
Reconciling Curriculum Grant Program

How to Apply

Submit your application online by using the online application forms for each relevant category. Applications must include a letter of support from the Chair or Director in all categories except for the micro grants.

Applications shall propose a theme, title, short (150-word description) and attach a detailed draft syllabus or description of proposed action. Provide a compelling rationale why the subject matter is of current and future interest to scholars, students, and citizens in the broader community in the continuing work of reconciliation. Identify the expected student/professional/community audience and clear learning goals.

For resources to assist with your application, we encourage you to reference the Indigenous Engagement Toolkit in the FASS Faculty and Staff Portal (use your personal ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV login to access).


All applications will be adjudicated by the FASS Reconciliation Working Group.

Criteria for Adjudication

  1. Resonance: Responds effectively to the spirit and letter of the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s calls to action.
  2. Creativity and Academic Value: critical engagement with the concepts of conciliation, reconciliation and decolonization and meaningful involvement of continuing faculty members.
  3. Originality, Diversity and Breadth: intergenerational, intercultural, interdisciplinary, and interactive. A good match between scholarly expertise, public interest, and contextual current affairs.
  4. Cultural Humility and Sensitivity: appropriate respect for and awareness and inclusion of Indigenous community partners, knowledge keepers; meaningful acknowledgement of the spirit of Indigenous protocols. Promise of contribution to ongoing reconciliation.
  5. Potential for Engagement: capacity to provide a memorable experience for students and participating faculty. Innovative pedagogical approach. Caliber of invited speakers. Benefits for community partners. Likelihood to attract new enrollments across the university.

Checklist for New Course Submissions

  • Theme, title and short 150 word description on sample new Special Temporary Topics course proposal (/fass/faculty-staff/portal/ugrad-teach.html#resources and attached to the online form submission)
  • Outline of the draft syllabus and readings
  • List of participating units, members of the oversight committee and/or faculty member(s) coordinating the program
  • Lists and short bios of potential speakers
  • Brief CV of each member of the advisory committee where appropriate Proposed budget
  • Acknowledgement from the relevant Chairs that the credit towards a degree program will be pre-approved by participating units as counting towards the major/minor credential
  • Rationale why this proposal is important to reconciliation in your Unit’s curriculum Suggested plan for sharing teaching credits, if relevant
  • Proposed contribution in cost sharing by home departments of lead members.


Budgets may cover any of the following:

  • Sessional buyouts or equivalents from current teaching to release continuing faculty members for FASS’ Reconciling Curriculum Grant Program
  • TI/TA costs
  • Honoraria for visiting speakers, elders, and or community partner participation
  • Media-editing costs for later instructional use/library archives
  • Room costs for one or more thematically associated public events, involving registered students and general members of the public

Online application forms

  •  (open now; closes January 24, 2025)
  • (opens March 1, 2025)
  •  (opens March 1, 2025)
  •  (open now; closes January 24, 2025)
  •  (opens March 1, 2025)

Deadline and Submissions

Open now

  • Micro Teaching and Research Development Grant (closes January 24, 2025)
  • Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training and Professional Development Grant (closes January 24, 2025)

The application period for all other grants will open on March 1, 2025. 

Online application forms can be found below.

For questions, please contact Associate Dean, Melek Ortabasi (fassadu@sfu.ca) or Director of Indigenous Relations, Tim Michel (timothy_michel@sfu.ca).