

Take Action

We can all enhance well-being at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

As a faculty or staff member, you can contribute to the well-being of the broader ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community through the actions you take in your professional role, including:


Design your courses to promote well-being

Learn or contribute to Well-Being in Learning Enviroments. Well-being in Learning Enviroments is a resource library that include in-class activities, teaching practices, content to share with students, and much more.

Contribute and Learn how to best Conduct a Class 


Create policies and processes to create a healthy campus 

Learn how policies can create an instutional enviroment that support student sucess and well-being. 

Learn how policies can affect well-being


Increase Awareness of Student Support on Campus

Health & Counselling has a range of low intensity, easy to access resources and tools to explore - from creative prompts, to podcasts and videos, and online courses. Health and Counselling also have different ways to connect with us so you can access specific resources you're looking for.

Visit the Health and Counselling Resource Page


Design physcial spaces 

Well-designed spaces have the ability to positively impact mood, social connectedness, and learning. We work with a variety of partners to enhance the physical spaces on campus to support well-being.  

Learn how to enhance well-being through physical spaces