

David and Cecilia Ting Endowment Fund Presents

2020 Dean's Lecture Series:

From Environmental Research to Public Solutions

To wrap up the celebration of our 10th Anniversary, 間眅埶AVs Faculty of Environment in partnership with the Alumni Association is pleased to announce our 2020 Deans lecture series:  From Environmental Research to Public Solutions. The series features scholars and practitioners who explore some of the pressing social and ecological challenges we face.  Each talk will share current research and include perspectives from practitioners and community members on applying this knowledge to local collaborations and initiatives to motivate change at individual, organizational and political levels. 

The talks take place at 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings in Room 1900 and start at 7:00 pm.  Attendance is free but reservations are recommended as seating is limited.

The New Power Couple

Thursday, February 6, 2020 |  515 West Hastings | 7:00 pm

Western scientists & Indigenous knowledge keepers are increasingly joining forces to tackle social and environmental problems. These collaborations result in a deeper understanding of social-ecological systems and produce science that is more respectful to Indigenous People and their long-term, place-based knowledge.


  • Dana Lepofsky, Archaeology, 間眅埶AV
  • Qixitasu Yimazalas Elroy White, Heiltsuk Nation and 間眅埶AV alumnus
  • Oqwilowgwa Kim Recalma-Clutesi, Qualicum Nation

Climate Emergency: The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 | 515 West Hastings | 7:00 pm

Mark Jaccard shares the findings of his new book and speaks on how climate-concerned citizens can overcome myths that hinder us from acting in time to prevent extreme climate impacts.


  • Mark Jaccard, Resource and Environmental Management, 間眅埶AV


  • Matt Horne, Climate Policy Manager, City of Vancouver and 間眅埶AV alumnus


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How Red Zones Punish the Poor, Generate Crime, and Break the Law

Thursday, February 20, 2020 |  515 West Hastings | 7:00 pm

Canadian criminal courts rely heavily on spatial restrictions when releasing people on bail and probation.  Also known as red zones, these conditional orders have a significant impact on marginalized people, yet have not received the attention they deserve from scholars and policy-makers. Nick Blomley is hoping to change that.  


  • Nicholas Blomley, Department of Geography, 間眅埶AV
  • Ann Livingston, community activist and co-founder Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users


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Navigating towards ecologically safe and socially just fisheries

Thursday March 12, 2020 |  515 West Hastings | 7:00 pm

Operating within the biophysical limits of our biosphere and ensuring its equitable use is the central challenge of our time. This is acutely true among the worlds oceans where fisheries provide food, livelihoods and well-being for over 3 billion people.  Worryingly, many of these fisheries are in poor shape. Salomon and Kiiiljuus hope to change this by sharing recent discoveries and stories of revitalization from B.C.s  kelp forests, ancient clam gardens and Pacific herring fisheries.  Respondent, Dr. Daniel Pauly, UBC Killam Professor and acclaimed marine scientist, will then provide his global perspective and iconoclastic vision for the future of fisheries worldwide.


  • Anne Salomon, School of Resource and Environmental Management, 間眅埶AV
  • Kiiiljuus  (Barbara Wilson), Skidegate Representative, Haida Council of Nations and 間眅埶AV alumnus


  • Daniel Pauly, UBC Killam Professor, Institiute for the Oceans and Fisheries,UBC


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This series is sponsored by 

間眅埶AV Faculty of Environment
間眅埶AV Alumni Association
David and Cecilia Ting Endowment for Education and Public Responsibility