
Saturday, October 28th

Registration Tables Open

7:00 am 3:00 pm | Closed for lunch break 12:00 1:00 pm

Location: Belzberg Atrium



7:00 8:00 am

Location: ICBC Concourse


Book Exhibit

7:00 5:00 pm

Location: ICBC Concourse


Panel 5A | Gender

8:00 10:00 am

Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall

Chair: Marica Cassis, Univeristy of Calgary

  • Agents of Emasculation? Eunuchs and Women in Middle Byzantine Manuscript Illumination | Lora Webb, Emory University, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
  • Towards a History of Women's Writing in Byzantium | Alexander Riehle, Harvard University
  • Between Laymen: An Unusual Byzantine Tale of Male Bonding | John Duffy, Harvard University
  • From Homosociality to Homoerotics: Interpreting the Rhetoric of Queer Desire in the Lives of St. Barbara and St. Eugenia from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes  | Larisa (Orlov) Vilimonovic, Belgrade University


Panel 5B | Art, Reception, and Performance

8:00 10:00 am

Location: WCC 320

Chair: Amy Gillette, The Barnes Foundation

  • Framing Initiation within the Dura-Europos Baptistery: A Ritual Interpretation of the Painting of the Woman at the Well | Michelle Keefe, Yale University
  • Artificial Light and Monumental Art in the New Church at Tokal覺 Kilise | Evan Freeman, 間眅埶AV
  • The Spatial Impact of Cyril of Jerusalems Cross of Light | A.L. McMichael, Michigan State University
  • Drama Queens (and Kings): Visualizing Theater in Middle Byzantine Luxury Objects \ Elena Gittleman, Bryn Mawr College



10:00 10:15 am

Location: ICBC Concourse


Panel 6A | Graduate Student Session

Sponsored by the Byzantine Studies Program, Dumbarton Oaks

10:15 am 12:15 pm

Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall

Chair: Ruma N. Salhi, Northern Virginia Community College

  • The Priestly Schema of the Diaconate in the Life of St. Domnika | Laura Wilson, Antiochian House of Studies
  • The Koimesis in a Cappadocian Rock-Cut Church | Sarah Mathiesen, Florida State University
  • The Mediations of Byzantine Gold Embroideries | Catherine Volmensky, The University of British Columbia
  • Behind the scheda: The Social Life of Stenographers at the Fifth-century Ecumenical Councils | Ella Kirsh, Brown University


Panel 6B | Justice and Morality

10:15 am 12:15 pm

Location: WCC 320

Chair: Christina Christoforatou, Baruch College, City University of New York

  • Slippery Fate: Circumstantial Justice and Morality in the Poetry and Prose of Agathias | Jonas Tai, Stanford University
  • Gender and Persuasion in the Byzantine Greek Book of Syntipas the Philosopher | Craig A. Gibson, University of Iowa
  • The People as Ejectorate in the Early Byzantine Empire | Kevin Feeney, New York University
  • Preacher and Audience Through Byzantine Eyes. John Chrysostom as Rhetor in Hagiographical Narratives | Cosimo Paravano, University of Vienna and Dumbarton Oaks



12:15 2:15 pm

Location: ICBC Concourse

All registared attendees are welcome!


Panel 7A | Intersecting Sexes: Byzantine, Sasanian and Eurasian Masculinity

Sponsored by the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture

2:15 - 4:15pm

Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall

Session Organizers: Eve MacDonald and Shaun Tougher | Chair: Geoffrey Greatrex, University of Ottawa

  • 'What a Man, What a Man, What a Mighty Good Man': Theophylact Simocatta on the Masculinity of Military Men in the Late Roman and Sasanian World | Sean Strong, Cardiff University
  • 幛梗娶餃棗滄莽勳s&紳莉莽梯;Rum and the Middle Persian Characterisation of Roman Masculinity | Eve MacDonald, Cardiff University
  • Of Men, Beasts, and Martyrs in Armenian Texts | Alison M. Vacca, Columbia University
  • Military Masculinity in Tenth-Century Byzantium: The History of Leo the Deacon | Shaun Tougher, Cardiff University


Panel 7B | Space and Identity

2:15 4:15 pm

Location: WCC 320

Chair: Anne McClanan, Portland State University

  • Reconstructing the Naves of Late Antique Basilicas: The Quarry-Church at Deir al-Ganadla (Asyut, Middle Egypt) as Architectural Cipher | Mikael Muehlbauer, Islamic Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Anicia Julianas Other Church: St. Euphemia en Olybriou | Geoffrey Nathan, University of New South Wales and San Diego State University
  • Byzantine, Romanesque or Rus Architecture? 12th Century Galicia-Volhynia | zlem Eren, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Supersession, Conversion, and Race in the Baptistery Mosaics of San Marco | Thomas Dale, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Panel 7C | Law and Authority

2:15 - 4:15 pm

Location: WCC 420 | Strategy Room

Chair: Dimitris Krallis, 間眅埶AV

  • Three Faces of the Notion of Confiscation in Byzantium: Evidences from the Peira and the History of Michael Attaleiates | Ziyao Zhu, King's College London
  • Eunuchs, Intersectionality, and Queer Families in Byzantine Legal Corpora | Tiffany Van Winkoop, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • What Was the Supreme Ecclesiastical Authority (Magisterium) According to St. Theodore of Studios? | Andrei Psarev, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY
  • Religion and Senatorial Service in the Later Roman Empire | Leonora Neville, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison



4:15 4:30 pm

Location: ICBC Concourse


Panel 8A | Texts and Contexts

4:30 6:30 pm

Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall

Chair: George E. Demacopoulos, Fordham University

  • G瓣dl瓣 G瓣rima: A Six Century Textual Witness for Ethiopian Mythology and Monastic Ties between Axumite and Roman Empire | Teweldeberhan Mezgebe, Mekelle University
  • The Use of the Bible in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu | Daria Elagina, Universit瓣t Hamburg & Felege-Selam Solomon Yirga, University of Tennessee
  • The Jerusalem Liturgy, the Earliest Life of the Virgin, and the Origins of Passion Piety in Late Ancient Palestine | Stephen J. Shoemaker, University of Oregon
  • The Holy Friday Idiomelon 峉峸弮庰怷彖 庥庰弮彄剿帢庣 廒廔 徆弇怷: Liturgical History & Theology between Jerusalem & Constantinople | Gregory Tucker, University of Regensburg


Panel 8B | Imperial Matters

4:30 6:30 pm

Location: WCC 320

Chair: Lynn Jones, Florida State University

  • The Daughters of Valentinian I: Grief, Piety, Virginity and Imperial Womanhood at the End of the Fourth Century | Euan Croman, Queen's University Belfast
  • The Agency of Art in an Age of Dynastic Reproduction | Cecily J. Hilsdale, McGill University
  • A Byzantine Gift Box | Kriszta Kotsis, University of Puget Sound
  • The "Duty of Sovereigns": An Alternative to the "Mirror of Princes" in Byzantium |Marion Kruse, University of Cincinnati


BSANA Governing Board Meeting

7:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: WCC 480 | Rix Boardroom