

Selected Research and Development Projects

Total Funds Received (to 2020): $4,623,900.00

  • 2019-2021
    Islam and Muslisms: An Educator Resource Portal
    zlem Sensoy, Principal Investigator
    The Law Foundation of B.C. 
  • 2017-2018
    Cyberbullying at University: A Cross-Jurisdictional, Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
    University Publications Fund, 間眅埶AV
  • 2017
    Rich qualitative assessment of the Whytecliff Learning Centres therapeutic, whole-School approach to early intervention

    Mitacs Elevate Grant for Post Doc Scholars, with Community Partner, Focus Foundation of BC
  • 1988-2020
    Endowment, Centre for Education, Law and Society (CELS), 間眅埶AV

    間眅埶AV Development Office (Bridge to the Future Fund); B.C. Law Foundation, The Real Estate Foundation of B.C., The Notary Foundation of B.C., the provincial government, the Simons Foundation, law firms and private donors
  • 2017
    Legal capabilities framework for curriculum development K-12
    Justice Education Society
  • 2016
    Mock trials, dramatizations and restorative justice curriculum project
    Public Legal Education Society of British Columbia 
  • 2016
    Invited Symposium, International Congress on Psychology, Japan

    間眅埶AV Conference Travel Grant 
  • 2014-2015
    Creating a more respectful and caring university culture: Countering bullying and cyberbullying behaviour
    Safety and Risk Services, 間眅埶AV
  • 2014-2015
    Dr. Isidore Starr: Leading a Revolution in Civics (documentary film)
    23 contributions from individuals and non-profits agencies in Canada and the USA
  • 20112015
    Cyber-bullying at university: Students and faculty members experiences and solutions

    SSHRC (Standard Research Grant)
  • 20112013
    Formative Research on New M.Ed. Program in Justice, Law and Ethics
    Community Graduate Programs, Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV
  • 20112012
    Cyber-bullying in Schools: Problems and Solutions

    Centre for Education, Law and Society and Anonymous School
  • 20082012
    Legal literacy for youth: An integrated, holistic project for BC schools
    Law Foundation of British Columbia (Research and program development)
  • 20072008
    Changing the life trajectory of gang-involved Aboriginal youth who have complex needs and co-occurring problems
    Program development and research grant
  • 20062007
    From cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness: What students, educators and parents are saying

    Faculty of Education, Special Grant for Research Centres
  • 20052008
    Cyber-bullying: Are schools obliged to prevent bullying in a virtual school environment?
    SSHRC (Standard research grant)
  • 20042006
    A qualitative study of the lives of students and staff in a holistic educational program with individualized Aboriginal focus
    Department of Justice, Youth Justice Renewal Fund (Curriculum and research grant)
  • 20042005
    Global education: Infusing practice with global perspectives
    Canadian International Development Agency (Curriculum and research grant)
  • 20022007
    Enacting the ethic of care: Theory and practice
    SSHRC (Standard research grant)
  • 20022004
    Pedagogical models for inclusion and equity in diverse school communities
    Education Domain
  • 20012002
    The ethic of care: a case study of beliefes, policies, and practices at a school for high need youth
    間眅埶AV Presidents Research Grant
  • 20002001
    Caring and compassion as important citizenship attributes:  B. C. students perceptions of refugees
    RIIM Metropolis Project (Education Domain)
  • 20002001
    School programs, policies, and practices: a case study of social responsibility in one elementary school
    SSHRC Small Grant
  • 19952000
    Lawconnection. Website for teachers on law-related education.
    Principal Developer and Supervisory Editor
    Multiple Funders
  • 19942001
    Whytecliff Education Centre: School for court-referred/ high need youth
    Principal Developer, Consultant and Researcher
    Focus Foundation of BC
  • 19951997
    B.C. Provincial learning assessment for social studies
    BC Ministry of Education
  • 19882014
    Centre for Education, Law and Society, 間眅埶AV
    Director, Principal Investigator
    The Law Foundation of BC, The Real Estate Foundation of BC, The Notary Foundation of BC, The Simons Foundations, local law firms and private donors. Plus Bridge to the Future 間眅埶AV. Contributions to endowment.