

My research focus is on Indigenous, arts-based, and ecological practices in education. My scholarship is interdisciplinary and holistic, drawing upon an extensive background of experience as well as study in the arts and art therapy. I also have wide-ranging training and experience in experiential, outdoor, and environmental education. As an Indigenous scholar, my focus is on Indigenous knowledge, literacies, and cultural practices that inform our understandings of our ethical relationality: to the land, through the pedagogy of place; and to cultural understandings, through the pedagogy of imagination. I am also interested in the hermeneutic imagination and how this informs our understandings of education and research.

What I have come to understand in my research as an Indigenous scholar is the role of oral traditions, rituals and storytelling as knowledge translation that have carried Indigenous knowledge practices, histories and ways of knowing through generations. My scholarship explores the respectful reciprocal relationality between: ritual, ceremony, performance, native flute playing in relationship to place, and storying as authentic Indigenous knowledge practices and as research.

  • 2017â€Ëð°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù
    Indigenous Mentorship Network of the Pacific Northwest (IMN-PN)
    Co-Investigator with C. Loppie (PI), N. Caron (PI), M. Greenwood (PI), J. Reading (PI), K. Clement (PI), A. Letendre, R. Masching, S. Pooyak, C. Ahenakew, B. Allan, L. Arbour, J. Butler Walker, J. Corntassel, S. De Leeuw, T. Fraser, T. Friedel, R. George, R. Hancock, H. Harder, M. Ignace, E. Jovel, A. King, C. Lys, D. Mucina, J. O'Neil, T. Prentice, P. Spittal, J. Thomspon, A. Ward, P. Whitinui.
    CIHR, $200,000 (5 years)
  • 2017â€Ëð°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù
    Honoring Cultural Diversity through Collective Vocal Practice
    Co-Investigator with V. Magnat (PI), C. Kenny, J. Carter
    SSHRC Insight Grant ($94,090), SSHRC Connection Grant ($24,745), UBC Hampton Grant ($3,000)
    SSHRC Insight Grant ($94,090) and a SSHRC Connection Grant ($24, 745) as well as a UBC Hampton Grant ($3,000)
  • 2010â€Ëð°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù
    Aligning education and sustainability in Maple Ridge, BC: a study of place-based ecological schooling
    Co-Investigator with S. Blenkinsop, M. Fettes, K. Egan, D. Zandvliet, J. Moore
    Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Community-University Research Alliances (CURA), $1,000,000
  • 2009–2010
    Aligning Education and Sustainability in Maple Ridge, BC: A Study of Place-Based Ecological Schooling
    Principal Investigator: S. Blenkinsop; Co-Investigators: M. Fettes, V. Kelly, K. Egan, D. Zandvliet
    Environmental CURA Grant, $20,000
  • 2009–2010
    Aaste Davie School: A Narrative Portrait
    Principal Investigator
    Research Opportunities Publication Grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, $4,000
  • 2008–2010
    A Narrative Portraiture of Aatse Davie School, Fort Ware, British Columbia
    Research Opportunities Grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, $7,500
  • 2008–2009
    PDP Program Development on: “Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Teacher Educationâ€
    Principal Investigator; hosted 4 Guest lecturers presenting to Education Faculty and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
    Aboriginal Education Fund Grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, $2,500
  • 2007–2009
    Aboriginal Educator Dialogues on Pathways of Indigenous Learning
    President’s Research Grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, $10,000

