
Book Chapters


Moura, C. B. (2023) Acting in the cracks of curricular normativity through the History of Science in Science Education. In: A. Galamba; H. Gandolfi (Eds.) Critical Pedagogies in STEM Education: Ideas and experiences from Brazil and the UK. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia / Kings College London & British Council. 



Moura, C. B., Guerra, A. (2022) Rethinking historical approaches for Science Education in the Anthropocene. In: M. F. G. Wallace, J. Bazzul; M. Higgins; S. Tolbert (Eds.) Rethinking Science Education in the Anthropocene (pp. 215-228). NY: Palgrave MacMillan. 



Moura, C. B. Preface [in Portuguese]. Franco, L. G. (Org.) Ci礙ncia em contexto: propostas para construir espa癟os-tempos de ci礙ncia na escola. S瓊o Paulo: Editora na Raiz.  *

Guarnieri, P. V., Stanzani, E. L. & Moura, C. B. (2021). History and Philosophy of Science and Chemistry Teaching: looking at the past and proposing directions for the future [in Portuguese]. In: J. E. Sim繭es Neto & J. R. R. T. Silva (Orgs.) Ensino de Qu穩mica: Novos olhares de uma nova gera癟瓊o (pp. 303-328). S瓊o Paulo: Livraria da F穩sica. *

Silva, J. R. R. T. & Moura, C. B. (2021) Alchemy. In: V. P. Glaveanu (Ed.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. NY: Palgrave MacMillan. 



Moura, C. B.; Jager, I. & Guerra, A. (2020). Teaching about sciences in/for the Global South: a case study in a Brazilian classroom. In: H. Yacoubian; L. Hansson (Eds.) Nature of Science for Social Justice (pp. 137-155). Chamonix: Springer. 

Camel, T. & Moura, C. B. (2020). Controversies about the study of Chemical Reactions in 18th century [in Portuguese]. In: R. L. Coelho; C. Faria; B. Valente; P. Maur穩cio (Orgs.). History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching Proceedings Lisboa 2019 (pp. 197-211). Dur禱n: Shaker Verlag. 

Moura, C. B. & Camel, T. (2020). A historical episode on planetary Atomic Models: Ernest Rutherford and Hantaro Nagaoka [in Portuguese]. In: R. L. Coelho; C. Faria; B. Valente; P. Maur穩cio (Orgs.). History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching Proceedings. Lisboa 2019 (pp. 212-228). Dur禱n: Shaker Verlag. 



Moura, C. B.; Monteiro, B. A. P.; Bernardo, R. A. & Rossi, M. A. S. L. (2017). Chemistry of Inorganic Functions and Mining Activities Conflicts: History, labour and Environment [in Portuguese]. In: R. D. V. L. Oliveira; G. R. P. C. Queiroz. (Orgs). Conte繳dos Cordiais: Qu穩mica humanizada para uma Escola sem Morda癟a (p.27-38)S瓊o Paulo: Livraria da F穩sica.



Moura, C. B.; Guerra, A. (2016). Science and its authors: an appraisal throughout history [in Portuguese]. In: Roberto D. V. L. Oliveira; Gloria R. P. C. Queiroz. (Orgs.). Tecendo di獺logos sobre direitos humanos na Educa癟瓊o em Ci礙ncias (pp. 261-285). S瓊o Paulo: Livraria da F穩sica.



Moura, C. B., Mello, A. D., Oliveira, F. F., & Guerra, A. (2015). Nuclear Energy: interdisciplinary didactic sequence with an historical-philosophical emphasys [in Portuguese] In: A. P. B. Silva; A. Guerra. (Orgs.). Hist籀ria da Ci礙ncia e Ensino: Fontes Prim獺rias e Propostas para Sala de Aula (p.241-252). S瓊o Paulo: Livraria da F穩sica. *


*All chapters were peer-reviewed unless indicated by an asterisk (*).
