
Process for Approval of Ad and Posting to Provost and Vice-President Academic webpage

  • Chair/Director prepares ad
  • Dean reviews and approves ad
  • Dean's Office sends ad to your with confirmation of approval by Dean, and with approved position form or position number
  • Faculty Relations will confirm approval to Dean/Department and copy the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic to post the advertisement on the Provost and VPA website. Your Advisor may contact you with any questions or recomendations for adjustment to the advertisement, or may share the ad with the Director, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for further review if necessary. Your Advisor will also share the ad with your faculty's Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant to ensure the language of the ad is compliant with the current immigration requirements. 
  • Department administrator to use Position Recruitment Record to document advertisement and recruitment activities.  This record will form a part of the eventual appointment package. 

**If the search is for a Canada Research Chair position, please use the templates on the 間眅埶AV Institutional Strategic Awards (ISA) website and submit the advertisement to the ISA CRC Lead for review first.  The ISA CRC Lead will then submit the advertisement to your Faculty Relations Advisor.  

Ensure that your advertisement includes the following required statements 
  • "All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority."
  • "間眅埶AV is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges 間眅埶AV to foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating the diversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff and our community. 間眅埶AV is committed to ensuring no individual is denied access to employment opportunities for reasons unrelated to ability or qualifications. Consistent with this principle, 間眅埶AV will advance the interests of underrepresented members of the work force, including Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized persons and women; embrace gender and sexual diversity; ensure that equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University; and treat all employees equitably. Candidates that belong to underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply."
  • "Personal information that forms part of an application is collected under the general authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, applicable University Policies, and the 間眅埶AVFA/間眅埶AV Collective Agreement. For further details see the full Collection Notice."
  • If the search is open to candidates who have not yet been awarded their PhD, but are near completion, with an "all but dissertation" (ABD) status:
    • "The successful candidate must have [indicate required credential] by the employment start date; however, PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be hired at the rank of Instructor and will be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor upon completion of the PhD."    
  • The requires all job advertisements to state a salary range
    •  Provide a range from the minimum to the breakpoint with the following explanation: Faculty salaries at 間眅埶AV are based on the salary scales bargained between the University and the 間眅埶AV Faculty Association. A reasonable estimate of the salary range for this role is $[Minimum] to $[Breakpoint]. 
    • If the position is open to multiple ranks, a salary range should be stated for each rank with the following explanation: Candidates with experience comesurate with higher ranks may also be considered for appointment at the associate professor or professor ranks. 
    • Where the position will likely receive a market differential, a reasonable estimate of the expected value of the market differential should be included in the expected salary range. 
Contact the Faculty Relations Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion if you need assistance in your efforts to employ appropriate strategies to encourage application by and consideration of individuals from designated groups that are under-represented. 

Academic Positions

All searches for Continuing Academic Positions will be advertised on the for a minimum of 33 days. In the case of positions where non-Canadian candidates have been short-listed, the advertisement must remain posted until the candidate signs the employment contract and, if applicable, the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is approved. If all the short- listed candidates are Canadian, then, the advertisement must remain posted on the Provost and Vice-President Academic website until after the successful candidate signs the employment contract and the position is filled. 

Except as allowed for Non-Advertised Positions, notices of all positions in these categories will be circulated to Canadian universities, and be advertised for a reasonable period of time in relevant publications including at least 33 days in each of Universities Canadas University Affairs and the CAUT Bulletin (print and/or online) to ensure broad exposure of the vacancy. 

While applications may be viewed before the deadline to apply passes (and unqualified candidates excluded), the applications must be reviewed collectively at the end of the minimum posting period.

Non-Advertised Positions

23.7 In exceptional circumstances, a department may seek permission to proceed other than by way of an advertised search. A written request for an exemption must be submitted to the Dean, along with a detailed recruitment plan for the position. If a candidate has already been identified, the candidates curriculum vita should accompany the request. If the Dean supports the request, they should forward it to the Provost and Vice-President Academic. The Provost and Vice-President Academic will notify the department, the Dean and the Association of the final decision in writing prior to the commencement of the search.

Please complete the Non-advertised Positions - Request for Approval Form, and include all required attachments.

* If the candidate identified for a non-advertised search is non-Canadian, before sending the request to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, please check with the Immigration Consultant for immigration requirements.  

Continuing Position Following Term Teaching Appointment

Where a Department/unit will have employed a teaching faculty member in a term position for four years, the Department will, prior to the end of the fourth year, determine whether there is a continuing need for that position. If a continuing need is identified, a position will be created (subject to budgetary approval). 

The Department will make a recommendation to the Dean as to whether the search should be non-advertised and targeted to the incumbent Member, internal or open as per Continuing Academic Appointments. The search process will be initiated within six months.

Except in the case of an unadvertised search, all limited term faculty members of that rank within that department will be notified of the search and be invited to apply.

Continuing Position Following Term Practitioner Appointment

Where a Department/unit will have employed a practitioner faculty member in a term position for four years of at least 50%, the Department will, prior to the end of the fourth year, determine whether there is a continuing need for that position. If a continuing need is identified, a position will be created (subject to budgetary approval). 

The Department will make a recommendation to the Dean as to whether the search should be non-advertised and targeted to the incumbent Member, internal or open as per Continuing Academic Appointments.

Librarian and Archivist Faculty

The Dean or University Archivist will consult with the appropriate University Executive Officer with respect to the appropriate search procedures, including whether the search will be exclusively internal or will also consider external candidates.

Librarians or archivists of all ranks will be informed when a new or vacant position is advertised. 

Immigration Roadmap

Advertising Checklist

Position Recruitment Record

Collective Agreement Articles:

Article 23: Continuing Academic Appointments

Article 35: Teaching Faculty

Article 36: Librarian and Archivist Faculty

Article 37: Practitioner Faculty

 Academic Leadership Workshop - Advertising/Hiring Q & A

Contact the  handling inquiries for your Faculty.