French and humanities joint major graduate Ana Bejer was inspired by her professors’ passion for the humanities and the French language. Now, she’s completing her PDP to pursue a teaching career.

French, Humanities, Students, FASS News

Ana Bejer’s education at FASS an “arts student’s dream”

October 10, 2019

Ana Bejer’s passion for teaching was kindled by a program perfectly tailored to her interests: a joint major in French and humanities. Bejer graduated in spring 2019 from ԰AV (԰AV) and intends to become a French and social studies teacher. To that end she is pursuing her Professional Development Program (PDP) in French over the next 16 months at ԰AV.

“I wouldn’t have found this major without the connections I made in class with my peers and professors,” says Bejer. “My professors encouraged me to explore French and their passion inspired me to look into why so many of them found the humanities so interesting.”

Coming from a high school with a phenomenal dedication to its students, Bejer did her research and talked to numerous counselors and ԰AV students as she considered where her university education would take her. Ultimately, she settled on ԰AV as the university best suited to her needs.

“I was looking for a postsecondary institution with a range of social science and art disciplines that were as unique as they were specific—any arts student’s dream,” she says.

Bejer’s academic journey at ԰AV was paved with unique courses that challenged and stimulated her intellectually.

“My experience at ԰AV helped me orient myself and my postgraduate education,” says Bejer. “The fervour that many of my professors had for education was so infectious that it led me to pursue a teaching career.”

She also gained lifelong friends and professional connections through ԰AV’s enriching social scene.

“My peers and professors still get together to catch up at the campus pub,” says Bejer. “Postsecondary connections can transcend university classrooms.”

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