
Goran Sanev

PhD Student, Archaeology

Supervisor: Sabrina Higgins



Research interests

  • Classical Archaeology, archaic and classical periods
  • Greek Pottery of the archaic and the classical period
  • Ancient communications and demographics in the Central Balkans
  • Underwater Archaeology
  • Museum management
  • Digitization of cultural heritage / museum collections
  • Protection of Cultural heritage, legislation and policies
  • Archaeometry


  • MA in Classical Archaeology, University Sts. Cyril and Methodius
  • BA in History of arts and archeology, University Sts. Cyril and Methodius
  • Training course in underwater archaeology, Sozopol, Bulgaria
  • Postgraduate studies in cultural management, University Sts. Cyril and Methodius


I obtained my MA in Archaeology at the Institute for Art History and Archaeology, University Sts. Cyril and Methodius, in Skopje, Rep. of North Macedonia, in 2011. My professional interest lies in Classical Archaeology, with focus on Ancient Greek pottery and its trade/exports in the North Aegean and the Central Balkan region, including demographics, urbanism and trade routes in Ancient Macedonia and Paeonia during the Archaic and the Classical periods. My professional experience includes 21 years of curatorship and archaeological excavations, as an employee of the National Museum of Macedonia (1998-2013) and the National Archaeological Museum of North Macedonia (since 2013). As an active field archaeologist, I am the director of several excavation projects, including two international ones.

At present, I am PhD student in the Department of Archaeology at 間眅埶AV and a graduate affiliate member of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies, (and a TA contract for HUM 102W D100 Classical Mythology).


  • Archaeologist, Curator Adviser, at the National Archaeological Museum in Skopje
  • Director of the National Archaeological Museum in Skopje (2017-2020)
  • Program director of the Museum of Macedonia, Skopje (2005-2007)
  • Archaeologist, Curator and Senior Curator, Museum of Macedonia, Skopje (1998-2013)


  • Sanev G., Characteristics of the black figure pottery in the Ohrid region, paper presentation at the international conference in Honour of Accad. Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova, Ohrid, 2019
  • Sanev G., Olynthian red figure pottery from Isar Marvinci, proceedings of the international conference Classical pottery in the North Aegean and its periphery, Thessaloniki 2019, 331-338.
  • Sanev G., Sekunda N., Gradiste Negotino in Antiquity, Negotino I, Skopje (catalogue, in print)
  • Sanev G., Gradiste Negotino Antigonea (2009-2012), Macedonae acta archaeologica 22, Skopje (in print)
  • Sanev G., Luxury pottery imports in Trebenishte necropolis, 100 years of Trebenishte (catalog), Sofia 2018, 133-142.
  • Sanev G., Snively C., Life and death in the Late Antique city at Konjuh, Acta Musei Tiberiopolitani, vol.2, Strumica, 2017, 165-171.
  • Sanev G., Sekunda N., Koperkiewich A., Brilowski V., Polish-Macedonian excavations at Negotino Gradiste (preliminary report 2009-2015), ARCHEOLOGIA LXVI, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, 2015, 65-104.
  • Snively C., Sanev G., Late antique residences at Golemo Gradishte, Konjuh, Nis and Byzantium 11, Nis 2013, 157-172.
  • Sanev G., Red figure vases in the FYR Macedonia, Revue Arch矇ologique 2013-1, 3-55, Paris 2013.
  • Sanev G., New Early Antique finds at the Museum of Macedonia, Cultural Heritage, Skopje 2013, 25-34.
  • Sanev G., Kufoianakis B., The archaeological site of Golemo Gradiste at village Konjuh and its potential for development of cultural and rural tourism in Kratovo region , Slaviski Zbornik II, 91-109, Kriva Palanka 2013.
  • Sanev G., A Corinthian aryballos from Skopje, Patrimonium , Skopje 2012, 139-144.
  • Sanev G., Juhel P., Macedonian helmet in the Museum of Macedonia, Proceedings of the international symposium of Hellenistic weapons, Hellenistic Warfare I, Valencia 2011.
  • Sanev G., Snively C., Stojanovski M., Excavations on the northern terrace at Golemo Gradiste, Konjuh, 2007-2010, Macedonae acta archaeologica 20, Skopje 2011, 347-364.
  • Surbanoska M., Sanev G., Jakimovski A., Pre-roman Stobi, investigations 2001, Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica 18, Skopje 2008, 271-282.
  • Sanev G., Trajkovic V., Implementation of 3D computer technologies in archeology, Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica 18, Skopje 2008, 450-454.
  • Sanev G., Karpuzova S., Underwater Arhceology in Macedonia, Sozopol 2000, Bulletin of the National Museum of Macedonia (Archaeology), n.s. 2, Skopje 2006.
  • Sanev G., New finds from "Gorno Pole" - Balabanica, near Stip, Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica 15, Skopje 1999, 63-68.
  • Sanev G., Computer Aplications in Archeology, Barcelona 1998, Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica 15, Skopje 1999, 428.