
For the purposes of ratification votes for appointment (including administrative appointments such as Chair/Director or Associate Dean) and for selection of members and Chair of the TPC, members of the faculty and/or department/school (except persons holding an Administrative Appointment higher than the level of Chair/Director) are eligible to vote as follows:

When vote results are provided with appointment packages, or referred to in Chair/Director or Dean memos, please provide a breakdown of the votes in favour, against, or abstaining.




Adjunct Professors, Associate Members, Associates and Coordinators in Education, University Research Associates No
Associate Dean or higher level Cannot vote for any matters that fall under the Collective Agreement while they are in that role
Continuing Faculty Members, (including Tenure-Track, Grant Tenure, Teaching and Practitioner Faculty). Faculty on parental or sick leave are eligible but not required to vote. Yes
Continuing Librarian and Archivist Faculty Yes
Joint Appointment Yes. Regarded as a full-time member of both departments (CA section 24.8)
Post Retirement Faculty No
Professors Emeriti/ae No
Term Faculty (Research, Teaching and Practitioner) No
Visiting Faculty No

Faculty on Leave

Faculty members on 100% unpaid leave of absence or Long-term Disability are NOT eligible to vote. The intent of any full leave is to relieve the faculty member of all duties during that time.

If only on partial leave, the member is able to vote. 

Contact the  handling inquiries for your Faculty.