Refereed Conference Presentations
Kelly, V. (October, 2017) Ceremony as Pedagogy and the Role of Indigenus Art Praxis. Presentation at the 12th Bi-annual International Expressive Arts Therapy Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Kelly, V. (July, 2017) Considering Collaborative Indigenous Research and Educational Praxis in Ethical Relationality to Place. Presentation at the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education, Toronto, ON.
Kelly, V. (July, 2017) Evoking Indigenous Knowledge Practices as Activism. Presentation at the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education, Toronto, ON.
Kelly,V. (May , 2017) Indigenous Flute Practice in ROUNDTABLE Singing Circles: Honouring Cultural Diversity Through Intergenerational and Cross-Cultural Collective Vocal Practice. CATR Congress Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Kelly,V. (May 2017) Artth 5th Is-Based and Contemplative Approaches to Teaching and Research, Indigenous Scholar Facilitator for the CSSE ARTS Pre-conference Congress, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Kelly, V. (April, 2017) Indigenous Knowledge Practices as Artful Pedagogy. Shawane Dagosiwin Conference at 5th Symposium of Indigenous Teacher Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
Kelly, V. (February, 2017) Evoking Indigenous Poesies. Provoking Curriculum Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC.
Kelly, V. (February, 2017). Radical Openness as Curricular Breath. Provoking Curriculum Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC.
Kelly, V. (May, 2016) Indigenous Metissage: Art, Ecological Activism, education and place. Symposium Presentation at CSSE, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Kelly, V. (May, 2016). Towards Ecological Relationality and Reconciliation: Engaging the head, the heart, and the hands. Presentation at CSSE, CACS Pre-conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Kelly, V. (May, 2016). Art Activism and Place an Indigenous Metissage. Presentation at the 12th International Congress on Qualitative Research, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Kelly, V. (May, 2016) Provoking Paradigmatic Polyphony. Performance/Presentation at the 12th International Congress on Qualitative Research, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Kelly, V. (May, 2016) The Sonics of Social Healing and Reconciliation: Weaving Circles of Understanding in Response to the TRCs Calls to Action. Presentation at the Surrey Teachers Association Conference, Surrey, BC.
Kelly, V. (April, 2016) Art, Activism and Place in Education For Reconciliation. Presentation at Reconciliation, Innovation and Engagement Conference, CUVIC, at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
Kelly, V. (April, 2016) Education for Reconciliation: An Indigenous Metissage. Presentation at the 2016 Indigenous Education Symposium, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
Kelly, V. (Feb, 2016). Teacher Inquiry and Indigenous Knowledge Practices. Presentation at the IOP Conference, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Kelly, V. (October, 2015) Art, Activism and Place: Considerations for Environmental Education. Presentation at the Earth Matters Conference, EECOM, Canmore, AB.
Kelly, V. (October, 2015) Presentation/Performance at the Poetic Inquiry Conference, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (October, 2015) Echo-tracing: Art and Activism. Presentation/Performance at the VERGE Conference, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.
Kelly, V. (April, 2015). Honouring Presence: Contemplative and Arts-based Approaches in Research and Pedagogy. Presentation/Performance at AERA Chicago, IL.
Kelly, V. (February, 2015) Creating Sane Spaces in the Academy: A Visioning Workshop. Presentation/Performance at the Provoking Curriculum Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly. V. (2014, April). Encountering Tensions within Collaborative Artistic Inquiry: An Eco-tracing. Presentation/Performance at AERA. Philadelphia, PA.
Kelly, V. (2013, October). Walking Wit: Mentoring and Two-Eyed Seeing. Presentation/Performance at the International Holistic Learning: Breaking New Ground Conference. Geneva Park Conference Centre, Orillia, ON.
Kelly, V. (2013, October). Ecotracings. Presentation/Performance at the Fourth International Symposium of Poetic Inquiry, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
Kelly, V. (2013, June). Cultivating Deep Connectivity to Place. Presentation/Performance at CSSE 2013, University of Victoria, BC.
Kelly, V., Moore, D., Sabatier, C. (2013, January). Indigenizing French Education if British Columbia, Canada. From Teacher Training to Classroom Interaction. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Kelly, V., Piersol, L., Derby, M. (2012, October). Eco-Portraiture: Working with the More than Human as Co-researcher. 41st Annual NAAEE Research Symposium. Oakland, CA.
Kelly, V., Piersol, L., Derby, M. (2012, October) Navigating the Choppy Seas of Ethics in Community Research. 41st Annual NAAEE Research Symposium. Oakland, CA.
Kelly, V. (2012, May). M矇tissage as Curricular Crossroads: Braiding Together Artifacts, Places and Stories. Presentation/performance in CACS Symposium with Donald, D., Chambers, C., Hasbe-Ludt, E., Ng-A-Fook, N. at CSSE 2012 Annual Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.
Kelly, V. (2012, April). Dialogue on Environmental Learning and Experience. Presentation/performance in AERA Invited Presidents Session, with Zandvliet, D. at the AERA Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, April). In the Discipline of the Wind: An Indigenous Arts-based Methodology. Presentation/performance at the AERA Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, April). Life-writing as M矇tissage: Canadian Artifacts, Inter-national Places and Stories. Presentation/performance in Symposium/panel at the AAACS 2012 Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, April). Poiesis, Praxis and Place: Life Writing a Trans-local Collective Curriculum. Presentation/performance in Symposium/panel at the AAACA 2012 Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, April). Indigenous traditions of Cultivating deep Connectivity to Place. Presentation/performance in the symposium/panel: Understanding Curriculum as Compassion Through Contemplative and Artistic Practices, at the AAACS 2012 Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, March). The Place of the Arts in Giving Voice; A Transformative Journey. Symposium/panel Presentation/performance with a group 間眅埶AV M.Ed. in Arts Education Indigenous artist/scholars at 1st Annual Women Warriors Conference at the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC.
Kelly, V. (2012, March). Walking With; As Vision, Practice, and Curriculum. Symposium/panel Presentation/performance with a group of elders, community members and educators at the 1st Annual Women Warriors Conference at the University of Northern British Columbia. Prince George, BC.
Kelly, V. (2011, October). Wind in the Trees in the Symposium Echoing: A Performative Inquiry into the Aesthetics of Vulnerability. Presentation/performance at the Provoking Curriculum Conference. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Kelly, V. (2011, October). M矇tis Wayfinding and Finding Voice. Presentation/performance at the in the Symposium: Metis/sage/ing the Tensioned Topographies of Culture and Curriculum: Life Writing and the Aesthetics of Vulnerability at the Provoking Curriculum Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Kelly, V. (2011, May, 2011). M矇tis Wayfinding Through M矇tissaging. Paper/Performance at the CSSE Symposium: Paper/Performance: Metis/sage/ing the Tensioned Topographies of Curriculum: Life Writing, Culture, and the Digital Commons. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
Kelly, V. (2011, May). Indigenous Understanding of Place in Eco- tracing: Inquiry Through Site Specific Performance. Paper/Performance at the CSSE Symposium, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
Kelly, V. (2010, July). Indigenous Education: Towards a Pedagogy of Place. International Conference on Indigenous Knowledges, Trent University. Peterborough, ON.
Kelly, V. (2010, June). Mixed and Mixing Identities: I am a living M矇tissage. CSSE. Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
Kelly, V. (2010, May). Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives on Two-Eyed Seeing in Teacher Education. EECOM 間眅埶AV, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2010, April). The Fourth Strand: Mixing and Mixed Identities. AERA. Denver, CO.
Kelly, V. (2010, February). Honouring Our M矇tis Selves. Globalization. International Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference, University of Washington, Spokane, WA.
Kelly, V. Chambers, C., Tanaka, M. (2010, February). Two-Eyed Seeing Through and Ecological, Spiritual and a Social Sense of Place. Westcast Conference, University of Lethbridge, AB.
Kelly, V, Tanaka, M, Chambers, C Blood, N. (2009, May). CSSE Conference Symposium: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives on Two- Eyed Seeing in Education. Ottawa, ON. Canada.
Kelly, V, Battiste, M, Tanaka, M, Barnett, MJ. (2009, May). CSSE Conference Symposium: Transforming Teacher Education: Nurturing the Learning Spirit. Ottawa, ON.
Kelly, V. Leggo, C, Chambers, C. Hasebe- Lundt E. (2009, May). May We Get Us a Heart of Wisdom: Life Writing Across Knowledge Traditions. Paper presentation at the CSSE Symposium. Ottawa, ON.
Kelly, V. (2009, May). Spiritual Ecology: Art Myth and Vision. Paper presentation at International Conference on Ecology and Professional Helping, Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries. University of Calgary, AB.
Kelly, V, Tanaka, M, Chambers, C Blood, N. (2009, April). Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives: Two-Eyed Seeing in Teacher Education. AERA Conference Symposium. San Diego, CA.
Kelly, V., Battiste, M., Tanaka, M., Barnett, MJ. (2009, April). Transforming Teacher Education: Nurturing the Learning Spirit. AERA Conference Symposium. San Diego, CA.
Kelly, V, Leggo, C, Chambers, C. Hasebe- Lundt E. (2009, April). May We Get Us a Heart of Wisdom: Life Writing Across Knowledge Traditions. Paper presentation at AERA. San Diego, CA.
Kelly, V. (2009, February). Holistic and Indigenous Perspectives in Teacher Education: Towards Two-Eyed Seeing. PDP Conference, 間眅埶AV, Surrey, BC.
Kelly, V., Moore, D., Marshall, S., Parregaux, C. (2008, July). Engaging With Language: Language Awareness and Imagination. Colloquium presentation at the Association for Language Awareness 9th International Conference. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Kelly, V. (2008, June). Aboriginal Educator Dialogues on Pathways of Indigenous Pedagogy. CCSE. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2008, March). Aboriginal Educator Dialogues on Pathways of Indigenous Learning. AERA. New York, NY.
Kelly, V. (2007, October). To See, to Know, to Shape, to Show: Art as a Way to Embody Knowing. Paper presentation at the Holistic Learning: Breaking New Ground: Spiritual Leadership Conference, OISE, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Kelly, V. (2007, July). The Arts as Catalyst, Catharsis, and Crucible: the Pedagogy of Profession and Provoking Excellence. Paper presentation at Imaginative Education Conference: Imaginative Education: Provoking Excellence Across the Curriculum. Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. & Thornton, G. (2007, April). The Artful Doctoral Journey: Riding the Crests, Troughs, and Choosing Tack. AERA, Holistic, SIG, Chicago, IL.
Kelly, V (2007, March). Reclaiming Wholeness: Welcoming an Integrative Vision and Transformative Practice in Education. Paper presentation at Spirituality and Education Network Summit. Malibu, CA.
Kelly, V. (2006, July). The Artistic Act of Imagination: To See, To Know, to Shape, To Show. The Imagination in Education Conference: Opening Doors to Imaginative Education: connecting theory to practice. Vancouver, BC.
Kelly, V. (2005, July). The Arts as Pedagogue of the Imagination. The Imagination in Education Conference: Engaging the Imagination if Teaching and Learning, Vancouver, BC.