.

(c) Each party shall pay one half of the fees and expenses of any mediator or arbitrator called upon to act under this agreement.

(d) In the event that any of the dates and timelines specified above cannot be met due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties the dates and timelines may be adjusted by mutual consent.


9.1 Joint University/Association Committee

A Joint University/Association Committee (J.U.A.C.) composed of persons authorized to represent the University and persons authorized to represent the Association shall meet at the request of either party to discuss and attempt to resolve such matters of mutual concern as may arise. These matters will include any changes to the policies listed in 9.2 and 9.3 below.

9.2 No Unilateral Change on Existing Administrative and Professional Policies

The University agrees that, during the term of this Agreement, it will not change the benefits contained in existing AD10 policies except by mutual consent of the parties. The University reserves the right to change the language and/or the administrative procedures relative to those policies so long as the monetary and non-monetary benefits conferred remain unaltered.

9.3 Consultation on New Policy Development

Development of new personnel policies affecting members of the Association Group and the development of other University policies on matters materially affecting members of the Association Group which do not fall under 9.2 above, shall be subject to consultation between the parties. If agreement is not reached, it shall remain the right of the University to determine policy.


10.1 Definition

A grievance is a dispute concerning the interpretation, application, or alleged violation of this Agreement.

10.2 Scope

(a) Grievances under this Agreement may be presented only by the Association or the University, subject to 10.2(b), and only where:

i) provisions of this Agreement directly affecting the Association or the University are at issue; or

ii) the issue directly affects the rights of the Association Group or the University.

(b) The grievance procedure described herein shall not be used to resolve any dispute between individual Association Group members and the University, whether raised by the members of the Association or by the Association on their behalf. Such matters will be resolved pursuant to the procedure contained in Administration Policy AD 10-17 (Problem Resolution). Where any dispute or issue may be dealt with in accordance with that Policy (AD 10-17) the dispute or issue must be resolved pursuant thereto and the grievance procedure described herein shall not apply.

10.3 Grievance Processing

(a) A grievance must be submitted in writing within twenty (20) working days after grounds for a grievance are known or ought reasonably to have been known by the Association. The grievance shall be submitted to the Executive Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations or designate.

(b) If not resolved within five (5) working days, following submission to the Executive Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations or designate, the grievance shall be submitted, in writing, to the Vice President, People, Equity and Inclusion, with a copy to the Executive Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations or designate. The Vice President, People, Equity and Inclusion, shall respond to the Association, in writing, within fifteen (15) working days.

(c) Grievances may be presented by the University, in writing, to the Association. The Association shall respond to the University, in writing, within fifteen (15) working days.

10.4 Grievance Arbitration

(a) Failing a satisfactory resolution of the grievance in the grievance procedure, either party may, within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the other party's written decision submit the grievance to binding arbitration. The notice to proceed must contain a description of the grievance and the remedy sought. The other party shall within five (5) working days of the receipt of such notice similarly provide a summary of its position in the grievance.

(b) The arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with Article 8.3. The arbitrator shall be governed by the Arbitration Act of B.C.

(c) The arbitrator shall not be empowered to add to, subtract from, alter or amend the Agreement in any way.

(d) The arbitrator may hear a grievance with a minor technical deficiency (technical deficiency does not include whether or not an issue is arbitrable) if in his/her opinion the objection has been made solely to avoid dealing with a substantive issue. Technical deficiencies which relate to time may be waived by the arbitrator if such deficiencies occur as a result of actions or omissions arising in good faith and no prejudice has been suffered by the other side.

(e) The parties shall be responsible for their respective fees and expenses in the arbitration process and shall share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrator.


11.1 Statement of Interpretation

During the life of this Agreement, statements signed jointly by the President of the University or by their designate and the President of the Association or by their designate may be issued for the purpose of clarifying or implementing the terms of this Agreement. Such statements shall have the same force as the Agreement.

Such statements may not amend, add to, or subtract from the terms of the original Agreement.

11.2 Amendments to the Agreement

Amendments to this Agreement may be made at any time by agreement of the parties. They shall be subject to the same ratification procedure as the Agreement.


Upon ratification by the Association Group and approval by the Board of Governors the Agreement shall be signed by the President of the University and by the President of the Association and shall thereupon enter into force.


This Agreement shall commence on the date of signing and shall extend to December 31, 2025. It shall be automatically renewed annually unless six months in advance of the expiry date either party has given the other written notice of its intention to renegotiate.

Should the parties determine that they cannot reach agreement without assistance, at the written request of either party, the parties together shall select a mediation officer in accordance with Article 8.3. At such time as the mediation officer is named:

(a) all unresolved items save those deleted by mutual agreement shall be submitted to the mediation officer;

(b) the mediation officer shall

i) where further direct negotiation would be meaningful, direct the parties to resume negotiation, without third-party assistance, for such period of time as the officer deems appropriate;

ii) where third-party assistance is necessary to resolve a bargaining impasse, attempt to mediate a resolution; and

iii) only after (i) and (ii) above have been exhausted without resolution, make recommendations for settlement which recommendations shall not be binding upon the parties and shall be submitted to the Association Group for ratification and the Board of Governors for approval.

(c) each party shall pay one-half (1/2) of the fees and expenses of any mediation officer called upon to act under this Agreement.

By the signatures given below the parties agree to enter into force the foregoing.

Dated this September 23, 2024

[signed] Joy Johnson [signed] Ben Boyle
President, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV President, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Administrative and Professional Staff Association


Department Position Position Title
AVPSI Administration 00134402 Sr Director, Stdnt Well-Being
University Development 00132352 Exec. Dir. Advancement
Faculty Relations 00118740 Human Resources Prfsnl II
Centre for Dialogue 00133923 ED & Sr Advsr, Comm Eng & Dlg
People&Organization Developmnt 00130752 Specialist,Wellness & Recovery
VPFA Office 00131094 Exec Director, Office of VPFA
Labour Relations&Compensation 00031199 HR Business Partner
FASS Office of the Dean 00097451 Sr Dir, Fclty Fin & Strat Plan
Financial Services 00123865 Director Financial Services
AVPSI Administration 00133786 ED, Student Services Operation
Labour Relations&Compensation 00130444 Pension & Benefits Consultant
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 00122227 Director, EDI
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Sustainability 00114915 Exec Director, Sustainability
Indigenous Council Office 00133893 Indigenous Executive Lead
Labour Relations&Compensation 00102562 HR Business Analyst
People&Organization Developmnt 00131690 Specialist, Learning & Develop
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Partnerships Hub 00128824 Executive Director, SPH
General Counsel 00123646 Legal Assistant
Presidents Office 00001727 Executive Assistant
Labour Relations&Compensation 00102112 Total Comp Business Analyst
Labour Relations&Compensation 00122488 Pension & Benefits Specialist
VP Academic Office 00077047 Dir Acdmc Plnng Qlty Assurance
General Counsel 00131491 University Policies Director
Campus Public Safety 00001034 Sr Dir, Campus Public Safety
People&Organization Developmnt 00133439 Assoc Dir, Wellness & Recovery
Environmental Health & Safety 00030355 Senior Dir Env Hlth&RschSfty
Treasury Office 00030941 Treasurer & Dir of Investment
Surrey Campus Administration 00096645 Executive Director ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Surrey
General Counsel 00130703 Legal Counsel
Instl Research and Planning 00001277 Exec Dir Institut Rsch & Plang
Faculty Relations 00131867 Dir, Faculty Labour Relations
VPRI Administration 00133492 Exec Dir, Cmmty-Centrd Climate
People&Organization Developmnt 00126029 Specialist, Human Resources
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 00128257 Dir, EDI Strategic Initiatives
People&Organization Developmnt 00128991 Specialist,Wellness & Recovery
People&Organization Developmnt 00134100 HR Business Partner
Labour Relations&Compensation 00132532 ED, HR & LR
Labour Relations&Compensation 00129353 Human Resources Prfsnl III
People&Organization Developmnt 00125507 HR Strategic Business Partner
Internal Audit 00001610 Internal Auditor
Presidents Office 00132242 Chief of Staff, President’s
People&Organization Developmnt 00133387 HR Business Partner
People&Organization Developmnt 00126392 Specialist, Human Resources
Faculty Relations 00130347 HR Professional III (LR & ER)
Faculty Relations 00131299 Human Resources Prfsnl II
Ancillary Administration 00135687 Exec Director, Campus Services
Planning & Analysis 00102896 Director Planning & Analysis
Faculty Relations 00131299 Human Resources Prfsnl II
General Counsel 00134027 Mgr, Legal & Admin Services
VPPEI Office 00133022 Manager, Administration
VPFA Office 00116933 Dir Strategy Plng & Projects
Faculty Relations 00131101 Human Resources Prfsnl II
University Secretariat Office 00123134 Board Assistant
People&Organization Developmnt 00129970 Manager, HR Admin Services
VP Academic Office 00133213 Mgr, Office of the Prvst VPA
Faculty Relations 00134587 Lab and EE Relations Advisor
Internal Audit 00120182 Internal Auditor
Procurement Services 00126027 Director Financial Operations
Ext Rel Comm and Marketing 00128644 Assistant Dir, Communications
People&Organization Developmnt 00133716 Specialist, Talent Acquisition
Maintenance and Ops Admin 00031270 Dir Maintenance Operations
Ext Rel Comm and Marketing 00129230 Communications Officer
VPPEI Office 00133563 Dir, Indigenous Initiatives
Labour Relations&Compensation 00130445 Specialist, Labour & EE Relat
BC Ctr for Agritech Innovation 00131684 Dir, BCCAI
Faculty Relations 00118741 Human Resources Prfsnl II
Labour Relations&Compensation 00128954 Labour & Empl Relations Assist
Labour Relations&Compensation 00120980 Human Resources Prfsnl III
Labour Relations&Compensation 00121002 Manager, Immigration Services
VP Academic Office 00123280 Dir Strtgc Prjcts & Anlysis
Alumni Relations 00133238 Exec Dir, Alumn Relations
VP Academic Office 00134839 Exec Dir, Office of Provost
People&Organization Developmnt 00126393 Specialist, Human Resources
Labour Relations&Compensation 00135356 Job Design Specialist
FASS Office of the Dean 00135423 Sr Dir, Faculty Staffing & Ops
People&Organization Developmnt 00123912 HR Strategic Business Partner
VentureLabs 00118656 Exec Dir ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV VentureLabs
People&Organization Developmnt 00135438 Dir, Tlnt & Strteg Initiatives
TLO-Tech Licensing Office, 00128109 Dir, Technology Licensing & IP
Labour Relations&Compensation 00001062 Director Labour Relations
People&Organization Developmnt 00128898 HR Strategic Business Partner
People&Organization Developmnt 00113385 Specialist, Human Resources
AVPSI Administration 00101512 Rgstr & Exec Dir Stdnt Enrlmnt
Labour Relations&Compensation 00001062 Director Labour Relations
People&Organization Developmnt 00031895 HR Strategic Business Partner
People&Organization Developmnt 00131522 Exec Dir, POD
Capital Campaigns 00130457 Executive Director, Campaigns
CISO Office 00130796 Chief Info Security Officer
CIO Office 00104355 Chief Information Officer
General Counsel 00130182 Legal Counsel
VPPEI Office 00130842 Executive Assistant
General Counsel 00134027 Mgr, Legal & Admin Services
General Counsel 00132325 Paralegal
People&Organization Developmnt 00128897 HR Strategic Business Partner
AVPSI Student Services – EDI 00132048 Director, EDI
People&Organization Developmnt 00116395 Specialist, Human Resources
VPAAE ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Medical School 00134200 Exec Dir, Advancement
People&Organization Developmnt 00111025 Specialist,Wellness & Recovery
Human Rights Office 00000493 Director Human Rights Office
Labour Relations&Compensation 00134102 Spclst, Cnflct Reso Investig
Presidents Office 00122791 Mgr, Prsdnt's Portfolio Admin
Labour Relations&Compensation 00129507 HR Coordinator
Presidents Office 00031151 Administrative Assistant
People&Organization Developmnt 00133714 Assoc Dir, Tlnt Acqu and Rec
Presidents Office 00001727 Executive Assistant
General Counsel 00125977 Legal Counsel
Labour Relations&Compensation 00007508 Director, Total Rewards
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV International 00104916 Exec Director ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Internationl
Van Campus Executive Director 00030417 Executive Dir ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Vancouver
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Office of the Dean 00125847 Exec Dir Acdm Plng&Strgic Prjc
Faculty Relations 00134372 Dir, Faculty Relations Systems
Labour Relations&Compensation 00006810 Dir, HR Research Pers & HRIS
People&Organization Developmnt 00105757 Human Resources Prfsnl II
Chief Safety Office 00108148 Chief Safety and Risk Officer
Core Facilities 00131534 Dir, Public Knowledge Project
Budget Office 00106133 Director Budgets
Faculty Relations 00001176 Exec Dir Faculty Relations
Constituent Fundraising 00123680 Exec Dir, University Campaigns
Labour Relations&Compensation 00000842 Human Resources Prfsnl III
People&Organization Developmnt 00031895 HR Strategic Business Partner
VPRI Administration 00131332 Exec Dir, VPRI Office
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 00122299 Director, EDI
FAS Office of the Dean 00127974 Snr Dir, Fclty Ops & Planning
MED Office of the Dean 00134720 Executive Director, Operations
Science Office of the Dean 00127181 Snr Dir, Fclty Ops & Planning
Research Ethics 00134491 Director, Research Security
Research Operations 00118585 Exec Director Rsrch Operations
VPA Strategic Initiatives 00130334 Dir Strtgc Prjcts & Anlysis
People&Organization Developmnt 00001130 HR Strategic Business Partner
AVPSI Administration 00134402 Sr Director, Stdnt Well-Being
Ext Rel Comm and Marketing 00116785 Exec Director, Strategic Comms
Internal Audit 00001162 Director Internal Audit


Ken Saunders

Chris Sullivan

Allison Matecheskie

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