
Reviews and editing

2012-20 Associate Editor, School Psychology International Journal
2020 Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Education
2020 Reviewer, Journal of Further and Higher Education
2020 Reviewer, School Psychology International
2019 Research Proposal Assessment, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2019 Reviewer, Human Rights Education Journal
2019 Research Proposal Assessment, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
2017 Reviewer, Journal of Mental Health
2017 Reviewer, School Psychology International (2 reviews)
2016 Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Higher Education
2016 Reviewer, Sage Open Journal
2016 Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Education
2016 Reviewer, International Journal of Technoethics
2016 Reviewer, School Psychology International (2 reviews)
2016 Reviewer, Psychology Press / Routledge (new book proposal)
2016 Reviewer, Routledge (revision of existing book proposal)
2015 Reviewer, Research Fund Proposal Assessment, Committee on Research and Development, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
2015 Reviewer, McGill Journal of Education
2015 Reviewer, Pastoral Care in Education Journal
2015 Reviewer, School Psychology International Journal (2 reviews)
2014 Reviewer, School Psychology International Journal (2 reviews)
2014 Reviewer, The Spanish Journal of Psychology
2013/4 Expert Panelist, SSHRC Partnership Grants
2013 Reviewer, Education Research and Reviews Journal
2012 Reviewer, Journal of Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties
2012 Reviewer, Book manuscript for Canadian Scholars' Press
2012 Reviewer, Journal of Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties
2011 Reviewer, Journal of Adolescence
2011 Reviewer, School Psychology International
2011 Reviewer, Journal of Education Computing Research: Special Issue on Digital Pathologies
2011 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2011 Reviewer, Journal of Adolescence
2010-11 Reviewer, Law Foundation of British Columbia grant applications.
2010 Reviewer, Journal of Adolescence
2010 Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research
2010 Reviewer, Social Development Journal
2010 Reviewer, Book manuscript for Nelson Canada
2010 Reviewer, Journal of Adolescent Research
2010 Reviewer, In education Journal
2010 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2009 Reviewer, Journal of Adolescence
2009 Reviewer, Two book chapters for IGI Global
2008 Reviewer, Book for Pearson Education Canada (2008, 2006)
2008 Reviewer, Policy and Practice in Education
2007 Reviewer, Curriculum Inquiry
2006 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2006 Reviewer, Book for Pearson Education Canada
2006 Reviewer, McGill Journal of Education
2005 Reviewer, Canadian Modern Language Review
2005 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2005 Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research
2005 Reviewer, McGill Journal of Education
2004 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2004 Reviewer, Thomson/Nelson book submission
2003 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2003 Reviewer, American Journal of Education (2003, 1999, 1995)
2002 Reviewer, Journal of Professional Studies (2002)
2002 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
2002 Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research
2002 Reviewer, Journal of Professional Studies
2001 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
1999 Reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant
1999 Reviewer, American Journal of Education
1997 Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research
1995 Doctoral Student Review Committee, American Journal of Education

Service to the wider academic community

2012-13 Associate member, Centre for the Study of Leadership and Ethics, Nipissing University.
2012 Participant, Human Rights Watch inter-agency symposium on international human rights education in Canada, March 2012.
2011-12 Co-sponsor, International Anti-Bullying Summit, Auburn University, Held July 2012.
2011-12 Contributor, International Human Rights Education Report by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada
2010-11 Member, International Program Planning Committee, 166h Annual International Values and Leadership Conference: Authentic Leadership, held in Victoria, BC, September 2011.
2009 Contributor, National Strategy for Early Literacy submission from the Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV (coordinated by K. Toohey)
2008-10 Member, PANCANNET committee of CSSE (Pan Canadian Network of Global Educators),
2007-08 Member, Program Planning Committee, 13th Annual International Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, BC, October 2008.
2003 Secretary, Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN) Inaugural Annual Meeting
2002-03 Nominating Committee, Citizenship Education Research Network
2002-03 Constitution Review Committee, Citizenship Education Research Network
1998-05 Founding Member, National Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN) of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education
1996-98 Member, Education Committee for BC, Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis (RIIM)
1990-91 Board of Directors, Canadian Law & Society Association, Learned Societies
1986-89 Co-Director, Local Planning & Publicity Committee, First International Social Studies Conference on the Pacific Rim

Service to the professional educational community and public

2017-18 Member, International Planning Committee, American Bar Association Bi-Annual Youth Justice Education Conference on the theme of Freedom of Speech, to be held in Chicago, September 2018.
2010-18 Member, (www.clicklaw.bc.ca), an online legal portal on law-related services and resources in British Columbia.
2010-18 Education Advisor, Whytecliff Agile Learning Centre (Burnaby and Langley), school for vulnerable youth, ages 13 to 18.
2015 PLEI Connect: Webinar sessions on law for Canadians.
2015 Content & Curriculum Advisor, BRIM Anti-Bullying Software
2015 Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Safe School Network Project: Safe School LGBTQ Student Think Tank involving students from across Canada
2013 Adjudication Committee, 2013 Isidore Starr Award for Excellence in Law-related Education, American Bar Association, Public Education Division
2013-14 Educational Consultant, WHYS Learning Inc. Online materials for children on bullying / cyberbullying
2011 Advisor on Cyberbullying, MobSafety technology and software.
2008-09 Member, Committee to establish School of the Heart in Vancouver, sponsored by the Dalai Lama Centre and several school districts
2008 Advisor, Vancouver School Board, Development of Policy Manual on Cyber-bullying, called Responding to Cyberbullying: A Guide for School Communities
2006 Coordinator, Multi-agency Human Rights Research and Education Provincial Symposium, Vancouver
2006 Consultant, Haida Gwaii, School District #50 and Haida Education Department, Queen Charlotte Secondary, Taay.yaan.nuhl Program for Aboriginal Students
2005 Member, Inter-Agency Committee to develop an International Centre for Peace in Vancouver
2005 Member, Planning Committee, Peace Education Conference 2005: Weaving a Tapestry of Peace
2004-5 Advisor, Ecole Pauline Johnson, Hansel and Gretel and Alice in Wonderland Mock Trials, Vancouver Law Courts
2004 Member, Research Committee, Public Legal Education and Information Provincial Working Group
2004 Contributor, Public Legal Education & Information Resource Catalogue; Awarded Crystal Award of Excellence
2003-11 Member, Research and Professional Development Committee, Public Legal Education Association of Canada
2003-11 Member, Law-related Education Committee, Public Legal Education Association of Canada
2003-08 Steering Committee, Provincial Inter-Agency Working Group, Public Legal Education and Information Network of B.C.
2003 Advisor, Kids Voting Canada
2003 Informal Advisor, Minister of Women and Aboriginal Affairs, Citizen's Forum
2002 Member, Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan, Youth Justice Renewal Initiative Lawyers' Project
2002 Advisor, Public Legal Education and Information Research Study, Ministry of the Attorney General
2001 Member, Focus Group, Social Responsibility Performance Standards, B. C. Ministry of Education
2000-01 Member, International Planning Committee, American Bar Association Bi-Annual LRE Conference, Law Matters: Engaging Youth to Learn, Serve and Lead, Atlanta, Georgia
2000 Co-Chair, Planning Committee, Public Forum on Courts and Public Opinion, held at CBC Radio and broadcast across Canada (host Michael Enright)
1999-05 Chair, Whytecliff Education Centre Advisory Committee
1999-01 Advisor, B.C. Civil Liberties Citizenship Education Project
1999-00 Member, Board of Directors, Hollyburn Out-of-School Care Society
1999 Co-Chair, Planning Committee, Public Forum on Refugees and the Law
1999 Advisor, Global Education Focus, Vancouver Children's Festival
1999 Judge, Social Studies Fair, Burnaby North Secondary School
1998-02 Chair, B.C. Law-Related Educators Consortium
1998 Contributor, Education and Life: Transitions Report for Manitoba, Third National Forum on Education
1998 Member, Interdisciplinary committee to develop a Resiliency Program for Banting School, Coquitlam
1997 Participant, B.C. Teachers' Federation Social Responsibility and Citizenship Education Think Tank
1996-00 Member, Educational Planning Committee for Supreme Court of British Columbia Open House / Public Forum
1996-02 Reviewer, Law Foundation of BC Education Grant Applications
1996-97 Co-Chair, Education Committee, Canadian National Youth Justice Education Partnership, Department of Justice Canada
1995-97 Co-Director, Contract Team and Teacher Working Teams, Social Studies Provincial Learning Assessment
1995-97 Member, Research and Evaluation Committee for Youth Justice, Department of Justice, Ottawa
1994-01 Member, Canadian National Youth Justice Education Partnership, Department of Justice Canada
1994-97 Co-Chair, Youth at Risk Committee, National Youth Justice Education Partnership, Department of Justice Canada
1994-95 Member, Department of Justice, B.C./Yukon Youth Justice Planning Committee and Conference Study Circle
1994-95 Consultant, National Study on Legal Education Programs for Children and Youth, Department of Justice
1990-91 Consultant, Law and Literature Project, University of Alberta Legal Studies Program
1990 Educational Consultant, International Development and Research Council of Canada, Committee on Global Education, Costa Rica and Canada
1989-92 Adjudicator, B.C. Branch of the Canadian Bar Media Award for Legal Journalism
1988-89 Coordinator, Provincial Global Education Summer Institute
1988-89 Educational Consultant, Law Videotape Series, TV Ontario
1987-91 Member, Advisory Committee, Law 12 Curriculum Revision, Ministry of Education
1987-88 Program Chair & Member, National Steering Committee, Canadian National Law-Related Education Conference Planning Committee
1986-91 Member, Legal Services Society Committee on Law in Social Studies
1986-87 Co-Chair, Provincial Social Studies Summer Institute Planning Committee
1986-87 Consultant, Law in Social Studies Curricula, Legal Services Society of B.C.
1986 Consultant, Law Workshop Series for Secondary Teachers, Legal Services Society of B.C.
1984-86 Member, Law 11 Curriculum Revision Committee, B.C. Ministry of Education
1984-85 Member, Social Studies Curriculum Revision Committee, B.C. Ministry of Education
1984-85 Member, The Honourable Garde Gardom (Attorney-General) and the B.C. Branch of the Canadian Bar Committee on Social Studies Curriculum Revision
1983-84 Member, B.C. Law Foundation Committee on Course Development for Law in Schools
1981 Consultant, Legal Education Needs for Youth in Canada, Canadian Law Information Council and Department of Justice
1980-83 Writer, Social Studies Textbook series, Canada Publishing
1980-82 Executive Member, Social Studies Provincial Council
1977-81 Coordinator, Law Emphasis, Social Studies Revision Committee, Ministry of Education
1978-79 Member, Justice D. Fulton's Law Courts Education Planning Committee
1977 Executive Member, B.C. Teachers of World Religions
1975-77 Founding & Executive Member, Surrey Social Studies Teachers' Association