
Refereed Journal Articles

Ilieva, R. & Ravindran, A. (under review). Agency in the making: Experiences of international graduates of a TESOL program.

Ilieva, R. (2016). EAL in public schools in BC: Reconsidering policies and practices in light of Frasers social justice model. The International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education, 1(2), 6781. DOI: 10.4018/IJBIDE.2016070106

Frank, M. & Ilieva, R. (2015). Betwixt and between: Language and IETs repositioning in British Columbia. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 38(3), 139154.

Ilieva, R., Li, A., & Li, W. (2015). Negotiating TESOL programs  and EFL teaching contexts in China: Identities and practices of international graduates of a TESOL program. Comparative and International Education, 44(2), Article 3. Available online at

Ilieva, R., Beck. K., & Waterstone, B. (2014). Towards sustainable  internationalisation of higher education. Higher Education, 61(6), 875-889.

Ilieva, R. & Waterstone, B. (2013). Curriculum discourses within a TESOL program for international students: Affording possibilities for academic and professional identities. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry10(1), 1637.

Beck, A., Ilieva, R., Pullman, A., Zhang, Z. (2013). New work, old power: Inequities within the labour of internationalization. On the Horizon, 21(2), 8495.

Ilieva, R. (2012). Culture as site of identification: Exploring cultural tool normalization in immigrant ESL adults engagements with Canadian culture. TESL Canada Journal, 30(1), 87103.

Ilieva, R. (2010). Non-native English Speaking Teachers Negotiations of Program Discourses in their Construction of Professional Identities within a TESOL Program.Canadian Modern Language Review, 66(3), 343369.

Ilieva, R. (2009). Towards promoting culture exploration in foreign language classrooms. Foreign Language Teaching Journal, XXV(1), 3343.Sofia: Ministry of Education and Research.

Grimmett, P., Dagenais, D., DAmico, L., Jacquet, M., Ilieva, R. (2008) The contrasting discourses in the professional lives of educators in Vancouver, Canada.Journal of Educational Change, 9(2), 101121.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Scholefield, A., Waterstone, B. (2007). Locating Gold Mountain: Cultural capital and the internationalization of teacher education. Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 3.

Beynon, J., Ilieva, R. Dichupa, M. (2004). Re-credentialling experiences of immigrant teachers: Negotiating institutional structures, professional identities and pedagogy.Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 10(4), 429444.

Beynon, J., Ilieva, R., Dichupa, M., Hirji, S. (2003). Do you know your language?: How teachers of Punjabi and Chinese ancestries construct their family languages in their personal and professional lives. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 2(1), 127.

Ilieva, R. (2001). Living with ambiguity: Toward culture exploration in second-language classrooms. TESL Canada Journal, 19(1), 115.

Beynon, J., Ilieva, R., Toohey, K., LaRocque, L. (2001). A secondary school career education program for ESL students. Journal of Curriculum Inquiry, 31(4), 399420.

Ilieva, R., & Waterstone, B. (2001). Tell us more/Dont talk about it: Contradictory economies of immigrant and queer identity performance in academia. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(1), 107119.

Beynon, J., Ilieva, R., Dichupa, M. (2001). Teachers of Chinese ancestry: Interaction of identities and professional roles. Teaching Education, 12(2), 131149.

Ilieva, R. (2000). Exploring culture in texts designed for use in adult ESL classrooms.TESL Canada Journal, 17(2), 5063.

Ilieva, R. (1992). Some beliefs of adult Bulgarian learners of English concerning language learning. Foreign Language Teaching Journal, 1, 4147. Sofia: Ministry of Research and Education.
