The project investigated innovative ways in which instructors used educational technologies and developed an open access, web-based series of case studies that other instructors could use. The case studies include videotaped interviews, best practice guidelines and tips from faculty on using clickers, learning management systems, wikis, or blogs, or other tools.
Case Studies in Educatonal Technology Use
Principal Investigator: Dr. Valia Spiliotopoulos
Co-Investigator: Scott Gerrity
Funding Agency: BC Campus
Additional Team Members: David Black, Catherine Caws, David Creassy, Cindy Xin, Tim Hopper, David Leach, Pam Miller, Kathy Sanford, Mary Sanseverino, Martin Smith, Cindy Xin
What's Proposed
The purpose of the project was to understand the pedagogical purpose and student impact of instructor's use of learning technologies and to share instructors experiences through an open-access website. Through differing theoretical positions, narratives, and contexts, the participants highlight teaching strategies that have a meaningful impact on student learning. The interviews and case-studies shared bring together years of exploration, insight, innovation, and successful teaching in face-to-face, blended and distance learning courses. It was hoped that the site would encourage 'new adopters' engagement by hearing narratives from experienced peers, and provide practical ideas to promote effective teaching with technology.
How This Project is Carried Out
Ten faculty members/instructors from multiple disciplines who had experience teaching blended and distance education courses were selected from 3 post-secondary institutions in BC and were asked to participate in interviews that would highlight how they have used educational technologies in their teaching and learning contexts. A series of 10 videotaped interviews were developed with instructors who use educational technologies in effective, innovative ways. The interviews were transcriped for data analysis, but also to provide searchable web content. The interviews centered around a series of questions regarding best practices in the use of the technology (i.e. finding the best technology for the pedagogical objective, building motivation and a community of inquiry with students online, implementing the technology in context, and assessing how the technology affects the students’ intended and real learning outcomes). The video-taped interviews were included in a project website open to other educators for inspiration and prospective mentoring.
Why This Project Matters
At a time where technology is ubiquitous in the educational context and beyond, it is important to share stories and best practices of educational technology use and develop a community of practice in this area. Doing so would help the teaching and learning community better understand the impact technology has in student learning.
How This Project is Put into Action
The website is used as an educational resource for instructional development workshop.
Where to Learn More
Case Studies of Educational Technology Use Website:
Gerrity, S., Spiliotopoulos, V. Lougheed, P. (2012, May). What’s in a question? Case studies in the innovative use of educational technologies. Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education, Waterloo, Ontario
Spiliotopoulos, V. (2011). Towards a technology-enhanced university education. In A. Kitchenham (Ed.), Blended Learning across Disciplines: Models for Implementation. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.