
Undergraduate Studies

Programs Offered

The Department of French offers a number of programs for undergraduate students, including Major, Minor, Honours and Certificate programs. The courses we offer range from introductory to advanced levels and enable students in advanced levels to specialize in areas such as language, literature, and linguistics.

For detailed descriptions all our programs visit Programs and Courses

Before enrolling for the first time in a French course at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, students are required to take a Placement Test.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to take the placement test?

If you have never studied  French before and are completely new to the language then you should register in FREN 120.

If you have studied French in the past (no matter how long ago) or are familiar with the language (even just the basics) then you are required to take the placement test. More information about the placement test and an updated list of the dates and times of the next placement test is available on the placement test page.

How do I register for the placement test?

Placement test dates and times are all posted on our website which can be found by following the preceding link. For most of the tests you are not required to register. For some of the busier dates there may be a note on the website above the dates and times asking you to register with the Undergradute Secretary by sending an email with your name, student number, and preferred placement test date.

How long will the placement test take/what should I bring?

The placement test varies in length depending on the student and on the amount of students who show up to take the test. On average the test takes about a half an hour, however some students complete the test in well under that time while for others it may take a bit longer.

Should I study for the test?

No. It is not necessary to study for the placement test as it is meant to gage your French level so that you will be enrolled in the correct French class. Studying for the test could result in your being placed in a class where you may struggle or find it difficult to succeed.

How long will the placement test results be valid for?

Your placement test results will be kept on file for one year. If you would like to register in your first French course more than one year after having taken to placement test you will be required to retake the test.

Course enrollment

  1. Log into the  with your computing ID and password.
  2. Check your Enrollment Appointment under Enroll in Classes menu option.
  3. Check the Course Catalog to see if you have prerequisites for the courses you are planning to enroll in.
  4. Check the time, day, and location of your courses in View Schedule of Classes
  5. Enroll in classes on your Enrollment Appointment date.
  6. The course cart becomes available 2 weeks prior to the start of the enrollment period.

For more information on course enrollment or course drops please follow the subsequent link to the Student Services website.

Where can I find more information about PDP - formation en enseignement?

For information about PDP - formation en enseignement visit /education/programs/teacher-ed/programs-in-french.html.

Can I study other topics in French at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV?

Yes, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV offers you a variety of courses and programs taught in French at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Check out the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs website for the list of their programs offered in French: /baff-offa/en/programs.html.

Where can I find extra help for my French?

The Department of French offers several ways in which students can receive help with their French outside of class:

Office hours: All instructors have set times in which they make themselves available to help the students in their classes. You will find your instructor's office hours listed on their profile in the 'People' section of the website or in their course's Canvas page.

Tutorat: There is a tutorat/tut'oral to help all students enrolled in our French courses with their written and oral French. Dates and times for the tutorat/tut'oral can be found on the tutoring centre calendar.

Private tutoring: Several of our instructors are willing to tutor students privately. Fees are to be discussed with them in private. To make a request for French tutoring please contact Lindiwe at frengen@sfu.ca.

What is the Teaching Assistant Program in France and where can I find more information?

The Teaching Assistant Program in France is a program in which a student spends 7 months (October 1st-April 30th), while being paid, teaching English to elementary or secondary students in France.

More information about the  can be found on the program website (which can be reached through the preceding link). Here you will find information regarding eligibility, the application process, salary, locations, and lodgings.

The department contact for the program is Hélène Pouliot. She is available to answer any questions about the program and can be reached via email at frenadv@sfu.ca or by telephone at 778-782-8744.

I would like to take part in the Teaching Assistant Program in France. How do I apply?

To apply visit the Canada-USA TAPIF online platform at . Please note that there are limited positions available, so acceptance in the program is not guaranteed.

I would like to take part in the Explore program. Where can I find more information and how do I apply?

The Explore program is a five week French-Language bursary program in which students will live in a French speaking region of Canada and study French through classroom instruction, field trips, and sociocultural immersion.

For more information on the program, how to apply, accomodations, and locations please visit .

What is the French Student Union?

The French Student Union is a group of students who practice their French by meeting regularly for meetings and activities. The FSU enables students to utilise their French in everyday situations and also to meet other students in their program of study. The FSU is open to any students who are currently enrolled in a French course.

Examples of some past and planned activites are:

a pizza lunch, a crêpe sale, a movie screening, Club Days, and more!

If you are interested in joining the FSU or would like more information about the club please contact fren-pres@sfu.ca or visit the group's .