

Meet your EnvironMentors

Read about members of our Welcome Team and see some of the advice they have for incoming students!

Rajat Agrawal

My name is Rajat and I am a third-year sustainable energy engineering student minoring in REM with a certificate in sustainable development. I became a mentor because I can provide fun insights at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and want to make everyone feel comfortable and joyful here.

Vee Babbar

My name is Vee, and I am a third-year resource and environmental management and business student. I love outdoor activities like skiing, kayaking and hiking and I am also training in grappling and wrestling. I plan events for the Resource and Environmental Management Student Association (REMSA), and I serve as the associate vice president for SFSS Events & Student Affairs, helping organize exciting and fun events.

Tim Baker

Hey everyone! I am heading into my fifth and final year at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV majoring in environmental science in the applied biology concentration with a certificate in geographic information systems (GIS). This is my third year being an EnvironMentor and I became one because of how helpful my own EnvironMentor was when I started. In my free time I really like skiing, hiking, camping and trying new things!

Diego Barrios-Stewart

Hi! I am a second-year archaeology major/extended French minor and the current vice-president of the Archaeology Student Society. A fun fact about me is that I collect Hawaiian shirts. I look forward to hearing your stories and welcoming you to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV!

Liam Broad

I am a fourth-year global environmental systems major, also doing a GIS certificate. I joined the EnvironMentor program because I have really appreciated how welcoming and friendly ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Faculty of Environment is and I like the idea of giving back by welcoming the next generation of students. I love skiing, mountain biking and hiking.

Briana Burke (she/her)

My name is Briana Burke and I am an archaeology major heading into my fourth year at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. I am an active member of the Archaeological Student Society in the position of faculty representative. Additionally, I am preparing to attend ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Forensic Anthropology/Bioarchaeology field school in Portugal this summer.

Stephanie Castilho

I am a third-year global environmental systems major and I am pursuing a geographic information system certificate. I have served as a peer educator in FIC and held an executive position in the Resource and Environmental Management Student Association (REMSA). I decided to become an EnvironMentor because I understand how challenging it can be for new students to adapt to a new academic environment. I want to support them in navigating their journey and help them fully enjoy the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community.

Priscilla Chan

I am a fourth-year environmental science major. I joined the EnvironMentors because when I was in first year I had a hard time navigating university. I want to help other students feel more included, and help them excel! I also enjoy swimming, hiking and any outdoor activity!

"Get involved in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community. I know it sounds cliché, but it is the best advice I can give. I have met great people and had so many new experiences by getting involved." — Emma Dunsmuir, EnvironMentor

Andrew Do

Hey, I'm Andrew and I am in my third year in environmental science. In my free time I hike, go on backpacking trips and distance run. I became an EnviroMentor because I remember my first year being challenging, but fun, and I want to help incoming students enjoy their time here at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV!

Emma Dunsmuir (she/her)

I am a third-year resource and environmental management (REM) major and I am doing a minor in Indigenous studies. I am the current vice-president of the Resource and Environmental Management Student Association (REMSA). I am also a part of the Faculty of Environment’s Student Leadership Team. I became an EnvironMentor because I wanted to help new students feel welcome at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. I also love travelling and meeting new people.

Julia Faria

Hello, hello! My name is Julia, and I am a third-year archaeology major. I am the current president of the Archaeology Student Society and this is my third time being an EnvironMentor. A fun fact about me is that I have tried a few ancient recipes. I look forward to seeing you in the halls of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and at events.

Den Arias Guillen (they/them)

My name is Den and I am a third-year international student from Mexico majoring in REM and minoring in biology.  I am very passionate about plant biology and mycology. I am part of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV DNA (Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance), a former Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) councillor, and current SFSS executive. I felt inspired to become an EnvironMentor because of my mentor who was very supportive in helping me navigating my first year.

Caragh Hauta

I am a third-year environmental science student with a concentration in environmental earth systems! Being an EnvironMentor has given me the opportunity to connect with my peers and share my experiences with new ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students. The Faculty of Environment has given me some of the best experiences I could have ever asked for!

Sena Isik

Hey! I'm Sena, a fourth-year environmental science student, concentrating on earth systems. I volunteer with Embark Sustainability Society as a food rescue distributor, where we work as a team to reduce food waste. As an EnvironMentor, I want to guide new students to a successful start by giving effective advice. I'm passionate about advocating for human and animal rights!

Sukhman Kaur Khosa

My name is Sukhman, and I am in the resource and environmental management program. I decided to become an EnvironMentor to help new students feel comfortable and so I could be more involved in the FENV community. I like to draw, read and write poetry. I also sing Indian classical music and I love to sing in my mother tongue, Punjabi.


Elena Le

I’m a third-year environmental science major. I am also a caving enthusiast! I became an EnvironMentor because I understand first-hand how challenging the transition from high school to university can be, especially for those moving away from their families. With what I have learned, I hope to make this experience rewarding for new students, regardless of how daunting it can be!

"Be open to opportunities that come your way, whether they’re educational or social, and take the time to enjoy your undergrad because it goes by so quickly." — Megan Smith, EnvironMentor

Samuel Lee (he/him)      

Hey! I'm Samuel, I am a third-year environmental science student with a concentration in environmental earth systems. I became an EnvironMentor because I really appreciate the value of supporting incoming first years with peers who have been through the same process. Fun fact? I'm listed on a Wikipedia article!

Erik Makinen (he/him)

Hi! My name is Erik and I am a third-year global environmental systems (GES) student. I joined the EnvironMentor program at the end of my first year to hear from and engage with new ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students. I believe everyone has a super unique story to tell, and I look forward to learning more about yours!

Mussaab Manzer (he/him)

Hello everyone! My name is Mussaab and I am currently in my third year at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV studying geography and computer science. Transitioning from high school to university was not the easiest for me but a lot of people provided help along the way. I hope that as an EnvironMentor I can make navigating first year and getting involved in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community more comfortable for new students.

Rameesa Rahman

I’m a fourth-year environmental science major. My passion for sustainability and community engagement is what motivated me to join the Welcome Team. Using my personal experiences of moving between countries and being an international student belonging in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community, I am eager to help incoming students navigate their transition into university life. I can also speak three languages (Bengali, Hindi, English) and I am the mother of four female cats!

"Set time aside for yourself. It's so easy to get consumed by university life straight off the bat, so try to take a manageable course load, keep up with your hobbies, and get involved in school activities. Don't be afraid of failure or setbacks; most of us experience them, and they're valuable learning opportunities." — Mussaab Manzer, EnvironMentor

Chloe Ross (she/her)

I am in my fourth year as an environmental science major in the earth system stream. I love getting involved in the Faculty of Environment (FENV) community through the Student Leadership Team, Environmental Science Student Union, as well as EnvironMentors, and have met lifelong friends as a result! I work in the River Dynamics Lab on campus, and study sediment in the Fraser Canyon.

Safiya Samji

Hey everyone! I am a fourth-year environmental science student, concentrating in earth systems and minoring in psychology. I became an EnvironMentor because I want to help incoming students have a smooth transition to university! Some fun facts about me are that I enjoy going swimming and hiking! I am also currently in a co-op work term which has so far been an incredible experience!

Solange Saucier (she/her)

I am in my fourth year of the global environmental systems major and the geographic information systems certificate. I volunteered with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Science in Action last year and had a great time, so I wish to continue volunteering for the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community and help the incoming students through their first year. I also love to play Dungeons and Dragons in my spare time and I am an avid reader.

Polina Shuba (she/her)

I am going into my third year at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and so far I have gotten the chance to work and volunteer with many ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV-based organizations focused on environment and sustainability as well as other passions of mine, such as charity, art and music. I also frequently enjoy going out and exploring the Metro Vancouver Area in search of new places to discover. I am very excited to welcome you to our community and am looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Megan Smith

I am a third-year in the environmental science program in the applied biology stream. I became an EnvironMentor because I wanted to meet more people and be more connected to my Faculty, and this is a great way to do so while meeting and welcoming new students! Some of my interests include reading, going to the gym and hiking.

Rhea Tailor (she/her)

I am a third-year environmental science major with a GIS Certificate. I joined the EnvironMentor team to help new FENV students get a head start by sharing tips I have picked up over the years! I am an international student from Zambia but the great community I have met through groups like the Environmental Science Student Union has made Vancouver feel like home.

Megan Ward (she/her)

Hey! I’m Megan and I’m in my fourth year of environmental science. I became an EnvironMentor because I want to help make new ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students feel welcomed as starting university can be intimidating in a lot of ways. I remember being super overwhelmed and confused when I started, and hope to help new students with any concerns or questions they have about university.

Gabrielle Wong (she/they)

I am a fourth-year student pursuing a BA (Honours) in human geography. Apart from the EnvironMentors program, you might also see me as a HIVE Welcome Leader and as the co-chair of the Geography Student Union! Outside of classes, I enjoy music, baking and crocheting.