
Women's Weaving Collective Project

The Centers at UCLA and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are initiating an important collaboration with the Women’s Weaving Collective in Geraki, Laconia, helping the  and weavers in the town to catalog their historical woven textiles and identify local plants that were used for dyes. Beyond this, we are investigating ancient and medieval weaving practices in this settlement, where hundreds of loom weights have been uncovered in local excavations. We hope to introduce patterns for weaving drawn from the exceptional ornamental repertoire found in Byzantine churches in Geraki.

Gefyra focuses on the Geraki Weavers

During the summer of 2023, a community engagement project involving students from UCLA, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, and the University of British Columbia will take place in the village of Geraki, Greece. The project is underwritten by Gefyra, a collaborative initiative of UCLA and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV supported by the . The Geraki Weavers Project is dedicated to cataloguing traditional woven arts in Geraki, which has a rich heritage of textile production and weaving techniques passed down through generations. Part of the project includes collaborative studies with archaeologists from the University of Amsterdam and the Ephoreia of Lakonia who have studied ancient and medieval Geraki, revealing material evidence of weaving over the millennia. An additional component is the study of ornamental patterns in Geraki’s many Byzantine churches, which may have stimulated or responded to patterns in woven textiles.

The project aims to support the Geraki weavers, who hope to preserve and revitalize the traditional art of weaving in Geraki through their teaching and the study of traditional textile production. The facilitators involved in the project will provide a platform for the weavers to showcase their craft on a global scale. By promoting their work, the project aims to enhance economic opportunities and ensure the continuation of weaving practices in Geraki.

In addition to supporting the weavers, the project aims to contribute to academic knowledge dissemination. The facilitators will gather information about the weaving techniques, patterns, and cultural significance specific to Geraki and share these findings through academic publications, interviews, and videos. By doing so, the project seeks to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the weaving heritage in Geraki for the academic community and general public.

An important aspect of the project is the documentation and preservation of an important Greek craft tradition. Recognizing the cultural significance of the weaving tradition in Geraki, the project aims to document and safeguard traditional patterns, motifs, and weaving methods. This involves close collaboration with local weavers to gather valuable knowledge and insights, ensuring the preservation of this intangible cultural heritage.

The Geraki Weavers Project is driven by the objectives of empowering local weavers, preserving traditional knowledge, facilitating market access, and fostering community engagement. Through these efforts, the project not only contributes to the socio-economic development of the community but also preserves and promotes Greece’s rich cultural heritage for future generations.