

  • Diploma, First Nations Fine Art, Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Community College, 2015
  • Certificate, First Nations Fine Art, Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Community College, 2014
  • PhD, Education (Holistic and Aesthetic Education), University of Toronto (OISE), 2006
  • Diploma, Visual Art and Art Therapy, Arscura School for the Development and Exploration of Art in Healing and Social Fields, 2005
  • MA, Education (Holistic and Aesthetic Education), University of Toronto (OISE), 2001
  • Diploma, Therapeutic Eurythmy, London School of Eurythmy in Conjunction with the Medical Section of the Goetheanum, 1990
  • Diploma, Pedagogical Eurythmy, Waldorf Education Programme, Emerson College, 1985
  • Diploma, Performing Arts: Eurythmy, Ringwood-Botton School of Eurythmy, 1984
  • FA, Sculpture, Emerson College, 1979
  • BA, English Literature and History, Dalhousie University, 1978
  • Foundation Year, Sunbridge College, 1975

Note: Eurythmy is an integrative art of movement that incorporates elements of music, drama and poetry. As an art form it endeavors to make visible musical tone and the spoken word. Eurythmy is a performing art in its own right and is taught as a subject in adult education institutions, Waldorf Schools, as well as Camphill Schools and Communities around the world. It is also used extensively in medial practices and clinics as an integrative art therapy.  

Additional Professional Qualifications

  • Advanced Courses, Visual Art and Art Therapy, Arscura, School for Exploration and Development of Art in Healing and Social Fields, 2006
  • Advanced Courses, Eurythmy and Theraputic Eurythmy, Continuing Education completed in Europe and North America, 1999