
Other Scholarly Publications

Ilieva, R. (2017). Textbooks. TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 24 pages.

Ilieva, R. (2012). [Review of Language teacher education for a global society]. Canadian Modern Language Review, 68(3), 352354.

Ilieva, R. (2011). [Review of The multilingual subject]. Canadian Modern Language Review, 67(2), 277278.

Ilieva, R. (2010). Attending to cultural and linguistic diversity in education: An analysis of ESL language policies and programs in public schools in British Columbia. In Yankova, D. (Ed.), Managing diversity and social cohesion: The Canadian experience. Proceedings of 5th international conference of Central European Canadianists (pp. 237245). Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University Press.

Ilieva, R. (2010). International Education as Response to Discourses of Globalization: The Case Study of an MEd TESOL program in a Canadian University. In Grozdanova, L. &Pipeva, M. (Eds.), Selected papers of the 13th international conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies (pp. 125135). Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Press.

Ilieva, R. (2008). A sociocultural and critical view on BC language education policies and programs for minority students in public schools. Proceedings of 2007 National Conference International Languages and Education: Access, Equity and Inclusiveness (pp. 2129), Vancouver, BC.

Ilieva, R. (2007). Pre-service teachers and change: A case study of the MEd International program in TEFL at 間眅埶AV. Proceedings of International Conference How does action research support innovation in teacher education for a sustainable future? (pp. 235249). Educational Research Institute: Cheongju National University of Education, Korea.

Ilieva, R. (2006). [Review of Tongue-tied: The lives of multilingual children in public education]. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(1), 121123.

Ilieva, R. (2006). [Review of Crossing the curriculum: Multilingual learners in college classrooms]. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism9(1), 152154.

Ilieva, R. (2002). The author replies to Mari Haneda. TESL Canada Journal, 19(2), 9899.

Ilieva, R. (2002). [Review of Language Learners as Ethnographers]. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 59(1), 181183.

Ilieva, R. (2001). [Review of Kaleidoscope Level 1 and 2: Reading and Writing].The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57(3), 520521.

Ilieva, R., Dagenais, D., LaRocque, L. (Eds.) (1998a). Metropolis Education Research Forum. Proceedings of the Education Domain Conference attended by researchers associated with the Metropolis Project, Ottawa, ON.

Ilieva, R. (1998b). [Summary of project reports in Institutional Adaptation and  Intercultural Training working group]. In Ilieva, R., Dagenais, D., LaRocque, L. (Eds.), Metropolis Education Research Forum. Proceedings of the Education Domain Conference attended by researchers associated with the Metropolis Project (pp.2229). Ottawa, ON.

Ilieva, R. (1997a). [Summary of project reports in Language Learning and Literacy working group]. In Ciceri, C. & M. McAndrews (Eds.), Proceedings of the Education Domain Conference associated with the Metropolis Project: The Role of Education in the Integration of Immigrants: Current Research and Future Perspectives (pp. 4447). St. Johns, NL.

Ilieva, R. (1997b). [Summary of project reports in School Community Relations in Pluriethnic Settings working group]. In Ciceri, C. & M. McAndrews (Eds.), Proceedings of the Education Domain Conference associated with the Metropolis Project: The Role of Education in the Integration of Immigrants: Current Research and Future Perspectives (pp. 5760). St. Johns, NL.

Ilieva, R. (1991). [Review of Teaching English with Video]. Foreign Language Teaching Journal1, 5558. Sofia: Ministry of Research and Education.

Ilieva, R. (1989). A survey of some of the learning strategies of adult Bulgarian learners of English. Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of Young Researchers (pp. 147151). Pravets, Bulgaria.
