

Selected Conference Presentations (Since 2000)

Cassidy, W. (2020, July). Cyberbullying at university: Impacts on students and faculty. International Congress on Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic. Paper. [Postponed to July 2021 due to pandemic].

Cassidy, W. (2020, January). Pushing a boulder uphill: Teachers implementing human rights education.  Hawaii International Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. Paper. [Declined due to pandemic].

Cassidy, W., Langos, C, Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (2019, June). Cyberbullying in post-secondary institutions and the role of policy. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Vancouver, University of British Columbia.

Cassidy, W. (2019, May). Researching equity: Worthy goals, pervading challenges. Learning Together Conference. 間眅埶AV. Burnaby, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2019, February). Cyberbullying in our schools & universities: Extent, impact, and solutions. 間眅埶AV Presidents Faculty Lecture, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby, BC.

Cassidy, W. (September, 2018). Cyberbullying, female professors, and precarity: Can care ethics impact university culture? Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) First Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon.

Cassidy, W., & Langos, C. (September, 2018). Freedom of expression in the digital world. National Law-related Education Conference, American Bar Association. Chicago.

Sensoy, , Beck, K., Cassidy, W., Chinnery, A., Han, H., Jordan, S., Lee, E., Marshall, E., ONeill, S., Smythe, S., Vanderwey, D. (June, 2018). One step forward, two steps back: Professors struggle for equity in the academy. Critical Ethnic Studies Association annual conference. UBC Vancouver.

Cassidy, W. (July, 2018). Childrens perceptions and knowledge of human rights. International Conference on A Childs WorldNew Shoes, New Directions. Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Cassidy, W. (March, 2018). Campus-life in Intersection with Cyber-life: A Collective Story Harvest. Plenary panel presentation at University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning conference, Vancouver, BC.

Cassidy, W. (2018, February). #Cyberbullying: Understanding its connection to race and gender. YWCA Youth Advisory Council Public Forum for Pink Shirt Day, Hootsuite HQ, Vancouver, BC.

Cassidy, W., Van Der Putten, S., Shergill, S., & Waterhouse, T. (November, 2017). Our social responsibility to our youth. Plenary panel presentation at Surrey Social Innovation Summit 2017. Surrey, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2016, July). Cyberbullying: from school to university. Invited symposium: Advances in understanding and preventing bullying/Ijime in schools and amongst young people. International Congress on Psychology, Yokohama, Japan

Sensoy, O., Beck, K., & Cassidy, W. (2016, March). Presentation: Educating for human rights: Limited knowledge, inadequate action. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, W., Sharpe, & N., Blizard, N. (2015, May). Symposium. Addressing cyberbullying in the campus community: Creating a safe and kind cyber-space for universities. Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) Annual Conference. 

Cassidy, W. (2015, October). Reflecting on a legacy of teaching and learning about the law--Isidore Starr: Leading a Revolution in Civics. National Law-Related Education Conference, American Bar Association. Philadelphia, PA.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, W., Sharpe, N., Blizard, N. (2015, May). Addressing cyberbullying in the campus community: Creating a safe and kind cyber-space for universities. Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Cassidy, W. (2014, April). The dark side of the ivory tower:  Cyberbullying of students and faculty at Canadian universities. Department of Psychology, University of London (Goldsmiths), London, UK.

Cassidy, W. (2014, April). Its always been about the land: Discourse and denial of whiteness as property. Panel Respondent, Dr. Carol Schick Symposium on Representation, Equity and Education. Vancouver, BC.

Cassidy, W. (2014, March). The dark side of the ivory tower: Cyberbullying of university faculty and teaching personnel. Symposium on Cyberbullying at Canadian Universities: Linking Research, Practice and Policy, Vancouver.

Cassidy, W. (2013, October). Bringing research back into public legal education. National PLEAC (Public Legal Education Association of Canada) Annual Conference, Board of Directors Meeting. Vancouver, BC.

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M., & Brown, K. (2012, January). You are awesome: Never stop being you!: Cyber-bullying vs. cyber-civility in the online world. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M., & Brown, K. (2012, January). Cyber-bullying incidents at universities: A discussion on policy development. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.

Osler, A., Parker, W., et al. Cassidy, W. (2012, April). Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship in Education in International Contexts. Discussant at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Beck, K., Bai, H., McDowell, K., Whitley, C. (2012, April). Ethics of Care: Theory into Practice, Challenges and Rewards. Symposium chair and presenter at the Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2012, June). Cyber-bullying research in Canada. International Conference on Cyberbullying: COST Network. Sorbonne, Paris. [Unable to attend due to medical leave; replaced by Dr. Chantal Faucher].

Smith, P., et al Cassidy, W. (2012, July). A transnational review of guidelines for cyberbullying prevention, processes, changes and findings. Discussant at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial Meeting. Edmonton, AB. [Unable to attend due to medical leave].

Cassidy, W., Brown, K. (2011, September). Under the radar: The problems of online incivility and inaction in schools. 16th International Values and Ethics in Leadership Conference, Victoria, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Brown, K., Jackson, M. (2011, July). Cyber-bullying and cyber-civility, (public lecture), Summer Institute on Action for a Just Society, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2011, May). Educational response to film The Lesson Plan, DOXA Film Festival, Pacific Cinemateque, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2011, March). Redirecting students from cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness and cyber-civility. American Bar Association conference on Civility and Free Expression in a Constitutional Democracy, Chicago, IL.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2011, March). Civility and free expression in cyberspace. American Bar Association conference on Civility and Free Expression in a Constitutional Democracy, Chicago, IL.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2010, November). The Internet and the moral. Association of Moral Education Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.

Brown, K. & Cassidy, W. (2010, November). Removing the dark side of lawyer(ing.). Association of Moral Education Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2010, September). Moral leadership for a kinder online world. 15th Annual International Values and Leadership Conference, Umea, Sweden.

Cassidy, W. (2010, September). Collaborative leadership: Engaging Aboriginal learners with complex challenges. 15th Annual International Values and Leadership Conference, Umea, Sweden.

Jackson, M., Brown, K. & Cassidy, W. (2010, January). From middle school to university: Does cyber-bullying make the leap? Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Cassidy, W., Brown, K. & Jackson, M. (2010, January). Redirecting students from cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2009, November). Cyberbullying, identity and justice. Conference on Civic Engagement: Changing your Neighbourhood, Changing the World. 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Beck, K. & Bai, H. (2008, June). The ethics of care: A relational approach to building community in schools. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Vancouver, B.C.

Jackson, M., Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2008, March). Cyberbullyng as relational aggression: An appropriate fit? AERA, New York, NY.

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M. & Brown, K. (2008, March). Cyberbullying: student voices informing educational policy development. AERA, New York, NY.

Cassidy, W. & Brown, K. (2008, February). Cyber-bullying: What Vancouver students and teachers are telling us. Vancouver School District Technology Conference, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & Jackson, M. (2007, January). Cyber-bullying: Is cyber-kindness the answer? West Vancouver School District Professional Day, West Vancouver, B.C.

Brown, K. & Cassidy, W. (2007, October). Girls and Relational Aggression in Cyber-space. 12th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, State College, Pennsylvania, PA.

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M., Brown, K. & Shariff, S. (2007, April). Cyber-bullying: Documenting the perspectives of students, teachers and principals. Canadian Association for the Study of Practical Law in Education (CAPSLE). Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M., & Brown, K. (2006, October). Developing effective policies and practices to counter cyber-bullying. 11th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & Marsden, D. (2006, October). Ethical leadership as a different way of being: Educators and aboriginal students. 11th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2006, April). Zero tolerance policies and labelling students as severe behaviour: Is this equitable, legal and just? AERA (American Education Research Association) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Shariff, S., Cassidy, W., Jackson, M. (2006, May). Investigating cyber-bullying from a legal perspective. CAPSLE (Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law and Education) Annual Conference, Montreal, PQ.

Cassidy, W. (2006, October). Creating a culture of peace: Continuing the conversation. Plenary panel presentation, Provincial Peace Education Conference, BC Teachers Federation and the Peace and Global Education PSA, Port Moody, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2006, February). The ethic of care: changing lives, changing schools. Plenary panel address, Maple Ridge Teachers Association Annual Conference, Maple Ridge, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2006, January). Zero tolerance policies in school: Illegal, inequitable and unjust? 25th American Bar Association National Conference on Youth Education for Citizenship, Phoenix, AZ.

Cassidy, W. (2006, January). Troubled and troublesome youth: Providing hope through a life-changing revolutionary program. 25th American Bar Association National Conference on Youth Education for Citizenship, Phoenix, AZ.

Cassidy, W. & Jackson, M. (2005, October). Zero tolerance policies in school: Equitable or discriminatory? 10th Annual Values and Leadership in Education Conference, State College, PA.

Cassidy, W. & Subroto, D. (2005, February). A school of hope: Reclaiming the lives of drop-outs and push-outs. National Inner City Conference, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2005, October). The role of law and the rule of law. Forum panelist, 間眅埶AV Public Forum, entitled, Illegal Strike or Civil Disobedience. Burnaby, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & Pitsula, P. (2005, June). Forging a new pathway: Learning from experience and research to shape practice in public legal education efforts in Canada. Plenary address, Access to Justice: Sharing Our Stories, National Conference of the Public Legal Education Association of Canada, Saskatoon, SK.

Cassidy, W. & McAllister, H. (2004, October). Transforming schools through the ethics of care. 9th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Christ Church, Barbados.

Cassidy, W., Beck, K., McAllister, H. & Whitley, C. (2004, July). Imagine if we cared: Influencing learning environments with the ethics of care. 2nd International Conference on Imagination and Education, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & Bates, A. (2004, July). Imagining positive futures: The role of caring and imagination in re-directing the lives of troubled youth. 2nd International Conference on Imagination and Education, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Beck, K., McAllister, H. McDowell, K. & Whitley, C. (2004, May). Building knowledge about care: Experiences of teachers and administrators from diverse classrooms. Citizenship Education Research Network, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Winnipeg, MB.

Cassidy, W. (2004, October). Vision and values-based learning communities. Plenary presentation. B.C. Deans of Education Conference on Learning Communities:  Promises and Perils, Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W., Mann, P. & Oborne, D. (2003, May). Restorative justice and the ethic of care: Moving towards a transformative model of education. Citizenship Education Research Network, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.

Cassidy, W. & Slater, A. (2003, May). Building communities of care in school: Perspectives of key stakeholders. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.

Bai, H. & Cassidy, W. (2002, April). The moral challenges of our time and putting the ethic of care to work. Ecole Pauline Johnson, Parent Advisory Committee, West Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2001, February). Compassion and social justice: Necessary symbiosis. Interchange on Canadian Studies, National Student Conference, Victoria, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2001, February). The power of compassion: Making the ethic of care central to schools. North Vancouver School District Professional Day, North Vancouver, B.C.

Cassidy, W. & LaRocque, L. (2001, February). From conflict to caring. Ecole Pauline Johnson Professional Day, West Vancouver, B.C. (February 2001).

Cassidy, W. (2001, May). Bigotry: The hidden and the overt: Students attitudes towards immigrants and First Nations people. Canadian Society for the Study of Education.

Cassidy, W., Chorak, E., Kover, A., LaRocque, L., Shariff, S. & Whitley, C. (2000, June). Doing democracy: An international perspective. Symposium. International Conference on Citizenship and Democracy, Calgary, AB.

Cassidy, W., Pereira, C. & Surtees, D. (2000, June). Revitalizing law-related education: Radical changes for the new century. International Conference on Citizenship and Democracy, Calgary, AB.

Cassidy, W. (2000, May). From altruism to genocide: Students attitudes towards refugees. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Edmonton, AB.

Cassidy, W. (2000, February). Teaching and social change.  Keynote address, British Columbia Teachers Federation B-Annual Quality Teaching Conference, Richmond, B.C.

Cassidy, W. (2000, February). High school students attitudes to refugees.  Provincial Student Conference, Vancouver, B.C.

