
Professional Conference Presentations and Workshops

As a therapeutic eurythmist, trained in holistic hospitals in Europe, in both general medicine and psychiatry, I was involved in many conferences and workshops on complementary medicine and art therapy. Due to my extensive experience working in holistic medicine, I was deeply involved in the development and training of therapists, educators, and doctors in North America between the years of 1991-2002. I was also simultaneously involved in developing an integrative arts curriculum for grades 2-8 in eurythmy classes.  In collaboration with other special educators, doctors, and art therapists I developed the first Care Circle for Special Education at the Toronto Waldorf School, Thornhill, ON, Canada.

Kelly, V. (2002). The Rainbow Bridge of the Arts: Art as pedagogue, Art as healer. Keynote address at the Annual Medical Section Conference: Toronto, ON. Canada. Conference attended by doctors, nurses, physio-therapists, message therapists, art therapists and therapeutic eurythmists. This lecture was based on my M.A. research in aesthetic ways of knowing, the arts and human development.

Kelly, V. (1998). Spirit Within, Spirit Without: Movement with Purpose and Learning with Interest. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill. ON. Canada. This conference is for active Waldorf teachers.

Kelly, V. (1998). Ideas for a Grade Seven Performance Extravaganza and its Potential Pedagogical Impact. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Eurythmy Teachers Summer Conference: Portland, OR.   

Kelly, V. (1998). Healing through Music and Movement. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1997). The Will and the Way: How do we awaken and nurture the will forces of our students? Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill. ON.  

Kelly, V. (1997). The Role of Eurythmy in the Waldorf Curriculum as an Example of the Integration of the Arts. Demonstration and presentation for the Delegation of Korean Educators: visiting OISE, University of Toronto. ON.

Kelly, V. (1997). The Tone Eurythmy Curriculum and how to introduce it to the various grade levels. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Eurythmy Teacher Summer Conference: Portland, OR.

Kelly, V. (1997). Annual North American Medical Section Conference: Kimberton, PE. Presentation to conference of doctors, nurses, physio- therapists, message therapists, art therapists and therapeutic eurythmists on: Archetypes in Development and Healing. I also did a workshop on my research to therapeutic eurythmists: Archetypal Gestures in Development and Healing.

Kelly, V. (1997). Exploration of the Self as Revealed through Music and Movement. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1996). Integration of the Arts and the Role of Eurythmy in the Waldorf Curriculum as an Example of a Holistic Curriculum. Two demonstrations and presentations to the Delegation of Japanese Educators: visiting OISE, University of Toronto, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1996). The Inherent Discipline in the Arts: A medium for Social and Moral Education. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1996). Waldorf Education and the Integration of the Arts and Music and Tone Eurythmy. Presentation and a workshop at the University of Toronto visiting courses in Holistic Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1996). The Integration of the Arts in the Waldorf Curriculum. Demonstration and presentation to the delegation of Icelandic Educators: visiting OISE, University of Toronto. ON.  

Kelly, V. (1996). Pedagogical Exercises Using Copper Rods to Enhance Agility. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Eurythmy Teachers Summer Conference: Portland, OR.

Kelly, V. (1996). Listening and Speaking in Music and Movement. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1995). Communicating…Through Movement. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1995). University of Toronto visiting courses in Holistic Education and Alternatives in Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON. Two presentations on: Waldorf Education and the Integration of the Arts and I also did workshops in: Speech and Tone Eurythmy.

Kelly, V. (1995). The Pedagogical Eurythmy Curriculum. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Eurythmy Teachers Summer Conference: Portland, OR.

Kelly, V. (1995). The Apollonian and Dionysian Elements in Art. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1994). The Role of the Arts in Fostering Social and Values Development. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1994). Waldorf Education and the Integration of the Arts and workshops in: Music and Tone Eurythmy. Two presentations at the University of Toronto courses in Holistic Education and Alternatives in Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1994). Working with Hygienic Exercises in Pedagogical Eurythmy. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Eurythmy Teachers Summer Conference: Garden City, NY.

Kelly, V. (1994). Exploring Inner Soul Gestures in Eurythmy. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1993). Morality at Risk: Art in Service of Values Education. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1993). Waldorf Education and the Integration of the Arts and workshops in: Music and Tone Eurythmy. Two presentations at the University of Toronto courses in Holistic Education and Alternatives in Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1993). Eurythmy and the World of Gesture. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1992). Rhythms in Teaching and Rhythms in Learning. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V (1992). Waldorf Education and the Integration of the Arts and Workshops in: Music and Tone Eurythmy. Two presentations at the University of Toronto courses in Holistic Education and Alternatives in Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.  

Kelly, V. (1992). Expression through Music and Movement. Presentation and workshop at the Annual Arts Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1991). Breathing as an Archetype in the Curriculum. Presentation and workshop at the Ontario Waldorf Teachers Development Conference: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1991). Exercises for Elementary School Children. Presented my research to therapeutic eurythmists at the Annual Medical Section Conference: Kimberton, PE.

Kelly, V. (1991). Waldorf Education and The Integration of the Arts and workshops in: Music and Eurythmy. Two presentations at the University of Toronto courses in Holistic Education and Alternatives in Education: Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill, ON.

Kelly, V. (1990). Depression and Movement. Presentation and workshop to psychiatrists and art therapists at the Husemann Clinic, Buchenbach, Germany.

Kelly, V. (1988). The Experience of Music in Eurythmy. Presentation and workshop at the IDRIART Music Festival and Conference: Vidarasen Landsby, Andebu, Norway.  

Kelly, V. (1987). International Camphill Village Conference: Vallersund Gard, Vallersund, Norway. A week course for drug addicts, disabled villagers and co-workers in Music and Eurythmy.

Kelly, V. (1987). Social Responsibility and Community in the Arts. Pesentation and workshop at the International Camphill Villager Conference: Hogganvik Landsby, Vikedal, Norway. 

Kelly, V. (1986). Rhythms in Art, Community and Nature. Pesentation and workshop at the International Bio-dynamic Agriculture Conference: Vidarasen Landsby, Andebu, Norway. 

Kelly, V. (1985). Form Experience in Choreography. Presentation at the Form Drawing Conference for Waldorf Teachers: The Pennine Camphill Community, Wakefield, England. I also hosted the conference.  

Kelly, V. (1984). Eurythmy and Working with the Adolescents. Presentation and workshop at the Camphill Youth Guidance Conference: Blair Drummand, Stiling England. 
