
Books and Chapters


Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (Eds.) (2019). Cyberbullying at university in international contexts. Oxford: Routledge.

Cassidy, W. & Yates, R. (2005). Once upon a crime: Using stories, simulations, and mock trials to explore justice and citizenship in elementary school. Edmonton: Brush Education Inc.

Cassidy, W. & Yates, R. (Eds.) (1998). Lets talk about law in elementary school. Edmonton: Brush Education Inc.

Cassidy, W., Manley-Casimir, M., Yates, R., & Pitsula, P. (1991). A case for Canada: Confederation to the Charter, Volume I: Rights and Freedoms. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman.

Cassidy, W., Manley-Casimir, M., Yates, R., & Pitsula, P. (1991). A case for Canada: Confederation to the Charter, Volume II: Minority Rights. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman.

Cassidy, W., Manley-Casimir, M., Yates, R., & Pitsula, P. (1991). A case for Canada: Confederation to the Charter, Volume III: Social Justice. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman.

Book Chapters:

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., & Jackson, M. (forthcoming). Bullying among college and university students. In P. K. Smith & J. OHiggins Norman (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Bullying, Volume II. (Chap. 37). Jersey City, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Cassidy, W. (2020). Issues facing the field: Cyberbullying in Canadian classrooms. In. R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.), Learning to inquire into history, geography, and social studies: An anthology for secondary teachers. (pp. 23-28). Vancouver, BC: The Critical Thinking Consortium.

Beck, K., & Cassidy, W. (2019). Teaching in difficult times: Compassion and the promise of care ethics. In A. Jule (Ed.), The compassionate educator (pp. 31-50). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. [equal co-authors]

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., & Jackson, M. (2019). What parents can do to prevent cyberbullying: Students and educators perspectives. In R. Navarro Olivas (Ed.), Family, bullying and cyberbullying (pp. 125-136). Print edition of Social Sciences special issue. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (2019). Preface and Introduction. In W. Cassidy, C. Faucher, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Cyberbullying at university in international contexts (pp. 1-6). Oxford: Routledge.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (2019). You need a thick skin色: Impacts of cyberbullying at Canadian universities. In W. Cassidy, C. Faucher, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Cyberbullying at university in international contexts (pp. 112-125). Oxford: Routledge.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (2019). Reflections and conclusions. In W. Cassidy, C. Faucher, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Cyberbullying at university in international contexts (pp. 218-224). Oxford: Routledge.

Faucher, C., Cassidy, W., & Jackson, M. (2019). Power in the tower: the gendered nature of cyberbullying among students and faculty at Canadian universities. In W. Cassidy, C. Faucher, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Cyberbullying at university in international contexts (pp. 66-79). Oxford: Routledge.

Jackson, M., Faucher, C., & Cassidy, W. (2019). Whats policy got to do with it? The focus on cyberbullying policy at the university level. In W. Cassidy, C. Faucher, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Cyberbullying at university in international contexts (pp. 198-211). Oxford: Routledge.

Cassidy, W., Faucher, C., Jackson, M. (2018). Looking below the surface: A Canadian perspective on cyberbullying in schools and universities. In P.K. Smith, S. Sundaram, B. Spears, C. Blaya, M. Schafer, D., Sandhu (Eds.) Bullying, cyberbullying and student well-being in schools: Comparing Western, Australian and Indian perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Cassidy, W., & Ferguson, M. (2016). Cultivating legally aware and empowered citizens. In R. Case & P. Clark, The anthology of social studies: Issues and strategies for elementary teachers, updated edition (pp. 264-276). Vancouver, BC: The Critical Thinking Consortium. [Updated chapter from 2013]

Cassidy, W., & Ferguson, M. (2016). Law-related education for citizenship and for life. In R. Case & P. Clark, The anthology of social studies: Issues and strategies for secondary teachers, updated edition (pp. 198-209). Vancouver, BC: The Critical Thinking Consortium. [Updated chapter from 2008]

Cassidy, W., Jackson, M., Faucher, C. (2015). Gender differences and cyberbullying towards faculty members in higher education. In R. Navarro, S. Yubero, E. Larranaga (Eds.) Cyberbullying across the globe: Gender, family, and mental health. (pp. 79-98). Basel, Switzerland: Springer.

Cassidy, W., Brown, K., & Jackson, M (2013). Moving from cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness: What do students, educators and parents say? In J. Bishop (Ed.), Examining the concepts, issues & implications of Internet trolling (pp. 62-83). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Press. [Chapter from 2011 re-published into new book with new editor]

Cassidy, W., & Ferguson, M. (2013). Cultivating legally aware and empowered citizens. In R. Case & P. Clark, The anthology of social studies: Issues and strategies for elementary teachers, updated edition (pp. 264-276). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press. [Updated chapter from 2008]

Cassidy, W., Brown, K., & Jackson, M (2011). Moving from cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness:  What do students, educators and parents say? In E. Dunkels, G-M. Franberg & C. Hallgreen (Eds.), Youth culture and net culture: Online social practices (pp. 256-277). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference

Brown, K., Jackson, M. & Cassidy, W. (2009).  Cyber-bullying: Developing policy to direct responses that are equitable and effective in addressing this special form of bullying. In G. Chandana (Ed.), Cyber Bullying A Menace (pp. 20-47). Hyderabad, India: The Icfai University Press. [Chapter adapted from article published in Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Issue 57, 2006].

Beck, K. & Cassidy, W. (2009). Embedding the ethic of care in school policies and practices. In K. te Riele (Ed.), Making schools different: Alternative approaches to educating young people (pp. 50-64). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Cassidy, W. & Chinnery, A. (2009). Learning from indigenous education. In K. te Riele (Ed.), Making schools different: Alternative approaches to educating young people (pp. 135-143). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Cassidy, W., & Ferguson, M. (2008). Cultivating legally aware and empowered citizens. In R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.), The anthology of social studies: Issues and strategies for elementary teachers, Vol. I (pp. 176-187). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Cassidy, W., & Ferguson, M. (2008). Law-related education for citizenship and for life. In R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.), The anthology of social studies: Issues and strategies for secondary teachers, Vol. II (pp. 198-209). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Cassidy, W. (2004).  Law and social studies:  Preparing students for citizenship.  In A. Sears & I. Wright (Eds.), Challenges and prospects in Canadian social studies (pp. 126-137). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Cassidy, W. (2000).  Law-related education:  Promoting awareness, participation and action. In T. Goldstein & D. Selby (Eds.), Weaving connections:  Educating for peace, social and environmental justice (pp. 297-322). Toronto: Sumach Press.

Cassidy, W. (1998).  Introduction:  Filling the gap.  In W. Cassidy & R. Yates (Eds.), Lets talk about law in elementary school (pp. vii-xvi). Edmonton: Brush Education Inc.

Cassidy, W. (1998).  Why teach law in the elementary classroom?  In W. Cassidy & R. Yates (Eds.), Lets talk about law in elementary school (pp. 19-30). Edmonton: Brush Education Inc.

Manley-Casimir, M., Cassidy, W., & de Castell, S. (1990).  Legal literacy: Towards a working definition. In J. Coombs, S. Parkinson, & R. Case (Eds.), Ends in view:  An analysis of the goals of law related education (pp. 13-18). Vancouver: University of British Columbia.

Manley-Casimir, M., Cassidy, W., & de Castell, S. (1989).  The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and legal literacy. In K. McLeod (Ed.), Canada and citizenship education (pp. 83-99). Toronto: Canadian Education Association.
